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Moriel Give a Gift School Supplies & Shoes   Read more ...
Dear Bro. Jacob and Bro. David, Grace to you and peace from our Lord Jesus Christ. ,  ,   Moriel_xvid It was a joyful experience again of our Dump children this Year End Thanksgiving party. They received the teaching of God's goodness and learn to appreciate the lord's mercy and good people. They sung praises to the Lord and we all together express our prayer of thanks, giving thanks to the Lord, for you , Moriel ministries family and to all supporters. They enjoy eating delicious foods and they received Moriel gifts- grocery bags that contains packs of rice, biscuits, can goods, noodles and fruits. It was an unforgettable happy day for them. Thank you so much, may the Lord continue bless each and everyone. Happy New Year ! Sincerely in Christ, Ptr. Paul
Dear Bro. Jacob and Bro. David,
Grace be to you and peace from the Lord Jesus Christ.
Greeting you in Jesus. We praise and thank the Lord God Almighty for He answered our prayers with the young dump children. We give thanks to you, to Sis. Marg, to Moriel Ministries, to all our supporters who support the Ministry-programs and missions, for God use all of you as His channels of blessings. The young children already received their personal Bible. They were proud to take their Bible in every Bible study and in every christian gathering.They have already a good acoustic guitar for them to learn to play it, and use their talent in serving the Lord. We bought microphone and set of speakers. we open it while the children are on eating to hear the praise and worship songs, to condition their minds and heart to the mercy and goodness of the Lord Jesus Christ. We will also use it for Bible study,seminars, and other christian activities. We installed the screen at the entrance and window of the main feeding room to block the flies and,  mosquitoes. Rain always falls here, our dump children got wet when they came to the feeding area. To protect them from colds we bought them rain coats and umbrellas. They will use and wear it when they come to the feeding room, they will also use it in going to School. Every time the smell and the ask from the dump is bad, We give medicine to the children. We thank the Lord that so far no one is getting sick. We monitored their weight, most of them gained weight while others are just the same. These are the things that we haven't done yet: ,  1. Repair of leaking roof at the main feeding room. ,  2. Construction of wall,door and windows for the extension feeding room. ,  3. Computer for the children's schooling. Thank you so much. May our gracious God continue pouring His blessings to everyone in the ministry. Sincerely in Christ, Ptr. Paul Please click here to view a short video of the children.
[caption id="attachment_8227" align="alignright" width="300" caption="Phillippine Garbage Dump Children New Year's Service"][/caption]
[caption id="attachment_7960" align="alignright" width="300" caption="Preparatory Young Children's Hour"][/caption]
Moriel USA administrator,David Lister, and the Moriel Asia administrator, Geoff O'Toole in Philippines with the children.
The Ballad of Gorgeous George and Jittery Jacob George Mueller was a man of God if there ever was one. Spiritually I cannot place myself in his league by any means, but there are obvious inescapable comparisons, not between us but between the challenges faced. Before coming to know Jesus, Mueller was apparently something of a kind of philandering lush who was rather lavish with cash enjoying the high life. After coming to know Jesus, however, he had a heart for poor children (the urban poverty and plight of homeless children in the UK in his day was something akin to Third World conditions today as described in Dickens novels). Less noble in lifestyle than his London counterpart, Dr. Barnardo, Mueller of Bristol had been quite the character.Read more ...
Dear Friends
On Sunday November the 2nd Aletheia evangelist Zack was married to Nosipho. We wish the couple every happiness and look forward to their return from honeymoon in two weeks time where they will resume work on the Kwazenzele settlement next to Ebyown Children's Village.
The weather could not have been more perfect. The sun was shining, the sky blue and crystal clear. A slight breeze helped take the edge of the heat and all the preparations had been done for this special day.
We would like to introduce to you Ebyown's latest youngster, Siphiwe. She is 11 years old and has spent the last 8 months in hospital. She has Cerebral Palsy and little movement but she has the most amazing smile. Siphiwe will be the first child in our new disability unit that is to be built in late March. Anyone wishing to help sponsor Siphiwe can either contact us directly, contact your nearest branch office of Moriel, or here.
