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Mike Oppenheimer
Let Us Reason Ministries This article is a response to an email we received from Ted Haggard on April 7, 2003. Haggard was responding to our Open Letter To The NAE. Keep in mind that Ted Haggard did not want us to use the word "official response" but graciously gave us permission to use his comments. The reason we asked if his email to us was an official response to our open letter was because we wanted to find out if he stood behind what he claimed in his emails to us. We did this so that we would be able to give a thoughtful response and not expect him to take some other position after the fact. This letter is not meant to be disrespectful. Our intent is to be honest in our position and response. The following is the section of Haggard's email where he gave us permission to use his response. Read more ...
Rowan Celebrates 'Secret' Gay Communion Service
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- Category: Ecumenism
Shared Communion: Brother Roger's Death Spotlights Perennial Issue
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- Category: Ecumenism
VATICAN CITY (CNS) -- The death of Brother Roger Schutz prompted an outpouring of sympathy on the part of many Catholics and expressions of ecumenical appreciation from Vatican officials.
The Church That Banned the Bible
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- Category: Ecumenism
by Alan Franklin In March 1994 leading evangelicals and Roman Catholics signed a declaration called: "Evangelicals and Catholics together for the third millennium." This document says that Catholics and Protestants who have worked together in opposing abortion and pornography should "finally accept each other as Christians"¦ and stop proselytizing each other's flocks." Many people in the Church of England, Lutherans, Baptists and other major denominations are now convinced that Catholics are their fellow believers in the one true God.Read more ...
Moriel & Jacob Prasch strongly appreciate and endorse the public stand by Calvary Chapel Costa Mesa & Pastor Chuck Smith Sr. Regarding the 'Emergent Spirituality'.
Church Growth Hormone - A Biblically Banned Substance
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- Category: Emergent Church
Emergent Church Guru Brian McLaren to Celebrate Ramadan With His Emergent Church "Brothers and Sisters"
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- Category: Emergent Church
Emergent Church: Is The Bible Inerrant?
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- Category: Emergent Church
Jesus answered them, "Is it not written in your Law, " ˜I have said you are gods"? If he called them " ˜gods," to whom the word of God came" ”and the Scripture cannot be broken" ”what about the one whom the Father set apart as his very own and sent into the world? Why then do you accuse me of blasphemy because I said, " ˜I am God's Son"? Do not believe me unless I do what my Father does."
Please Pray! - Calvary Chapel May Set Precedence At This Week's Pastors Conference
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- Category: Emergent Church
Steve Chalke's Hypocrisy And Heresy Rise Up To New Heights On Resurrection Day
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- Category: Emergent Church
Will Your Heart Be Closed For Christmas?
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- Category: Emergent Church
"Battle of the Bulge"
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- Category: End Times
"Peace Palaces" Promise World Peace
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- Category: End Times
Olive Tree Ministries While parts of the world riot over cartoons and as the mad atomic ayatollahs of Iran are threatening to wipe some nations off the map, is it any wonder that the Bible says that in the latter days there would be a great longing for peace. "They have misled My people by saying, 'Peace!' when there is no peace . . . (Ezek. 13:10). Or, "We have waited for peace, but nothing came . . . (Jeremiah 14:19). The world is tired of saber-rattling, hot wars, cold wars, homicide bombers, airplanes flying into buildings, and more. They just want world peace. Read more ...
A Difficult Response to Paul Wilkinson
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- Category: End Times
A Difficult Response to Paul Wilkinson
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- Category: End Times
A Final Response to Phil Johnson's Defense of John MacArthur's False Teaching That Worshipers of the Anti Christ Taking the Mark of the Beast Can be Saved
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- Category: End Times
The issue here is hermeneutics. A text, out of context, in isolation from co-text is always a pre-text.
A Messianic Reaction from Israel to Harold Camping's Latest Fiasco
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- Category: End Times
A Perverse Process
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- Category: End Times
A Picture Paints 1000 Words
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- Category: End Times
America Suffers As Its Leadership Ignores Prophetic Warnings
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- Category: End Times
used courtesy of
William Koening 'Birds Eye View' President Bush, concerned about the record pace of rising oil prices and the cataclysmic impact they are having on the United States' economy, is dispatching Vice President Richard Cheney to Saudi Arabia to beg relief.Read more ...
