End Times

HARPAZO: The Intra-Seal Rapture of the Church is Now Available!

United States - Harpazo is now available for $25.00. Please click here to place your order.

UK - The UK price is £17.00 plus 15% shipping & postage.

orders to:
PO Box 201
Maidenhead UK

(credit & debit card orders by telephone 01628 532 006)

Australia & New Zealand -  Australia's books are still in printing but you can pre-order by calling Marg at Tel: 61 (03) 5633 2300

South Africa -  Harpazo will not be available until after the first of the year.   Contact David Nathan at This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

Electronic version is now available as an Ebook and is available at Amazon for $9.99.