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Jacob Prasch's latest book, Shadows of the Beast, is now available for purchase from each respective Moriel country. (Visit the "Online Stores" on the Moriel website. An electronic version for the Kindle is available through both through their USA store and their UK store.) Unlike so many other works on the Antichrist, this book does not attempt to name a specific person or over-emphasize a single aspect of the Antichrist, but examines the whole of Scripture to fulfill the goal of the book's subtitle, "How the identity of the coming Antichrist will be revealed to the faithful church". This is a good-faith effort to present what the whole of Scripture has to teach about the Antichrist and how this information is supposed to be used and practically applied by the true followers of Christ. This is not a textbook work in the classic sense.Read more ...
by Todd Strandberg
Please click here to read a list of some past failed attempts at date settings and some dates yet to come.
Disgraced conspiracy theorist Rev. Dr Stephen Sizer, who claimed that an Israeli conspiracy was behind 9/11, has been announced as a speaker at the annual pro-Hizballah “Al Quds Day” parade through central London on 10th June.
Japan is an incredible nation with impressive inventions, a unique culture, and a brilliantly efficient way of life in spite of having limited natural resources.  Where else can a person ride on a bullet train at 320 kilometers per hour, eat raw fish (safely), hear about snow falling on monkeys "chilling" in hot springs, see spring cherry blossoms in front of a 500 year old castle, watch a sumo wrestling match, and be in the country where words like "ninja," "samurai," "karate," "karaoke," "Kawasaki," "Yamaha," "Canon," "Toyota," "origami," and "sushi," originated?  Japan, also known as the land of the rising sun, has a very interesting history.  Much of that history was shaped and influenced by various religious convictions.
Sandra asks for prayer for her and her husband and that God will lead her husband to Truth.

I didn't know whether or not my request to you for prayer is acceptable protocol, but necessity brings me here.

I've been married for over 33 years. Dan was an atheist when I married him, I a pagan. I was converted to Christ within 18 months of marriage, and shortly after a Great War with Dan, he also embraced Christianity. Along the line my husband became indifferent to the things of God. Really too much to write concerning the in between. Only that he has been addicted to pornography for a very long time, and much has been lost because of it.

He has informed me that he 'through much research' has embraced preterism and replacement theology, and that we have been lied too. It's funny, I have endured years of financial, emotional, physical neglect, and mistreatment,
But somehow I am having such a hard time dealing with this blatant heresy! I believe strongly in marriage, and have seen the goodness of God in my life in spite of all I've endured, and know that my place is here. Yet, this is harder for me climb through.

I need prayer. Not many saints out there who really pray any more. Sad, and difficult times when your supposed Hebrons are no where to find.  I don't know if you would, but I need grace to help me in my time of need. I am praying, and fasting.

Thank you for taking the time.

22 Hard Questions on the Pre-Trib Rapture Theory:
Contribute to the Brexit debate.
People want information!
Contrary to baseless reports being circulated on feminist blog sites calling themselves "Christian" , neither Moriel or its leadership have issued any apology for our doctrinal opposition to this feminism of the secular world infiltrating the Body of Christ under the clear influence of Satan. The doctrinal ignorance reflected on these feminist blogs is unmistakably evident as is the fact that their feminist rants are fuelled by emotionally charged outbursts reflecting the demonic Jezebel spirit where the husbands submit to their wives in an abrogation of God's order.

Moriel recognizes the indispensable  role of women in ministry in the Body of Christ , including in leadership and teaching ministry to other women as well as in deaconship, and exercising charismatic gifts in scriptural order which includes ministering under the authority of protective male covering , and as help mates to their husbands.  To this end, Moriel additionally has also funded the ministry of various women and sponsored women's conference events and continues to do so. There are in fact also two Moriel branches administrated by women whom we doctrinally classify as deaconesses. We also continue to sanction the excellent women's ministries of notable figures such as Johanna Michaelson, Caryl Matriciana, and a number of Precept women discipled by the teaching of Kay Arthur. There are indeed a number of women's ministries  who deserve our prayers, support, and endorsement - but neither the Paula White, Cindy Jacobs, and Joyce Meyer houses of heresy, the lunatic fringe "Women's Aglow" or the cultic "End times Handmaidens of The Lord" movement, or their first cousins - the blogging pseudo Christian feminist Jezabel clubs are among them.

We also however stand by the unambiguous scriptural teaching that leadership is male and that women cannot teach doctrine to mixed congregations or function as pastors. When God uses an Esther, there is always a Mordecai. When God uses a Deborah, there is always a Barak, and when God uses a Priscilla, there is an Aquila. Where there is an Ahab however, there is also a Jezebel.

The husband is the head of the wife as Christ is head of the church (Ephesians 5:22-23). This is God's position, and thus it is therefore also ours. This is the unambiguous teaching of God's Word and we unapologetically abide by it.
On May 13, President Obama took the most blatantly unconstitutional step of his entire tenure in office—threatening to cut federal funds unless local school districts allow students into opposite sex bathrooms and locker rooms if they identify as "transgender."
There were rainbow coloured numbers, rainbow socks and rainbow flags.
by Brian Brodersen
(Note: This is the last article in a five part series on the Emerging Church)
The entire conference Jacob is speaking at this weekend beginning tonight (Thursday) is available at All times are for Arizona, USA.
A Japanese translation of "Hannukah" is now available from the Online Sermons page.
Please click here for Polish translation of "How to be Canonized a Saint in the Roman Catholic Church".


Click here to view a commercial for Priest-Off.
Dear Jacob,
I am from a small town in South Africa (Springfontein, Free State). In my home and also in our home church, we are blessed tremendously by your teachings. Thank you very much for that. At the moment we are busy with a bible study on Genesis. On this I have two questions:
J.Oswald Sanders
We, Pittsburgh Moriel folk, just come home from the Winnipeg Prophecy Conference. I am always blessed meeting other believers in the Lord from different walks of life. Winnipeg was no exception.
We received these questions:
The first time I ever heard of you was watching THE DANIEL PROJECT on Netflix (probably 4 years ago). The second time I saw you was this week, on YouTube. It was a response to Dr James White. That was … “wow.” I’m deliberately keeping this short because I want to get to the reason I’m reaching out to you, but I have to say, I also agree that Calvin was a brutal and bloody man who caused his beliefs to spread by the sword. I cannot see how any modern Christian can be a Calvinist not only because of how Calvin was, but because of the whole 'once saved, always saved, do as you like’ pitch.