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Sept 10, 2013
By James Jacob Prash  Steve Chalke, Lucy Winkett, and Graham Kendrick gang upon Israel.     We have long ridiculed the hypocritical idiocy of the left wing press, fundamentalist Islamic interests, the politicians they own in Washington and London, and anti Semites at the targeting of Israel. As no one can contest, Israel simply has by far the best record of human rights (even for homosexuals and lesbians), women's rights, civil rights of free political expression and an independent judiciary, and above all the best Christian rights in the Middle East. Every hypocritical apologist for Islamic terror, every left wing propagandist at the BBC and CNN masquerading as a journalist, and every left wing pseudo-academic parasite masquerading as a scholar, habitually ignores the grossest violations of human rights, civil rights, women's rights, and the unspeakable persecution of Christians throughout the Moslem world and in the Islamic nations surrounding Israel, choosing instead to divert attention away from this reality by designating Israel as a villain.Read more ...
Can you explain God's reasoning behind Leviticus 19:19?
A number of people in and around Moriel have inquired concerning my health. I am on a medically restricted schedule until mid-summer and I am only speaking around London and the south of England. No itineraries.
Dear Moriel and Rabbi Prasch:
About 10 years ago I was contacted by Vicky Dillen in Canada regarding my expertise of knowledge of the phony Christian right who are very involved in Dominionism/Reconstructionism, Sun Myung Moon, and the Scientologists.,   Vicky wanted some specific information.,   I was very willing to speak with her about whatever she asked.,   I even bought some books from her that she'd gotten from a house sale.
by Jams Jacob Prasch
An approach was made to someone at a Moriel office concerning a plan to purchase a "refuge" property on a remote island for some kind of eschatological escape haven stating that others known to Moriel may be interested. We are not. Fortunately the Moriel team member whom he contacted ignored his suggestion out of hand as crazy. Others outside of Moriel however, it seems, did not. Read more ...
by James Jacob Prasch
Sept 27, 2012 Mark Stibbe, the UK proponent of Todd Bentley and every other deception based on neo-Gnostic mysticism and heresy, has been publicly reported to have abandoned his wife and children after promoting Todd Bentley who did the same. Stibbe had been leader of St. Andrews Chorleywood in the UK from where he and David Pytches promoted the Toronto counterfeit and the Kansas City false prophets including the homosexual alcoholic Paul Cain and sexual predator Bob Jones. After promoting Todd Bentley, Stibbe left St. Andrews to head a trust that supposedly is established to combat the problem of fatherless children. Ironically, but not surprisingly, in imitation of his hero Todd Bentley - Mr. Stibbe has gone into the enterprise of promulgating the problem. We should not be surprised.Read more ...
by James Jacob Prasch
by James Jacob Prasch
Ruckmanites are a neo gnostic cult following the beliefs of Peter Ruckman. Ruckman (a three times divorced and remarried white supremacist who refers to Blacks as "niggers"), like his followers and as with most cult leaders has no formal training or expertise in the matters he pontificates about. Ruckman and his followers hold the 1611 edition of The King James Bible as authoritative and infallible instead of the original Hebrew and Greek manuscripts, and maintain that KJV additions are "further revelation".Read more ...
Is it a saga of shame, betrayal, and foolishness by those who should (and actually do) know better, or is it more a matter of biblical ignorance, a misplaced zeal, pandering to the pressures of theocratic politics, or convoluted loyalties, or a lack of wisdom from above?
Blessings in Jesus dear brethren.
RTN is designed to operate as a multifaceted independent platform for webcasting, complete with its own server, technical crew, TV channels, RTN Christian Radio, its own Facebook page and blog site as well as podcasting and its own App. Though still in joint development by Genesis Christian Radio, Radio Azimuth TV, Moriel, Devore Truth, Fellowship Bible Chapel, Apologetics Coordinating Team (ACT) and others, it has been no small venture.


