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Rob Bell is another in a long list of pastors, theologians and Christian writers who have defaulted to the love motif for resolving what he considers the perceived injustices of the God of the Bible; that is, the God of love who allows humans to suffer eternally in hell.
Ted Haggard, the disgraced ex-pastor of a 14,000 member Colorado megachurch, has announced in a press conference that, in spite of a promise not to do so, he is planting a new church in his home town of Colorado Springs. On his website, he writes, "St. James Church is for anyone, and I do mean anyone: Democrats, Republicans, Independents and those who go to Tea Party rallies. If you are straight, gay, or bi, I want to walk through the Scriptures with you. If you are black, white, Hispanic (sic), native American, or a confusing combination, you are welcome here. Those working to overcome their sex or drug addictions, St. James is for you"¦. Adulterers, Ex-con. Everyone is welcome."