End Times
Latest David Wilkerson Prophetic Prediction - Is It New?
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Moriel Ministries and Jacob Prasch have received multiple inquiries regarding the issuance of a prophetic prediction by David Wilkerson dated March 7th, 2010.
The complication is that although having some additions, it is not new but reiterates one made in 1992 when he said it would be "soon" 17 years ago, and is confusing in that it urges a 30 days emergency food supply be kept on hand, but stating he has no idea of when.
The latest version of Mr. Wilkerson's prophetic prediction:
An earth-shattering calamity is about to happen," he writes. "It is going to be so frightening, we are all going to tremble - even the godliest among us." Wilkerson's vision is of fires raging through New York City. "It will engulf the whole megaplex, including areas of New Jersey and Connecticut. Major cities all across America will experience riots and blazing fires - such as we saw in Watts, Los Angeles, years ago," he explains. "There will be riots and fires in cities worldwide. There will be looting - including Times Square, New York City. What we are experiencing now is not a recession, not even a depression. We are under God’s wrath. In Psalm 11 it is written, 'If the foundations are destroyed, what can the righteous do?'"
The Original version of Mr. Wilkerson's prophecy - ‚ Sept 7, 1992:
"I have had recurring visions of over 1,000 fires ‚ burning at one time here in New York city. I am convinced ‚ race riots will soon explode! New York City is right now a ‚ powder keg-ready to blow!"¦federal and State Welfare ‚ cutbacks will be the spark that ignites the fuse. Next year, ‚ New York City could have over 100,000 angry men on the ‚ streets, enraged because they have been cut off from ‚ benefits"¦.Federal troops will have to move in to restore ‚ order. New York City will have tanks running down its avenues"¦.Churches will be closed for a season because it ‚ will be too dangerous to travel about. Fires will rage
Many prophetic voices from multiple quarters have been directed by the Holy Spirit to alert the Body of Christ of divine judgment coming on the planet generally, including on the utterly backslidden Protestant democracies (not excluding the USA) due to the genocidal proportions of non-therapeutic abortion. Britain and Europe, however, are even more post-Judeo-Christian and Neo-Pagan than the USA, and incipient persecution of the true church and growing anti-Semitism and anti-Zionism (both factors in divine judgment) are more acute. More importantly, Scripture foretells a coming judgment of God on the Moslem world and unbelieving Israel is bound for "the Time of Jacob's Trouble".
We certainly do not deny David Wilkerson's good intentions, nor can we deny that God has spoken through him in the past in the prophetic realm with accuracy. Additionally, Hebrew prophets like Jeremiah, Joel and Isaiah warned of judgments decades before they transpired.
There are, however, concerns which lead us to urge caution in testing Mr. Wilkerson's predictions. We are commanded to test prophecy in 1 Corinthians 14, and we are warned of those predicting things in a time -pecif manner that fail to transpire in Deuteronomy 18 and Jeremiah 28 by which we are provided a list of biblically proven false prophets such as Paul Cain, Rick Joyner, Benny Hinn, Cindy Jacobs, Pat Robertson, and Kenneth Copeland. In fairness, Mr. Wilkerson set no date, but the question automatically arises, "Why then are 30 days food specified"? Also, how soon was "soon" in the similar prediction published in 1992?
Had Mr. Wilkerson said "soon" and then said to store up 30 days food supply, it would make sense. But instead his latest prediction states flatly he has no time frame and doesn't state "soon" as he did with the same prediction in 1992. Biblical prophets gave clear signals. Store up 30 days food supply from when? Surely there must be clarification if this is from God.
Mr. Wilkerson discredited himself and his ministry in his shameful and ill-advised visit several years ago to the UK, and this has made many British Christians who had admired him in times past skeptical, not of his integrity, but of his credibility. After denouncing the kind of "laughing and drunken" counterfeit revivals associated with the Pensacola and Toronto fiascos in his excellent recording "Reproach On The Solemn Assembly", in a diametrically opposite, and some would say hypocritical contradiction of his own warnings, Mr. Wilkerson rejected solid warnings and accepted a number of engagements to speak many of the most lunatic fringe churches who continued promoting these very deceptions. One church he spoke at in the English Midlands promoted Benny Hinn only one month later.
Mr. Wilkerson then began defending the wolves in sheep's clothing and criticized their opponents who warned the sheep about them. Mr. Wilkerson then went to London to a church that followed the Toronto Experience and Paul Cain (the homosexual and alcoholic false prophet and mentor of Todd Bentley) to deliver one of the most utterly ridiculous, completely irresponsible, and totally unbiblical teachings imaginable. ‚ With no regard to the exegetical context Mr. Wilkerson invented the unbiblical doctrine of "feeding Jesus" (Jesus Himself said that His food is to do the will of the One who sent Him) and essentially blabbed mindlessly a line of biblically unfounded rubbish in its purest form.
We are warned not to sharply rebuke an older man, and we do ‚ not wish to. But his teaching was a barrage of silly unscriptural junk not supported by the cited text in context and not of God. This, however, was the prelude to his supreme betrayal of those who trusted him.
Mr. Wilkerson spoke of being on the ground laughing and ‚ unable to get up because God's Hand was on him. The Fruit of the Spirit is "self-control" (Greek ekreitei) not the lack if it. The fact that he "could not get up" proves it was not God's Hand that was upon him. The Word of God teaches the very antithesis. It was a huge let down. For a respected brother of his stature to preach one thing but do the very thing he preached against was a colossal act of hypocrisy. It would have been better had he never come to Great Britain. His visit had no enduring impact.
Ever since Mr. Wilkerson's indefensible antics in Britain, we have not been able to trust him or respect his judgment or discernment to the degree we once did. We do not attack his integrity but we simply cannot exercise the confidence in him in the Lord we so much did at one time.
Again, he is a man of God but none of us are perfect. He may be right but the prophecy is so nebulous how can we know? Why does he say something 17 years ago saying it would be 'soon', but now say store up 30 days provisions yet qualifying that he does not know for sure when? It is very unclear and the source of the prophecy no longer commands the credibility that he once did.
His nonsense in Britain was an idiotic disgrace. We just don't know if he is any longer reliable or not. Yet we asre not against him personally and we again recognize that God has indeed used him, including in the prophetic sense. Our simple advice is to weigh his warning carefully.
Having said that, without any reference to David Wilkerson, the sSriptures generally point to a global crisis socially, economiclly, strategically, and politically with a coming chaos heralding the wrath of God. Many godly Christians likewise echo similar warnings. God's judgment is coming and to a degree has already come. This no Bible-based praying Christian can possibly deny.
On this note, we would point our readers to the following article by our friend Brother Paul Mc Guire.
In Jesus,
Jacob Prasch
(Philippians 1:6)