Jacob Zuma is deputy President of South Africa and the newly directed leader of the African National Congress, the political party of Nelson Mandella, Desmond Tutu, and Thabo Mbeki.
Obviously Mother's Day not "Womb Day." But is Mother's day any less sexist? Many "woke" activists believe "Mother's Day" is sexist.
This very recent, timely and necessary article authored by Lynn & Sarah Lesley was not in any way commissioned by Moriel , RTN, or any adjuncts of such , but is webposted by consent of Herescope. We do however commend its doctrinal, theological, and factual accracy and thank the authors for producing it.
(Note: Please click the "CC" option if subtitles don't automatically appear.)
Dr. Michael Rudolph is a senior member of Tikkun Ministries. He is an elder in a Tikkun congregation and served as a congregational elder together with Asher Intrater. He is part of the Tikkun America Executive Team, a Tikkun regional council leader and is considered an emissary of Tikkun. He also established and managed a theological college for Tikkun.
By Mike Gendron
By Mike Gendron
We applaud Mike Gendron's true statements. May The Lord bless him and his ministry.
This article by Mike Gendron appears courtesy of Pro-Gospel. Please click here for the complete article.
Evangelist Mike Gendron, Director of Proclaiming the Gospel Ministry (, an evangelistic outreach to Roman Catholics, contrasts his life as a Roman Catholic with his life as a Christian.
Click to listen to part 1 of Jan Markell's interview of Mike Gendron regarding Catholicism and the latest pope.
Click to listen to part 2 of Jan Markell's interview of Mike Gendron regarding Catholicism and the latest pope.
by Mike
Click here to read The Fatal Fable Of A Sin-Purifying Fire by Mike Gendron.
Two Opposites Cannot be the Same or True
-John Hagee's supports Israel but at the same time abandons giving the gospel to the Jews-
by Mike Oppenheimer
Let Us Reason At Christmas time, Lauren Green on Fox News hosted Rick Warrens Christmas service called "Christmas with Rick Warren." This is an opportunity most pastors would love to have- a large captive audience at Christmas time to give the saving message of the gospel to millions of people. But was the gospel presented?Read more ...
At Christmas time, Lauren Green on Fox News hosted Rick Warrens Christmas service called "Christmas with Rick Warren."  This is an opportunity most pastors would love to have- a large captive audience at Christmas time to give the saving message of the gospel to millions of people. But was the gospel presented?
by Mike Oppenheimer
Let Us Reason Ministries When the book Perpetuated in Righteousness came out in the early 90s we plainly saw a problem with the author Daniel Kikawa claiming that the Hawaiians could have come from Israel - as Israel as they were traveling into the Promised Land another exodus was taking place a s a group was called to Hawaii. He even claimed they had numerous teachings that God gave Israel by looking at the gospel in the stars. P rior to any missionary coming to Hawaii with the Bible they had the teaching of the trinity. He made bold claims like this without any references- Many accounts in Polynesia of the creation of man. Some of them state that the supreme triune God made the heavens and earth in six days and rested on the seventh day (p.70 4th ed.) see -,,  Read more ...
Or, the greatest fish story ever told! Part 1 Dec 10, 2010
Mike Oppenheimer What if someone said that God told them to climb Mount Everest to battle and defeat one of the greatest of demonic powers on earth? The Lord has asked saints in the past to do things beyond their abilities, and these are recorded in Scripture. So why is this different? Because God instructed Ana Mendez and a team to do something that He does not speak of in His word. To climb a mountain and battle the Queen of heaven. Peter Wagner's apostles and prophets have used this story to promote to the Church their unorthodox teaching of spirit warfare.Read more ...
We are watching prophetic history unfold for the church and it is not turning out the way most would think. With each new wave of revival the promoters claimed God is pouring out his Spirit on all flesh, but all that happened is the deception deepened.
In our quarterly newsletter we cover various topics that affect the Church. We have a place to cover Islam"s growing influence that is always in the news. It is something that not only affects the world but the church.
