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[caption id="attachment_3879" align="alignright" width="466" caption="Gaddafi declared to be the "king of Kings" by African leaders."][/caption]
The Orange County Register
updated 1:15 p.m. PT, Sun., Feb. 7, 2010 SAN JUAN CAPISTRANO -- Crystal Cathedral administrators have started shutting down all operations at their 20-acre campus in Rancho Capistrano, closing a church, preschool, retreat area, soccer fields, camping grounds and a conference and wedding center.Read more ...
January 24, 2010 This time the term Seismic Shock doesn't have anything to do with the tragedy of Haiti. It is about less shocking (but still amazing) story of a blogger being muzzled by a strange synergy between a religious cleric and the gendarmes of the state where both the blogger and the cleric reside. Read more ...
by Perry Trotter
By Brannon S. Howse
‚ © ‚  2005 ‚ To attract the largest followings possible and because they have bought the lie of the new tolerance, many of America's churches, Christian publishers and Christian radio stations " “ whether they know it or not " “ have rejected biblical Christianity and adopted the more popular but bogus gospel of Christian happy-talk. As a result, churches brim with converts committed only to their personal self-actualization, publishers lavish feel-good pabulum on their readers, and the airwaves ring with an emotive rendering of Christianity that would fit nicely alongside the corruptions of faith Jesus chides in the second and third chapters of Revelation. More than 30 years ago, Vance Havner, in his book "Playing Marbles with Diamonds," offered the following insightful: Read more ...
By Steve Mitchell
PowerToStand Ministries Misguided Missiology Several years ago YWAM proposed a new kind of pseudo-mission endeavor in which YWAM missionaries would allegedly preach Muslims the "gospel"  and a supposed great harvest would result. The idea was that a Muslim who was persuaded to believe the gospel would be encouraged to make a profession, albeit privately to avoid persecution. This new "convert"  was then informed that they could continue regular mosque attendance, bowing in prayer to Allah, and Quranic reading and still be considered born again. They would then be referred to as "Messianic Muslims" . Make no mistake, they were still Muslims but had claimed some level of "belief"  in Jesus Christ. As long as when they continued their "cultural"  expressions of worship to Allah but inside actually prayed to Jesus Christ, they were considered saved. Read more ...
By Chris Hastings, Patrick Hennessy and Sean Rayment
The Asian tsunami disaster should make all Christians question the existence of God, Dr Rowan Williams, the Archbishop of Canterbury, writes in The Telegraph today. Read more ...
Dec 27, 2007
by Discernment Research Group
The front page of the Wall Street Journal today carried a story about Bruce Wilkinson's failed venture into Swaziland on the continent of Africa. This is a very significant story. "In Swaziland, U.S. Preacher Sees His Dream Vanish: Mr. Wilkinson Hits Wall Trying To Push 'Orphan Village'; Rodeo Stars, Safari Guides: Feeling Snubbed by the King," by Michael M. Phillips, staff reporter for the WSJ details the failure of Wilkinson's operations. This article is a "must read."Read more ...
by Jackie Alnor (A Lady) How has the position of women in the church gone from the virtuous Victorian doormat to the liberated female suffragette? Has the church simply followed the secular spirit of this age? Where is the scriptural balance? Read more ...
As China continues its persecution of Christians, systematic abuse of human rights, and support for the genocidal regime in Burma, Franklin Graham has declared we should not offend these persecutors of our brethren ‚  by preaching the Gospel. Read more ...
Federal tax law prohibits religious leaders, as the heads of tax-exempt nonprofit institutions, from earning "unreasonable compensation." It also prohibits tax-exempt organizations from providing "substantial benefit" to individuals " “ Kent Garber ‚  Read more ...
by Cecilia M. Vega, Chronicle Staff Writer
Saturday, October 13, 2007 The smiling photo of Gavin Newsom and the city seal emblazoned on a booklet called "The Way to Happiness" sure make it seem as though San Francisco's mayor is heartily endorsing Scientology founder L. Ron Hubbard's writings. Read more ...
Essay written by C.C. (LTW Research Team)
Thursday, June 07, 2007 Hank Hanegraaff is often heard quoting the phrase "In essentials, unity; in nonessentials, liberty; in all things charity."  I wonder, though, where is the charity and liberty of which he speaks in his own testimony and teaching? Read more ...