American Street Preacher Arrested in Scotland for Anti-homosexual Statements - Fined 1,000 Pounds Sterling
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- Category: End Times
American Tsunami, Gaza, Oil Whore Politicians, and the Wrath of God
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- Category: End Times
Anti-Semitism Growing Rapidly in Tolerant Europe
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- Category: End Times
Antichrist's Strategy Exposed
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- Category: End Times Back in 1985, a book came out that examined so-called communications coming from UFOs called "In Advance of the Landing." The authors showed how the space brothers seemed to be getting the earth prepared to be open to receive them and were waiting until the moment was right before making their grand entrance to the world. As ludicrous as that sounds, there"s a parallel with the strategy of the spirit of antichrist who cannot make his debut until the timing is right, when the world has been fully prepped to accept him.Read more ...
Archbishop of Canterbury: Christians Must Repent for Homophobia
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- Category: End Times
Are we going mad...once again?
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- Category: End Times
I think that there's just so much that a normal person could put up with. We hear the sword rattling and ongoing rhetoric of the Iranians as they thrive to achieve nuclear power for "peaceful" purposes but under the same breath make no secrete of wiping Israel off the face of the earth. We hear the ongoing ranting of the Turkish government concerning their "peace" flotilla to help the poor besieged and suffering Gazans. Their "Love Boat" had terrorists from all the lands of the Middle East and were planning, in advance, a violent confrontation with the Israeli navy and, hoping, that someone gets killed so they can film it and send it to all the international press organizations. The only thing that was filmed was the beating of the Israeli unit as it boarded the ship. They were beaten and clubbed and still the Turkish govt. together with the rest of the Arab world and, unfortunately, many other nations, condemned the affair as "piracy, murder and a massacre". Well, it's good to see that the impartial United Nations has began an inquest into the affair.
As America Celebrates Christmas, Rev. Franklin Graham Says Secular 'War' Rages Against Christians
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- Category: End Times
Assaults on Faith and Family Part 3
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- Category: End Times
Australian Forest Fire Tragedy
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- Category: End Times
BBC uses Easter show about crucifixion to push gay agenda
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- Category: End Times
Biblical Theology and the Modern State of Israel
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- Category: End Times
Book Review: The Popular Handbook on the Rapture
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- Category: End Times
by James Jacob Prasch (Edited by Tim LaHaye, Thomas Ice & Ed Hindson)
(Published by Harvest House) "Experts Speak Out on End Times Prophecy" This book contains a series of chapter articles by a compendium of authors, including the general editors Tim LaHaye, Thomas Ice and Ed Hindson, as well as chapters contributed by Paul Wilkinson, Arnold Fruchtenbaum, David Reagan, Wayne Brindle, Michael Vlach, Wayne House, Grant Jeffrey and Robert Dean. I count the general editors among my personal friends and conference colleagues as I would various of the contributing authors. I certainly appreciate the impact Tim LaHaye has had in propounding belief in the Rapture in a popular season where Rapture belief and eschatology generally has greatly declined. I likewise consider the refutation of Dominion Theology by Thomas Ice and Wayne House to be the finest single work ever authored in opposition to that false school of doctrine. I am furthermore unable to express the depth of my appreciation for the longstanding work of my friend Arnold Fruchtenbaum, who personifies the theologically sane axis of the modern Messianic Movement that has been so plagued by lunacy. Residing in Great Britain, I can testify that the work of Paul Wilkinson in confronting so-called "Christian Anti-Zionism" and "Christian Palestinianism" to be absolutely invaluable.Read more ...
Canadian Supreme Court Rules Biblical Speech Opposing Homosexual Behavior is a €˜"Hate Crime€"™
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- Category: End Times
Church of England gives up fight against gay marriage
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- Category: End Times
Religious Affairs Editor
6:51PM BST 05 Jun 2013 The Church of England has effectively accepted defeat over gay marriage signalling that it will no longer fight against a change in the law.Read more ...
Church of England Gives up Fight Over Marriage
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- Category: End Times
Clarification of our View of Pre-Tribulation
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- Category: End Times
College Thought Police Enforce Global Values
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- Category: End Times
December 7, 2009 "The way to redefine a word is to get the new definition repeated as often as possible.... This, so far as words are concerned, is the public opinion battle for belief in your definitions, and not those of the opposition. A consistent, repeated effort is the key to any success with this technique of propaganda." (L. Ron Hubbard, founder of Scientology) :"(L. Ron Hubbard, founder of the Church of Scientology,": Read more ...