By Mike Oppenheimer
Let Us Reason Who is willing to follow the blind leading the blind? Benny Hinn has a reputation to some as a miracle man, a man who moves in the supernatural, who sees miracles on a regular basis. But to others, he is a reputed false teacher. Read more ...
by Mike Oppenheimer It becomes evident that this is not what the apostles delivered to the church, this is something FOREIGN, altered. This is not upholding the faith but destroying the faith that was delivered to the saints. Kikawa wants to go back, back into the ancient past where the creator of a culture is generally mentioned or where some individual may have known something about the creator. He ignores the completed revelation that is in our hands that is to be distributed- as is. He cites Job and Mechizedik as examples of those who held a knowledge of God but these were not nations but rare individuals in these PAGAN nations (Canaan, which God destroyed). There were no nations that worshipped God "“ the creator correctly, except one- Israel. And this is only because God specifically revealed himself to them; yet they at times fell into idolatry with this revelation. If there were any redeeming qualities of these nations God would not have had to remove Abraham from among the pagans (Chaldeans) to train him and make a nation, a theocracy under Him. Contrary to what Kikawa is teaching, God did not purify any nation. If we look at Egypt as an example, He took his people out and judged those who opposed them. And He continues to call us out from the worlds beliefs. Read more ...
THE BIBLE- Romans 1:18-20 "who suppress the truth in unrighteousness"
Premise -The Creator God of the Bible is not a foreign God of these nations- their God sent his son. This is clearly a paralogism.
John 17:15-17: "I do not pray that You should take them out of the world, but that You should keep them from the evil one. "They are not of the world, just as I am not of the world. "Sanctify them by Your truth. Your word is truth. V. 19 "And for their sakes I sanctify Myself, that they also may be sanctified by the truth."
by Mike Oppenheimer
Let Us Reason Ministries James 3:13-4:1: "Who is wise and understanding among you? Let him show by good conduct that his works are done in the meekness of wisdom. ‚   But if you have bitter envy and self-seeking in your hearts, do not boast and lie against the truth. This wisdom does not descend from ‚   abovebut is earthly, sensual, demonic. For where envy and self-seeking exist, confusion and everyevil thing are there. But the wisdom that is from above is first pure, then peaceable, gentle,willing to yield, full of mercy and good fruits, without partiality and without hypocrisy. Nowthe fruit of righteousness is sown in peace by those who make peace."  Read more ...
by Mike Oppenheimer
Let Us Reason Ministries Edmund Burke said that, "the only thing necessary for evil men to triumph is for good men to do nothing." I like to add that if you know something is wrong and evil and affecting people and you do not speak up on it then you not loving people. This principle can be applied to the Christianity. Read more ...
by Mike Oppenheimer Interviewer Danny Lehmann- ""¦now Daniel, something we touched on the other day in the book of Acts and who am I to say that the book of Acts has problems. But the problem with the book of Acts is that most all of the evangelism in the book of Acts is to Jewish based monothiestic people who understood the Bible and Moses and God in a personal relationship that Abraham had and so forth. In a precious few passages Acts 14 being very short and Acts 17 a little longer at Mars Hill Paul used the Greek name for God rather than the Hebrew name for God and he actually commended them for at least being religious and building an altar to this unknown God even though they didn't know that God and they weren't saved. And that brings us in to the application of Acts 17 how does this relate when we go Muslims for instance with their God Allah, to the Koreans, to the Japanese, to any culture who might have a name for God, or the closest AKA Don Richardson uses that term, the closest also known as that is in that culture to our Jehovah."Read more ...
by Mike Oppenheimer
by Mike Oppenheimer
Let Us Reason Ministries The events of the last few weeks are monumental both politically and spiritually, though they may go unnoticed by many. Before we get into the heart of this newsletters topic, let me give some background. Read more ...
