End Times
The Coming Persecution of Christians in the Coming One World Government
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by Paul McGuire
My spiritual mentor, Dr. Francis Schaeffer, who has been called the greatest Evangelical theologian of the last 100 years, warned that as the anarchy increased in our world due to moral relativism, that totalitarianism would rise to control the chaos. Schaeffer issued that warning over 30 years ago and said we had a brief window in which to preserve our religious freedoms. Dr. Schaeffer believed that the greatest contributing factor to the rise of totalitarianism was the fact that the Evangelical Church was accommodating to a growing humanist culture and not standing for Biblical truth. Nowhere is that more apparent than in the "Emergent Church Movement" and in the "Seeker-Friendly Movement," but it is epidemic in the Evangelical culture as a whole. Tragically, what Schaeffer predicted would happen in the church and the culture is now happening before our eyes. Schaeffer stated that it did not matter whether or not the totalitarianism came from the left or the right because the results would be the same.
With tears in my eyes, the words of Dr. Schaeffer reverberate in my mind, as I watch the rise of a global totalitarian state and the great apostasy that the Apostle warned about in II Thessalonians. For the most part the Evangelical Church in America and Europe is the Laodecian Church that Christ warned of in the Book of Revelation. It is this the same Laodecian Church that existed in Nazi Germany before the Third Reich took control. The result of the Laodecian Church is the explosive growth of a humanist and world socialist government. This "Fourth Beast" which Daniel warned about will persecute true Bible believing Christians in America, Great Britain and around the world before the Tribulation begins. The Church is raptured before a literal Seven year Tribulation Period, but prior to that time there will be worldwide persecution in a manner that I do not believe most Evangelical Churches and their leaders are prepared for.
In the United States, The Department of Homeland Security issued its "Rightwing Extremism: Current Economic and Political Climate Fueling Resurgence in Radicalization and Recruitment" Report. In addition, in many States, like Missouri, "Fusion Centers" have been set up based on the MIAC Strategic Report "“ The Modern Militia Movement. This Government Report alleges that a violent "rightwing extremist" movement is trying to take over the nation. According to the definitions in these reports, Bible believing Christians are labeled as "rightwing extremists." The two reports appear to be anti-Christian propaganda created by left-wing and militant humanist "think tanks." Their strategies are reminiscent of Adolph Hitler’s "Enabling Powers" laws which the occult Third Reich used after the "Reichstag (Parliament building) was burned down by "terrorists. These "Enabling Powers" gave Hitler the legal power to profile and arrest anyone who was even suspected of being critical of the Nazi Party. Through using the "Enabling Powers" laws to profile anyone as a potential terrorist, Hitler was able to grab dictatorial control of Germany in a matter months and killing 6-10 million Jews and Christians.
Many civil liberties groups such as the ACLU and the Rutherford Institute headed, by the Attorney John Whitehead have of expressed grave concerns about the increasing "Police State" powers that began with the Bush Administration under the guise of anti-terrorist legislation. Today a vast array of government agencies are using a wide range of anti-terrorist legalization to profile and track law abiding citizen’s in something out of George Orwell’s novel "1984" which warned of the danger of totalitarianism built on the fear of terrorism. Orwell who was connected with the British Intelligence Agency MI5 saw the dangers of a global intelligence apparatus and attempted to warn the world about it before it was too late.
The DHS "Rightwing Extremism: Current Economic and Political Climate Fueling Resurgence in Radicalization and Recruitment" appears to target and profile taxpaying and law abiding Americans who are conservative, populist politically, or Christian in their religious faith. The Report profiles all American’s who disagree with plans for world currency and a new world order. Millions of American’s are being profiled as terrorists, bomb-making militia members and white supremacists simply because they are critical of certain institutions that are technically completely separate from the American government. For example, American’s who express criticism of world government, the new world order, the United Nation, the North American Union, the Federal Reserve, RFID technology and foreign nations like Russia, India and China can be profiled as "rightwing extremists," even though all of these things are theoretically separate from the U.S. government. In addition, even if these entities did have something to do with the U.S. Government, U.S. citizen’s have a Constitutional right under the First Amendment to peacefully, and in a law abiding manner exercise their freedom of speech, freedom of religion and freedom of the press without fear government interference.
In addition, in a manner very similar to the Hitler Youth, the Congress of the United States is passing a bill that is referred to as "Obama Youth Bill." This bill will put millions of young people in the streets of America to act as agents for Obama. Yet, in the legal language of the bill there are many passages which forbid any young man or woman who is a practicing Christian and attends church, volunteers for church ministries, attends or leads worship services and Bible studies or shares his or her faith in Christ from being part of this "Obama Youth" or national service corps. In other words, practicing Christians are not allowed to become a part of the national service corps. Based on the history of the Hitler Youth, it is not difficult to understand why this is put in the national service corps bills.
