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Ancient Walls
The Great Wall of China (which contrary to popular myth is not visible from outer space) was built to keep people out.  Nowadays it has the opposite effect—attracting tourists to China to come see this Great Wall.  Communist China raised up “walls” to keep Christian missionaries out.  This also had an opposite effect—underground churches flourished and native missionaries sprung up.  Another religion foreign to China, rushing into the spiritual vacuum created by Communism, was Buddhism-- which has also experienced a surge in popularity.  
Catholic and Buddhist Spirituality in the Context of the 12th and 13th Centuries by Scott Noble (This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. document.getElementById('cloak35bd436dcc4ba937181e7465beb61ea3').innerHTML = ''; var prefix = 'ma' + 'il' + 'to'; var path = 'hr' + 'ef' + '='; var addy35bd436dcc4ba937181e7465beb61ea3 = 'waterpark777' + '@'; addy35bd436dcc4ba937181e7465beb61ea3 = addy35bd436dcc4ba937181e7465beb61ea3 + 'yahoo' + '.' + 'com'; var addy_text35bd436dcc4ba937181e7465beb61ea3 = 'waterpark777' + '@' + 'yahoo' + '.' + 'com';document.getElementById('cloak35bd436dcc4ba937181e7465beb61ea3').innerHTML += ''+addy_text35bd436dcc4ba937181e7465beb61ea3+''; )
January 12, 2013 Every Christian knows that prayer is an important part of the Christian walk.,   But, not all Christians have experienced a fulfilling prayer life.,   Whether it be a lack of time, a wandering mind, or other obstacles, many Christians are sustained on just the "minimum" amount of prayer.,   Addressing this need, but not in a biblical way, are the Catholic mystics now promoted by the emergent church and others even within "Bible-believing" churches.,   Counterfeit spirituality is not a new thing.,   Jesus said, "...the true worshippers shall worship the Father in spirit and in truth..." (John 4:23).,   Anything that offers something "exciting" and "innovative," at the expense of truth is not something that leads to being a "true worshipper.",  
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Catholic and Buddhist Spirituality in the Context of the 16th through 21st Centuries by Scott Noble
nov 9, 2013 Many predators use camouflage to sneak up on unsuspecting prey. The Arctic Owl, in addition to being an extremely silent flier, has white feathers to blend in with its snowy surroundings. If it were a noisy flier with neon orange feathers, it would have a hard time sinking its talons into a potential meal. The doctrines of demons are often camouflaged as well, so as to hide the potential danger from their target audience. "Be sober, be vigilant; because your adversary the devil, as a roaring lion, walketh about, seeking whom he may devour." (I Peter 5:8)Read more ...
by Scott Noble  
Moriel Thailand  
July 7, 2014 Famous hymn writer Isaac Watts also wrote a book about Logic.   In this book he said, "The power of reasoning was given us by our Maker, for this very end, to pursue truth; and we abuse one of his richest gifts, if we basely yield up to be led astray by any of the meaner powers of nature, or the perishing interests of this life.   Reason itself, if honestly obeyed, will lead us to receive the divine revelation of the gospel, where it is duly proposed, and this will show us the path to life everlasting."   (Watts, 325)Read more ...
Dear believers in grace,
Dear believers in grace,
Dear believers in grace,
Please click here for a Japanese translation of "Japanese Buddhism" by Scott Noble.
Points Against A Double End Times Theophany by Scott Noble
(The Two Witnesses of Rev 11 are not the Father and the Holy Spirit)
by Scott Noble  
Dec 13, 2013
Updated Dec.31, 2013 Madame Guyon (AD 1648-1717), whose books are riddled with shallow, jagged rocks, capable of shipwrecking the unwary traveler, was endorsed, to one degree or another, by many respected leaders of the past, such as Count Zinzendorf, John Wesley, Adoniram Judson, Charles Spurgeon, A.W. Tozer, Watchman Nee, and others. How could all of these men possibly be wrong? That's really not the right question, since only the Bible is our infallible guide. In our own day and age, many evangelical leaders endorse the life of "Mother" Teresa, in spite of the fact that many of her mystical practices and doctrinal statements undermine biblical beliefs and spirituality. Helping the poor is a great thing, but that can be done biblically, while also helping the poor to come to eternal salvation through Jesus Christ, not just giving a temporary fix which leaves the person ignorant of the gospel. Read more ...
Dear believers in grace,
We wish you all a blessed New Year in the Saviour of the world!
Teaching at an Elementary School
The first week and a half of December we went to another province to help teach at a Christian school.  Most of the parents and students are not Christians so it was a good opportunity to share the gospel.  I taught English to 1st-5th graders.  The 4th and 5th graders were pretty good, but it was challenging to teach the 1st-3rd graders.  There are few foreigners in that province so the children enjoyed seeing a foreigner and I got to hand out many tracts and also share Bible lessons at the flag pole and at chapel one day.  Micah got to join the nursery school for 3 days until he got some kind of a stomach bug.  He enjoyed learning very much and according to Khae was the most enthusiastic student in the class.
Women’s Prison
We came back to Chiang Mai in time to have a Christmas worship service at the Women’s Prison.  We’re still teaching them from the book of Revelation.  The massage class there is also going well—still a big group of about 80 students.
Christmas Party
We had a Christmas party for our students and invited their parents also.  I also invited my adult students.  About 20 people came.  We sang some Christmas songs and then Khae shared the gospel through the Christmas story and we gave everyone either a gospel of John in the Shan language or some Thai gospel books.  Here are a couple of pictures from that.
John’s Signature Words
A couple months ago Khae read a book by a Thai Lutheran pastor who (following in Martin Luther’s footsteps) doubted that John wrote the book of Revelation or if it even should be in our Bible.  I did a very interesting word study on this comparing the gospel of John, I-III John, and the book of Revelation.  I think the results are beyond any coincidence.  The book of Revelation not only has the “fingerprints” of John all over it, but the author also has such a rich knowledge of the Old Testament woven into the book (by divine inspiration)-- it is unmistakably God breathed.  I’m attaching a short paper on that here.
Peace in Christ, Scott, Khae, and Micahberekiah.
by Scott Noble
When we go to see a medical doctor in time of need, we want to know that the doctor has good credentials—that he or she is not just making things up or guessing based on faulty data. We take great care to make sure our bodies are in good health. When it comes to our spiritual health and our spiritual needs, why should we look for less? Based on the longevity of our spirit, in contrast to our temporary body, we should be taking greater care to make sure that we are taking refuge in a ―Doctor‖ with truly impeccable credentials.