Peter Wagner writes, "a few brief quotes from Ana's report, written in mid-October, will suffice: "God spoke to us that He was going to release judgment upon the iniquity and over the false religious systems of the world. He said that he was going to bring down the foundations of 'Mystery Babylon the Great, Mother of Harlots.' [This is the Queen of Heaven. The ancient name of Everest is Sagarmata, meaning "Mother of the Universe."] (Memorandum, Addendum No. 1: The Role of Operation Ice Castle). Read more ...
by Mike Oppenhimer Kikawa's whole concept is one big generalization that does not take into account the actual history of each nation. He assumes that if they have a name for a supreme God (one of the heavens, which are often called sky gods) who is benevolent, that this is sufficient to make the case for Romans 1. All religious systems grew out from men turning away from the truth. Noah's worship was pure and was handed down but degeneration quickly took place. Monotheism led to polytheism and then to further corruption with creature worship. Though these cultures may point back to the beginning of history and have kept distortions of the accounts i.e. the deluge in Chinese, Hindu, Egyptian, Greek or South American traditions. Nearly all systems of religion contain some supreme deity above the others or have a parent deity causing (born or created) sub-deities. This is why God made Israel a theocracy and gave the true record. That through these people the whole world would know the truth. Read more ...
by Mike Oppenheimer
The Emergent church began as a grassroots movement of those seeking to understand what the Christian Church should look like in the 21st century. Their concept is - because the culture and thoughts have changed -we must adapt.
by Mike Oppenheimer
Let Us Reason Ministries Part 2 of the review of Don Richardson"s "Eternity in Their Hearts" Don Richardson calls Melchizedek the "archetype of general revelation" the kind of revelation that is "just there." (Don Richardson, Eternity in their Hearts (Ventura, CA: Regal Books, 1981), 10.)Read more ...
Don Richardson calls Melchizedek the "archetype of general revelation" the kind of revelation that is "just there." (Don Richardson, Eternity in their Hearts (Ventura, CA: Regal Books, 1981), 10.)
The DVD now goes to the radio station at Everest View Hotel where they have a conversation with Ana (excerpts).
by Mike Oppenheimer
Let Us Reason Ministries Caught up to deception and a dark visitation We begin with a video account of Bentley telling his story of going to heaven via a pillar of fire and having the pillar of fire visit his room later. By this account alone he is disqualified from teaching the word, which he has proven, that he has no intention of teaching correctly anyway. Bentley does not seem to be of a sound mind, he certainly is not of sound doctrine. Read more ...
by Mike Oppenheimer
Let Us Reason Ministries What Bentley is teaching is not new " “ much of it can be found in the Latter Rain teachings that went through the late 40"s, 50-60"s. O.L. Jaggers taught that God is "constantly revealing His Word and giving us new truths."  This is why the Latter Rain is also called a restoration movement. Because God is still speaking they believe he is still delivering new doctrines, these are confirmed by experience.Read more ...
Before we move on into examining the teachings of Bentley and the meetings in depth we need to pause and consider the Word of God's teaching on these supernatural matters.
by Mike Oppenheimer
Let Us Reason Ministries The Branham connection There is a difference of saying someone is fired up or on fire and having an experience with fire, Angels of fire, pillars of fire or the fire falling,. These are two very different concepts. After Bob Jones convinced Bentley that he could visit heaven at any time, (he claims to go there daily), Bentley had escalating encounters with angels and visits to heaven. ‚   No apostle ever taught how to go into a trance and be transported away to heaven- this is the new age movements supernatural power in the church among those who cannot discern the true gifts of the Spirit and a counterfeit. Either he is inventing stories not caring about the truth, or he is being visited by counterfeit spirits as angels of light which becomes dangerous to him and others he is teaching.Read more ...
This from our friends at NARWatch Israel,it is a fully English version with English audio of a video originally published in Hebrew here ()
Read more ...
Congratulations for your impartiality in dealing with "Black Friday's" determination of Judge Michael Higgins - Victoria's Civil and Administrative Tribunal. Now may the public debate begin in earnest - without fear or favour! Read more ...