Yeshua is the best reason to be happy so lets celebrate His incarnation togetherRead more ...
Dear Brethren in Jesus,
We lost another one of our orphan children in Africa. It was Mouse (Sidonele). It is always very difficult spiritually and emotionally for all of us when this happens. But it inevitably too often does. It is especially heart breaking for the Moriel missionaries who take care of these children and above all for Dave & Lyn in particular. It is the kind of thing you mentally expect but can never get use to. It is our first loss since little Angel went to be with Jesus. Moriel / Ebyown is the only family these mostly HIV orphan babies and small orphan children have ever known or had. Little Mouse never even had much of a chance.
Jacob, Pavia, & Pastor Bernard Mathe at entrance of Ebyown Children's Ministry Jacob, Pavia, & Pastor Bernard Jacob & Pavia standing in front of house at the squatter's camp. Jacob & Paulina Jacob, Pavia, & Katie - Ebyown manager & nurse at Ebyown Children's Village. Dave & Lyn, Jacob & Pavia, & Paulina It was good to see Jacob and his lovely wife Pavia on their visit to South Africa. High on Jacobs agenda was a visit to the site of the Childrens village. Jacob and Pavia are very excited at the potential. Although it will be at least June before the initial influx of children we were able to show them the outreach work that is going on. This included a visit to the neighbouring squatter camp where conditions can be very grim. Read more ...
[caption id="attachment_8151" align="aligncenter" width="300" caption="Jacob having some fun"][/caption]


Please click here to read about Letty.
Dear Friends
While Dave and Lyn were visiting in the UK two of their son's wives had babies born 2 hours apart on the same day.
Marijke (nurse) and Lina (Teacher) will be leaving Ebyown at the end of February 2010 after serving the Lord alongside us for a year. It has been fantastic to have them on our team and God has used them in a variety of ways during this challenging period in their lives.
Dear Friends
Please click here to read the Moriel South Africa Mission News for April 2011.
Please click here to read the newsletter in a PDF file.
Please click here to read the South Africa Missions Newsletter for May 2011.
The latest missions report is now available to be read or downloaded online by clicking here.
Please click here to read the South Africa Missions Newsletter for May 2011.
Dear Friends and family
Dear friends and Family
Please click here to read the December Mission News from South Africa.
Please click here to read the latest news from South Africa.
Please click here to read the latest news from South Africa.
Please click here to view the April 2012 South Africa Missions newsletter.
Please click here to view the April 2012 South Africa Missions newsletter.
Please click here to read the latest news from South Africa.
Please click here to read the latest news from South Africa.
Please click here to read the latest news from South Africa.
Please click here  for Moriel SA Missions Report for March 2014.
PO BOX 793 Swellendam 6740, Western Cape, South Africa
Mount of Olives Mission
Moriel Missions SA
PO BOX 793 Swellendam 6740, Western Cape, South Africa
Email: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. document.getElementById('cloak096736132b7a579630d6a05e703c6b90').innerHTML = ''; var prefix = 'ma' + 'il' + 'to'; var path = 'hr' + 'ef' + '='; var addy096736132b7a579630d6a05e703c6b90 = 'moriel.david' + '@'; addy096736132b7a579630d6a05e703c6b90 = addy096736132b7a579630d6a05e703c6b90 + 'gmail' + '.' + 'com'; var addy_text096736132b7a579630d6a05e703c6b90 = 'moriel.david' + '@' + 'gmail' + '.' + 'com';document.getElementById('cloak096736132b7a579630d6a05e703c6b90').innerHTML += ''+addy_text096736132b7a579630d6a05e703c6b90+''; Cell: 0823739297


Dear friends in the Lord

Greetings in the lovely name of our Lord Jesus to who we give all the praise and glory! Needless to say its been a busy and exciting year with the majority of work focusing on the development at the mission. As we complete almost 16 years of service to the Lord here in South Africa our work is entering its final stages. As you recall from our mission statement right at the beginning the work was to involve two major stages. First of all a place of safety and nurture for the youngest and most vulnerable of our children but after years of development and healing a place where they could contribute themselves to society. The mission is purely that, a place where the children can learn life skills and a place where the gospel is faithfully lived and propagated.