Michael J. Penfold
An Anglican church has held a homosexual "wedding" for the first time in a move that will deepen the rift between liberals and traditionalists, The Sunday Telegraph can disclose.
By prof. J. S. Malan, University of the North, South Africa, and Ms. Louisa Coetzee, Cape Town, South Africa
Gospel Message via Tarot Cards A provocative way of presenting the gospel in New Spirituality festivals is via tarot cards. ‚  John Drane, Ross Clifford and Philip Johnson have developed this approach. ‚  Understandably, most Christians will baulk at the idea because tarot cards have occult connections. ‚   To properly argue why tarot cards could be used as a device for communicating the gospel would require a lengthy paper. ‚  A few basic points may be summarised, but readers should consult the literature listed below for more details. ‚  Many popular books by New Spirituality seekers and by Christian apologists on the subject of tarot present false historical data about their origins and purpose. Read more ...
This is probably the first of what may be a number of follow-up articles, this one appearing on the New Yorker website titled, "Apostate: Paul Haggis vs. the Church of Scientology". Paul Haggis was not merely a member of this organization for 34 years but held prominent positions of leadership and recruiting (particularly in Hollywood). The article is quite long (26 pages in the print edition) but well worth the time, especially if you have friends or family involved with what Moriel Ministries considers to be nothing less than a cult.
by Discernment Research Group
4/03/2007 10:46:00 AM Today's HERESCOPE on the Warrior Bride is quite significant. ‚   ‚   If you have been aware of what has been happening in the Apostolic movement - you are aware that there is a militancy that has been developed now for some years. Read more ...
By Rabbi Yechiel Eckstein
by Richard Gibson
By Warren Smith
Statement No.: DL-075
by Ethel McLenachan
By Prof Johan Malan
Middelburg , South Africa (May 2007) A South African prayer ministry, Jericho Walls, organised an African Prayer Summit near Pretoria from 19 to 23 February 2007. The main speakers on this event were George Otis of the Sentinel Group in the USA and Graham Power, director of Transformation Africa in Cape Town. The event was staged as preparation for the Global Day of Prayer on Pentecost Sunday, 27 th May 2007. Read more ...
Moriel notes the article below as further evidence that the failed counterfeit laughing revival pioneered at Penscola and Torono and ‚  championed by The Elim Movement, ‚  The Assemblies of God, The Restorationists, and by Rodney Howard Brown is a Hinduistic deception in spiritual origin ‚  that ‚  demonically infiltrated the church ‚  assisted by deluded leasers who were and are at best biblically ignorant ‚  deceivers of God's people who misled co equally ignorant and undisacerning carnal Christians. Read more ...
By Martyn S. Carless
By Lynn & Sarah Leslie
A Critique by Jim Harmon
If ye continue in my word, then are ye my disciples indeed; and ye shall know the truth, and the truth shall make you free " ” Jesus Christ (John 8:31, 32).
By Paul Majendie
Monday, June 30 07:08 pm LONDON (Reuters) - Archbishop of Canterbury Rowan Williams, battling to avoid an Anglican schism over the issue of gay clergy, warned conservatives on Monday of the risks in setting up an alternative council of bishops. "How is effective discipline to be maintained in a situation of overlapping and competing jurisdictions?" asked the spiritual leader of the world's 77 million Anglicans. Read more ...
by Paul Proctor
This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. document.getElementById('cloak5e5029312a8b6f51aa6967996393ecd7').innerHTML = ''; var prefix = 'ma' + 'il' + 'to'; var path = 'hr' + 'ef' + '='; var addy5e5029312a8b6f51aa6967996393ecd7 = 'watchman' + '@'; addy5e5029312a8b6f51aa6967996393ecd7 = addy5e5029312a8b6f51aa6967996393ecd7 + 'usa' + '.' + 'com'; var addy_text5e5029312a8b6f51aa6967996393ecd7 = ' ';document.getElementById('cloak5e5029312a8b6f51aa6967996393ecd7').innerHTML += ''+addy_text5e5029312a8b6f51aa6967996393ecd7+''; No sooner do I finish my piece about Willow Creek Association's seduction of 14,000+ churches around the world, including my own, via the Hegelian Dialectic, than Ted Koppel shows us the actual process at work on ABC News Nightline between evangelical leaders and Bill Clinton at the Willow Creek Church in South Barrington, Illinois. Read more ...