December 2012
CMFI affirms the prophetic purposes of God for Israel & The Jews including the restoration of national Israel and Jerusalem as its capital to facilitate the return of Christ (Luke 21:24, Zechariah 12:1-10, Matthew 23:39 etc.).
David Wilkerson caused a big controversy in UK by associating with Churches and leaders who were into stuff that he had previously criticised in his excellent The Reproach of the Solemn Assembly, in which he had denounced the faith-prosperity and Toronto-associated practices and teachings that have caused so much trouble within the Church. To make matters worse he said some incredibly silly things on that tour in a message regarding our intimacy with Christ. Based on John 4:32 and associated statements, David Wilkerson claimed that the woman of Samaria "fed" Christ and that this was the "meat" that Jesus referred to in this verse. Contextually and biblically that claim is sheer nonsense.Read more ...
Please click here to read "Fresh Prince - Destined to Ruin" by Philip Powell of Christian Witness Ministries
So the plague was stayed . . . (Num 25:8) . . . So the LORD was Entreated "¦ and the plague was stayed (2 Sam 24:25).
College tuition and fees in the US have grown and outstripped inflation to the point where US institutions of higher learning are sitting on a cash mountain of $200 billion dollars.
MORIEL EDITORIAL OF THE WEEK: Boris, Biden, and Bill by Rubin Rothler, LL. B, LL. MRead more ...
Seeking to embellish her legacy as Speaker of the House, Pelosi scheduled a highly publicized trip to Taiwan despite warnings from China.
Could Biden Face Impeachment by the next Congress ? by Rubin Rothler LL. B , LL.M
Much is at stake in the forthcoming midterm elections this fall. Read more ...
Mikhail Gorbachev inherited a situation from an entrenched Stalinist gerontocracy  that was impossible to salvage. Economically, politically, and strategically, his well-intended policies of Glasnost and Perestroika were too little too late. 
If So, What Might This Mean For Saved Christians? by Rubin Rothler
In the Summer a new film was released in Israel that traces the events leading up to the destruction of the second Temple in enticing detail. It is widely considered to be the first Israeli film successfully showing religious life for a popular audience. Set from 66-70 AD, 'Legend of Destruction' by filmmaker Gidi Dar is entirely composed in still drawings.
With the results of the Israeli elections confirmed, Netenyahu is on course to be Israel's longest serving Prime Minister. Without doubt, Netenyahu's political acumen and savy borders on that of genius. He has mastered the dark arts of discourse. He was able to successfully project himself as the man who can continue to provide security, identity and prosperity.
Following the initial round of Israeli national elections last April, the decisive factor causing irreconcilable divisions that ended up scuttling coalition formation talks was the proposed Haredi Military Draft Law. Netanyahu’s major coalition partner Avigdor Lieberman was a leading promoter of this legislation and was unwilling to fold on his demand for the government to endorse it.

France's newest rising star is an enigmatic politician. A darling of the political right, Jean Marie Zemmour is also a Jewish intellectual. He is praised for his down to earth, matter of fact speaking style at political rallies.
Since the end of the Cold War, NATO has somewhat lacked the resolute raison d'etre for its continuation that it once had. It was supposed to be an alliance to protect Europe against potential Soviet aggression.
For an exhausting fifth time in three and a half years, Israelis will once again be going to the polls to elect a new government in the Knesset. Prime Minister Naftali Bennett and Foreign Minister Yair Lapid announced they would move to dissolve their doomed ruling coalition, just over a year after it was formed.
It seems that we are approaching the end game of sorts in Ukraine. Putin appears to have (almost) placed all his cards on the proverbial war table.
The Abraham Accords were the crowning achievement of Trump's foreign policy.
The main meeting of the World Economic Forum (WEF) was held at the end of May, 2022 in Davos, Switzerland. It gathered together our neo-feudal overlords of the micro-caste corporate aristocracy.