Read more ...
Please click here to view the November,   2012 South Africa Missions newsletter.
Thank you once again for your prayers and practical support.
Dear Friends
A big thank you to supporters who made it possible for us to install a trampoline for the kids. This will not only be a fun thing but will actually help our CP kids with their balance and movement and as you can see our Nurse Marijke got in on the act with Spud.
Please click here to view an article from the EBYOWN children.
Since my visit last year to Moriel"s South Africa mission (headed by Brother Dave Royle), God has greatly blessed the ministry there. Extensive valuable and exciting work has been carried out, and much more is planned for the future.
It is with deep sadness that we inform you of the going home to the Lord of Simpiwe. Simpiwe came to us two years ago when we received a phone call from a Johannesburg hospital where she had been staying for some time due to her severe disabilities. Simpiwe was quadriplegic and had to be nursed 24/7. She could not swallow and so had to be tube fed. Her Cerebral Palsy was quite severe. However the thing we will remember about Simpiwe is her bright smile. Our son Chris would often stroke her face with her favorite toy, a fish with big lips, he called it the kissing fish. This would have Simpiwe laughing so much. Also like any young lady she had a fondness for the taste of chocolate. She couldn't swallow it but for treats we would put some in her mouth and her eyes would roll back with pleasure.Read more ...
The latest missions report is now available to be read or downloaded online by clicking here.
Dear Brothers and Sisters
Greetings in Jesus.
World News
August 10, 2003 Aids activists in South Africa have cheered President Thabo Mbeki's decision to distribute antiretroviral drugs to people diagnosed with HIV. But a visiting churchman who works there with children suffering from AIDS has questioned the South African Government's ability to carry out its promise. Read more ...
[caption id="attachment_6225" align="alignright" width="179" caption="Marty and Carol Foster"][/caption]
The latest missions report is now available to be read or downloaded online by clicking here.
Please click here to read missions report.
Dear Friends
Our trip to Tanzania was long overdue. Allen Wells and I had looked forward to this for months and it was with great anticipation that we boarded the plane to Dar Re Salaam and then onto Kilimanjaro. I had first met Ps Norbert two years earlier while on Mission in Kenya and he had willingly agreed to take on the role as our mission"s representative in this vibrant yet poor country. I went there to see the progress of Moriel Missions Tanzania, now an official government Non Profit organization, and I was really impressed with the progress under Norbert"s leadership. Read more ...
The object of our trip to Tanzania was three fold. First of all to give Jacob opportunity to meet Norbert and his board members. Secondly to see the work first hand and finally to build up the brethren with some solid Bible teaching. However this visit would not only achieve all these things but instill in Moriel a sense of urgency through some of the incidents that happened. Read more ...
A Masai warrior welcome A Masai welcome Jacob with girls from Moriel School For Orphaned Girls Another photo of Jacob with the girls Arrival at Moriel headquarters A pastor receives his certificate A brief seminar for pastors. By the mill with some local Masai ladies. Young man crippled for 20 years receives prayer.
Dear Brothers and Sisters,
First of all I need to say thank you for all the donations that have come in for the establishment of Ebyown Children's Village Tanzania. I am overjoyed that God through you has supplied the resources for this great need. Many calls have come in to all our Moriel offices and questions are being asked of Jacob regarding the progress ahead. So this letter is to bring everyone up to speed. Read more ...
The Watach Mountains were fast disappearing out of the corner of my eye as the plane climbed out of the Salt Lake Valley. The sun was brilliant, blazing and in front of us as we headed east and home. The end of another Moriel Mission Trip to Mormons in Utah was quickly approaching. But the memories are still fresh, wonderful, exciting and at the same time, sad.Read more ...
Dear Friends of Moriel:
Grace and Peace from our Lord Jesus Christ.