Comment on Discernment vs. Apologetics
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- Category: End Times
Correction and Apologetic Regrets
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- Category: End Times
Discernment Ministries vs. Apologetics Ministries: Is There A Difference?
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- Category: End Times
Final Preparations to Receive the New Age Christ
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- Category: End Times
Follow-Up Word by David Wilkerson
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- Category: End Times
Four Blood Moons are Coming
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- Category: End Times
by Mike Oppenheimer We have been hearing from a number of people on four Blood (red) Moons for 2014, making it is a unique and significant event. We are told the first of these four Blood Moons is to occur on Passover (Pesach) 2014 and through October (Sukkot) 2015. We are reminded by those pointing this out of Jesus saying there would be signs in the sky, specifically that the sun would be darkened and the moon would turn blood red.Read more ...
From Freedom to Servitude - Part 3
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- Category: End Times
God Will Not Be Mocked and His Word Will Come to Pass
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- Category: End Times
Okay I am going to say it straight out, Gen. 12:3 is very plain and it is time to look at what is happening in a very real and spiritual way.
God's Hand for a Modern Israel
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- Category: End Times
HARPAZO: The Intra-Seal Rapture of the Church is Now Available!
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- Category: End Times
How It Could Happen
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- Category: End Times
26.10.07 at 5:10 pm This one defies belief. The Jerusalem Post reports on the former Grand Mufti of Jerusalem"s denial that there was ever a Jewish temple on the Temple Mount. The whole thing is a total invention, he claims, and the Western Wall was originally part of an ancient mosque. Thus, Jews have no history on the Temple Mount and have no right even to pray there. That a senior Muslim cleric can so blatantly ignore the archaeological data, as well as the many historical documents attesting to the Jewish temple, is incredible. His dismissal of literally tonnes of archaeological evidence would make even a biblical archaeology minimalist break out in a cold sweat.Read more ...
How the Mighty Have Fallen
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- Category: End Times
by James Jacob Prasch John MacArthur now teaches: "Those accepting the mark of the beast and worship the anti Christ can still be saved. Supported by Jimmy DeYoung, this is the exact teaching of John MacArthur on the clip below.Read more ...
How to Make PBS Pledge Week Even More Insufferable
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- Category: End Times
If I Were Prime Minister, I'd Rebuild the Temple
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- Category: End Times
Impressions from Strange Fire
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- Category: End Times
by Anton Bosch Here are the impressions I have gained from John MacArthur"s strange Fire Conference. Please note this is not an exhaustive critique of which, I am sure, many will be appearing on the internet " for and against. I simply want to convey the broad strokes as I saw it.Read more ...
Interview with Jacob
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- Category: End Times
Israel, America, Iran and the Abrahamic Covenant
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- Category: End Times
Marching towards Gog & Magog (Ezekial 38 & 39) Obama makes deal with Russia allowing Russia to continue to see nuclear technology to Iran, - Jacob Prasch
Israel, Apostasy, World Government & The Return Of Jesus Christ
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- Category: End Times
Israel, Iran, Afghanistan, Pakistan: A Prophetic Perfect Storm
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- Category: End Times
Jews, Christians and the "New Anti-Semitism" - Replacement Theology
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- Category: End Times
Latest David Wilkerson Prophetic Prediction - Is It New?
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- Category: End Times
Lunacy Strikes Again
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- Category: End Times
Marching Toward Global Solidarity - Part 1
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- Category: End Times
Muslim Leader: Messiah Not Coming To Israel
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- Category: End Times
A prominent Israeli-Arab Muslim leader at the weekend blasted Evangelical Christian support for Israel as a misguided effort to hasten the return of the Messiah.
Omega Times
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- Category: End Times
Once the Salt Has Lost its Taste
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- Category: End Times
Paine & Ware
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- Category: End Times
Papal Rome and the European Union
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- Category: End Times
Persecution of Christians on Rise " in U.S.