Anti Israel sentiment is prevalent in the progressive wing of the Democrat party, which is very much influenced by the BDS boycott movement. They view Israel as an illegitimate colonial power that has unjustifiably taken over Palestinian territory and imposed an aparthied regime on the Arab civilian population.
The Israeli Military Intelligence Industrial Complex : Unique in its Class
Comprehending the prophetic significance of the modern quagmire that is the contemporary Middle East demands an understanding  of the Post World War I origins of the current nations carved out of the defeated Ottoman Empire by Anglo and Franco colonialism.
The nebulous history of Israeli-Iranian relations. By Rubin Rothler LLB, LLM
The New ‘new Deal’ That Isn’t Likely To Happen
Salman Rushdie has spent most of his adult life as a marked man. The recent heinous assault he endured was decades in the making.Read more ...
From the days of the Sanhedrin to the Ghettos and shtetls of Europe, Orthodox Rabbis have always tried to legislate by decree all aspects of Jewish culture, economy and education. The result was identity preservation at the expense of economic and cultural stagnation until the 'haskala' (the Jewish enlightenment). In modern Israel, secular Jews are to the Ultra-Orthodox what the gentiles were in the diaspora -- a despised infidel majority. Now from the neighborhoods of Bnei Brak and Mea Shearim in today's Israel, the Ultra-Orthodox seek by means of their demographic and clout in coalition politics to reverse the haskalah. Rubin Rothler recounts and examines the realities of rabbinic dictatorship for what they are. These realities, without doubt, will have a formative hand in Israel’s "covenant with death' predicted by the Hebrew prophets with the coming advent of the Antichrist who will deceive Israel.
 From the Balfour Declaration to Trump embassy relocation to Jerusalem, the Anglo-American alliance that has defined global Geo-Politics for over a century has been central to the unfolding and out working of the scripturally predicted Prophetic agenda for Israel & The Jews. This has paralleled the fact that since the Methodist Revivals of the late 18th Century, Britain, then the USA have been at the demographic and theological heart of Evangelicism, missions, and Philo-Semitic support for Zionism. But what, in light of current trends, might the future hold in this regard?
Following April’s election, the decisive factor causing irreconcilable divisions that ended up scuttling coalition formation talks was the proposed Haredi Military Draft Law. Netanyahu’s major coalition partner Avigdor Lieberman was a leading promoter of this legislation and was unwilling to fold on his demand for the government to endorse it.
THE UKRAINE - THE UNDER REPORTED REALITIES The USA, UK, EU, Russia, The Baltic States, Bylorus, Germany, And Israel Are All Key Players - But Why Are So Many Of The Key Realities Being Under Reported?Read more ...
Voting Rights or Voting Wrongs ? by Rubin Rothler Ll.B, Ll.M
Three issues are going to top the agenda of the Bennett-Biden meeting in Washington: Iran, policy towards the Palestinians and collaboration in the fight against Covid. Bennett is hoping for a renaissance in the historic U.S.-Israeli alliance. 
 The tributes for the Queen are unreservedly appropriate. She has been the Monarch whom the most people in the world can remember. 
WOKE REVISIONISM AND POST COLONIAL REALITY The actual legacy of Queen Elizabeth II. 'Woke' revisions.
By  Rubin Rothler LLB, LLM.
by Sandy Simpson
Recently Peter Wagner who heads up the new apostolic prophet movement with Chuck Pierce had sent out:
A review of John Mark Pool"s "A Tsunami of God is Coming From the Northwest to This Nation!" by Sandy Simpson
Nov 3,2014 ElijahList is well known for sending out false prophecies on a daily basis. In fact they send anywhere from 3-5 emails daily. I have saved them all for many years because they are ripe fodder for discernment articles. I am going to use this obvious false prophecy by a long time false prophet of the New Apostolic Reformation as a demonstration of a false prophecy and how to test them according to the Bible and common sense.Read more ...
by Sandy Simpson