End Times
American Tsunami, Gaza, Oil Whore Politicians, and the Wrath of God
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What Really Happened And Why
by James Jacob Prasch
Following The London suicide bombings, another national disaster on a destructive par rivaling September 11th, America was hit by a category 5 hurricane among hurricanes, a few days after the American pressured forced Gaza pull out.
In the never ending quest to do the bidding of the oil interests and placate the Saudi Islamic fundamentalist business partners of his family at the expense of the national interests, as we warned Mr. Bush is bringing God's wrath upon America because of Genesis 12:3.
As he forces Jews to evacuate their homes to please oil companies, Americans are now forcibly evacuated and the oil industry is clobbered by a natural disaster devastating its off shore drilling rigs in the Gulf of Mexico and its Gulf Coast refineries.
As Christians are beheaded for their faith in the Persian Oil Gulf, as the Saudis finance support for terror from the Persian Oil Gulf,with the silent approval of The White House, judgment comes to the American Oil Gulf. As God promised Abraham:
"I will bless them that bless thee and curse them that curse thee".
Abraham's descendents (traced through Isaac and Jacob) by birth remains Israel and the Jews according to Romans 9-11, and the same New Testament passage says that the believing church are his descendants by new birth.
Bullying Israel out of their God-given land on behalf of their Islamic haters and the Islamic persecutors of the church has bought God's judgment thanks to America's corrupt government and wicked leaders. From the debacle Iraq has become to New Orleans, the Islam placating political prostitute leaders of America and Britain are bringing the wrath of God himself.
It is noteworthy that this judgment has directly fallen on the oil industry itself.
Mr. Bush can invite the same Saudi Prince to a Texas barbeque at his ranch who runs a regime that beheads Christians and be all smiles as he eats his ribs while his Saudi guest murders saved Christians. ‚ But are Mr. Bush and the oil interests smiling now?
Our purpose is not to editorialize politically, but we do examine global events in light of biblical prophecy.
Mr. Bush can allow the Saudi-funded Council For American Islamic Relations, whose officials were twice linked to Moslem terror, to operate on American soil and allow his Saudi friends to build a ring of mosques around Washington, D.C. while not one church can be built in Saudi Arabia. Mr. Bush can allow Saudis to enter America for a solid year on express visas after September 11th despite Bin Ladin and most of the hijackers being Saudi. He can side with the fundamentalist Moslems in Uzbekistan and get America kicked out of a vital base needed to counter Islamic terror. He is now forcing the Kurds to bow the knee to Shia Moslem pressure for an Islamic constitution in Iraq. Indeed, why did America and Britain invade Iraq? In order to establish a fundamentalist regime with "sharia" that is supportive of militant Islam in order to combat militant Islam?
Three things are for sure. First of all, thanks to Mr. Bush appeasing the Islam he and Blair call "a religion of peace" , Iraq's Christians are far worse off now than they were under Sadam Hussein. Sadam kept the Islamic extremists under his boot. The Christians exist now in absolute peril. Secondly, appeasing militant Islam does not stop terror or make them like us. On the contrary, it achieves the diametric opposite. Just as Clinton's intervention on their behalf only led the Bosnians to support Al Qaeda to attack America, Bush does not accept that militant Islam only interprets kindness as weakness because the State Department and oil companies do not want him to. Hamas and Hizbollah only admit that appeasement and forfeiting Gaza proves that terror works, that their allah blesses it, and it gives them more incentive to carry out more terror. Thirdly, as long as something is bad for Christians and bad for Israel, but good for Islam, at the behest of his oil interest political owners, Bush is for it. Now 1/3 of America's refining capacity is incapacitated by a single act of divine anger at a corrupt government who is in fact partners with the very wickedness of fundamentalist Islam that engenders support for the very terror it ostensibly claims to oppose. The list goes on and on.
It was not only America or Mr. Bush. In the aftermath of the London suicide bombing, Britain's Tony Blair has appointed Tariq Ramadan, a Moslem cleric banned from France and the USA for being supportive of terror, to a board addressing militant Islam in Britain. The European Union is moreover objecting to Britain's right to deport militant Islamic clerics who are supportive of terror because of their "human rights". The hypocrisy and madness know no bounds.