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- Category: End Times
Pre-Trib/Post-Trib Issues
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- Category: End Times
I am distressed over the direction in which the discourse among you is headed concerning your dispute over the pre-trib/post-trib issue. The Lord has put it upon my heart to address this with you in the hope that His Spirit will awaken in all of you a desire to please Him by adopting an attitude of love toward one another, not just verbally or even in your hearts, but openly and apparent to all.
Read more ...
Presbyterians vote to clear way for 'gay' clergy
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- Category: End Times
Real Conspiracies - Past and Present
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- Category: End Times
President Franklin Roosevelt: "The real truth of the matter is, as you and I know, that a financial element in the larger centers has owned the Government ever since the days of Andrew Jackson... " :"(Written by President Franklin Roosevelt in a letter to Col. Edward Mandell House, President Woodrow Wilson's mentor and adviser, November 21, 1933.)":
Sixteen Facts That Everyone Should Know About Israel
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- Category: End Times
Storm Over Babylon
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- Category: End Times
Street Preachers Killed In United States
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- Category: End Times
The "New Intifada" Direct from Moriel Israel
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- Category: End Times
This is our overview of what is happening, it can't be exhaustive, too much is happening and I can't pretend that this is an in depth analysis either, but perhaps it will give Moriel supporters an idea of what is going on. The news over here and the blogs are full (of course) of reports on this "new intifada,"--though whether it is an intifada or not is a matter of debate; but over here it is called the gal-ha-terror, the "terror wave". It has so far lacked the cohesion and concerted nature of a general uprising, but consists more of "lone wolf" attacks, so called. In one sense these kind of attacks are far more terrifying, because they are not localised, they can occur anywhere (thankfully not in our town so far), and even the Moslem friend or trusted Moslem Arab worker that you have known for years can turn into a killing machine. The attacks are not just being perpetrated by the unemployed or the "poor and disadvantaged" sectors of Palestinian society either; one of the recent attacks in Jerusalem was perpetrated by a Moslem employee of Bezek (our national telecom and phone company and in which jobs are coveted) who drove his company car into a group of pedestrians mowing some down, then leapt out and proceeded to stab them.
The Emerging New World Order
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- Category: End Times
The End Times At TBN
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- Category: End Times Paul Crouch, president and founder of the Trinity Broadcasting Network, believes that the Lord Jesus Christ is going to return to planet Earth to set up His prophesied 1,000 year Kingdom. :"(For a good study of Bible Prophecy, see J. Dwight Pentecost's Things to Come: A Study in Biblical Eschatology, ‚ ©1958 Dunham Publishing - republished by Zondervan, Grand Rapids.)": Not all professing Christians believe in this doctrine of the millennial rule of Christ. Many spiritualize away clear passages of Scripture to come to a different conclusion.Read more ...
The Eve of Destruction?
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- Category: End Times
The Great Apostasy
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- Category: End Times [This is continuation of Part 1: The End Times at TBN]
Bible Prophecy -- Subject to Change In the early days of TBN, the idea of an immanent Rapture set the tone of TBN eschatology (the study of last things). In fact, Paul and Jan Crouch would get excited any time world events signaled a warning that trouble was escalating in the Holy Land. They would bring on their regular end-times experts. Besides Hal Lindsey, there was Doug Clark, Charles Taylor, Dr. Steuart McBirnie, Chuck Smith and a host of other experts who would analyze current events to see where we were on the Armageddon clock. It was always about one minute to midnight, according to their estimates.Read more ...
The Neutralization of the Church In Preparation for the Coming of the Antichrist
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- Category: End Times
Moriel agrees with the content and thrust of this particular article. This should not be interpreted as an implied endorsement however of everything the author and his ministry believe in other areas.
The Year That Drought Came
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- Category: End Times
[caption id="attachment_3986" align="alignright" width="258" caption="Parched land in the grip of an intense drought"][/caption]
UK Elites Want to Muzzle Christians
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- Category: End Times
Don Hank
Laiglesforum The UK political elites have come up with a legal scheme almost identical in its content to our EEO (Equal Employment Opportunity) law. Anyone who keeps up with, alerts coming out of, Christian, libertarian or conservative groups in Europe will easily see that the same fascistic programs are being pursued over there as they are here in the US. That will not surprise anyone who knows about the international left and its agenda and the scope of its action. But, sadly,, few of us do.Read more ...
US Bible society will give away two copies of Qur'an for every one burnt
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- Category: End Times
Wall Watchers
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- Category: End Times