For all the Evangelical Pastors who promoted President Obama, look carefully at the language of the bill. This bill’s title is called "Generations Invigorating Volunteerism and Education" (GIVE). It forms what some are calling "Obama’s Youth Brigade" and his goal is to enroll over one million youth. But, look at the anti-Christian nature of the bill.
The Bill would forbid any student in the brigade to participate in "engaging in religious instruction, conducting worship services, providing instruction as part of a program that includes mandatory religious instruction or worship, constructing or operating facilities devoted to religious instruction or worship, maintaining facilities primarily or inherently devoted to religious instruction or worship, or engaging in any form of religious proselytization." That means no church attendance or sharing your faith.
Here is part of the HR1388 Bill's wording:
Section 125 (42 U.S.C. 12575) is amended to read as follows:
(7) Engaging in religious instruction, conducting worship services, providing instruction as part of a program that includes mandatory religious instruction or worship, constructing or operating facilities devoted to religious instruction or worship, maintaining facilities primarily or inherently devoted to religious instruction or worship, or engaging in any form of religious proselytization.
In other words Christians would not be allowed to be part of this Obama Youth Movement. Why do you think that is? Dr. Orly Taitz, is a female attorney who lives in Mission Viejo, California. She is also a dentist and speaks five languages. According to an interview she gave in WorldNetDaily, she was born and raised in Kishinev, the capital of the Republic of Moldova, a country in Eastern Europe that was formerly part of the Soviet Union. She compares the "Obama Youth Bill" to the Soviet Union which used children for slave labor and indoctrination.
Dr. Taitz said, "Parents were not allowed to home school their children. They were forced to enroll them in government schools. From the age of 6, all children were required to become young communists. You had to send your child to school, and your child had to be a member of the young communists," Taitz said. "There were no children who were not members. You had to do it. If you were one of the best, you become a member of the Communist Party. It was constant brainwashing. There was no choice, and people resented that. They were scared to speak up."
There are parallels between what happened in the Soviet Union and Nazi, Germany and what is happening in America now. Bible believing Christians are being profiled as dangerous "rightwing extremists." In Communist China churches and Christians are not allowed to preach or teach on Bible prophecy. In the same way Christians who believe in "end time’s prophecies" are to be profiled. The same thing is now happening in America.
These "unnamed" "rightwing extremists, a term which is used over 47 times appears to profile any taxpaying U.S. citizen who may hold one or more of the following beliefs and could be classified on an elaborate government computer network as a "rightwing extremist, militia member or terrorist. Any one of the following beliefs could classify an individual or groups as a terrorist:
- Pro-life
- Critical of the United Nations
- Critical of the New World Order
- Critical of the Federal Reserve
- Homosexual marriage
- Oppose the North American Union (which officially does not exist)
- Critical of the income tax
- Oppose illegal immigration
- Fear foreign powers such as Communist China, Iran, Russia and India
- If you are concerned that China and India are prospering economically while America is on the down turn
- Critical of any of President Obama's policies ( abortion, homosexual marriage. etc. )
- Concern about RFID chips
- Belief in Bible prophecy or "End Time Prophecies"
What is interesting about the above list is that a great deal with it has to do with things that have nothing to do with the individual nation. The only possible reason any national government would be concerned about its citizen’s objecting to things like new world order, world government, the United Nations, homosexual marriage, a regional global government like the North American Union, abortion, RFID chips and belief in end times prophecies is because this is what they are planning to promote in the near future. Otherwise why be bothered about it?
I would suggest to you that Bible prophecy is being fulfilled far faster than most of us realize and that this why governments around the world are concerned about these things.
Make no mistake about it across the U.S., Europe, Australia and other regions, Bible believing Christian are going to be persecuted before the Tribulation Period. However many Christians and Christian leaders think that if they "give up land for peace," they will be left alone. That does not work for Israel and it will not work for the Church. Getting up and apologizing on national television for supporting traditional marriage as some American ministers have done, is not going to earn you acceptance from the world. Anymore than Israel giving up land for peace has brought about an end to terrorism. The answer is to obey the words of Jesus Christ when He tells us to "occupy until I come." This is not a plea for a kind of Christian reconstructionism, it is simply Jesus telling us to faithfully proclaim the truth in season and out of season until He comes for His Church. Maranatha!
Paul McGuire is speaker at Calvary Chapel Bible prophecy conferences, a syndicated radio talk show host, television commentator, college professor at and the author of 16 books including "The Day the Dollar Died." paulmcguire.com