In America it comes to light that Clinton's attorney general Janet Reno (responsible for the mishandling of the fiasco in Waco, Texas) prevented the US Justice Department from acting on military intelligence identifying the September 11th hijackers a year prior to September 11th. Blair, Clinton and ‚ ‚ Xavier Solano, in breach of the NATO Charter on permitting attack on countries attacking a NATO country intervened in the former Yugoslavia on behalf of the Bosnian Moslems when the Al Qaeda Kosovo Liberation Army launched the war in that country, taking the side of the Bosnian Moslems. Now we learn that the Bosnian Moslems repaid the favor by meeting with and lending support to the September 11th hijackers.
Bush Sr. left Sadam Hussein in power to placate the Saudis who did not want the precedent of regime change in the region.
It does not matter which government or which party is in power. Crooked politicians betray their own countries, bully Israel, and turn their backs on the persecuted church in order to please the Saudis because that is what the oil interests demand. But once they touch the Apple of God's eye, as we warned, Genesis 12:3 never fails and judgment comes.
We have been pleading with people to pray for Mr. Bush and Mr. Blair no matter what our own views of them, that they will look to God's Word. If not, our prayer remains that God's wrath will rather come upon them and their administrations rather than upon America and Britain because of them.
New Orleans is a European style in America renown for its cuisine, its gospel music and jazz, and its French and Spanish history. There is the New Orleans of the Preservations Hall jazz society, Antoine's Restaurant , the Richeleau Hotel, and The Vouz Carre. There is also the New Orleans of the massive "Decadence Day" homosexual celebration, entrenched Roman Catholicism, voodoo, the drunken pandemonium of the Mardi Gras and the nearby casino gambling on the Biloxi Coast.
How many more London bombings, September 11th's, and Hurricane Katrina's must come before these once Christian nations and the evil politicians who are betraying them get the message we cannot say. The real question, however, is when will the sleeping church awake to realize what is actually happening?
We are commanded to watch for the signs of the Last Days (1 Thessalonians 5:6). Instead deceivers like Rick Warren tell the church not to do so because "biblical prophecy is a diversion" . We are told to bless Israel for the Lord's sake. But the Presbyterian Church of the USA, the Anglicans, and The Lutherans (all of whom ordain homosexuals) are demanding Israel should be cursed. As the very events that Jesus, the Apostles, and the Hebrew prophets told us to be on the alert for in Israel come to pass prophetically, Satan uses deceivers like John Piper, Rick Godwin, and D. James Kennedy to broadcast a contrary message.
As Christians are persecuted in one Moslem country in the Middle East after another including Iran, Egypt, Saudi Arabia, and Sudan, so-called churches call for boycotts on Israel, the one country protecting the rights of Arab Christians.
We have reiterated many times that it is the true Church of Jesus called to be "salt and light', not politicians in Whitehall & Washington (even when they claim to be " ˜Born Again', especially at election time). We have lies, liars and hypocrisy in the corridors of political power because we have lies, liars, and hypocrites in our pulpits.
The judgment Mr. Bush bought on America came immediately after the forced Gaza pullout. The inhabitants of Gaza wept as Bush forced the Israeli government to drive them out of their homes to please Islam, so a few days later, because of Mr. Bush, Americans weep as they are driven out of their homes. Mr. Bush sells America out to a Saudi Arabia that funds terror and persecutes Christians for the sake of the oil industry that rapes the environment (Revelation 11:18), so judgment falls on the same oil industry.
May The God who in the words of Daniel "establishes and removes Kings" bring His divine justice to bear on our wicked kings and give us godly leaders who through repentance will bring us blessing instead of wrath. But this will not happen until God removes the deceivers and pulpit politicians who are the leaders of today's backslidden church.
If this does not happen, we must embrace the alternative. Like the Messianic Jews we read of in The Epistle To The Hebrews in the years prior to 70 AD who faced the destruction of Jerusalem, they did so knowing God has a better home for them. While I am no admirer of Augustine of Hippo, he arrived at similar conclusion in his " ˜City of God' as the Visgoths sacked Rome in the 4th century.
May God have mercy on Britain and America. May He purge their governments of wicked men and women in leadership. But judgment always first begins in the house of God.