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Christians usually take two lines of approach in the argument against same sex marriage:
There are many out there that say that America is named in the bible, often they point to Babylon and equate it to New York or Washington DC.
By British newspaper editor Alan Franklin
Major Prophecies in Daniel 2 and 7 indicate that the Holy Roman Empire will be the dominant force in the world when our Lord returns. Twenty five hundred years ago Daniel saw the Roman Empire revived from the dead in the end times.
by Ken Silva
Apprising Ministries Recently the Lord has been sending forth some clear warnings that His patience is up with the Evangelical Movement in this "One Nation Under Delusion." Dr. Alan Cairns sounded one such warning in his sermon "The Evangelical Cave-In," as he exposed the poisoned root of some of the rotten weeds that have been growing wildly in this section of His Vineyard for far too long. Even the latest issue of Christianity Today (Falling Away) features an interview with Ben Witherington III that shows just how far Satan's spiritual venom has been injected into the very bloodstream of Evangelicalism. Call it "New Evangelicalism," call it scholarship for the "increasingly postmodern setting," O call it whatever you want, it's still liberal theology and compromise in order for these man-pleasers to protect their own stature within American culture. Read more ...
Moriel's response to new Mel Gibson film
We carefully watched the Mel Gibson interview by ABC's Dianne Sawyer with preview clips of the film in advance of its release on the Roman Catholic feast of Ash Wednesday.
Moriel se reaksie oor die nuwe Mel Gibson film. (In Afrikaans vertaal)
Over recent years there has been a steady build up of opposition to and outright rejection of what some term as "˜the theory' of "˜penal substitution'. Amongst the definitions for ,  "˜theory' is one that reads "“ "˜a conjectural view or idea'. When it comes then to understanding what was happening on "the cross of Christ" for the faithful Christian the doctrine of "˜penal substitution' is not a matter of "˜conjecture' but it is the factual and glorious heartbeat that sustains God's gift of "eternal life" [Romans 6:23]. "˜Penal substitution' is a factual divine truth that leaps from the pages of the Bible and to deny otherwise is quite simply to set oneself up as an "˜enemy of the cross of Christ'.Read more ...
to view this video.
A special thank you to Moriel supporters for their donation for Tsunami Disaster Aid. Here is some pictures of some of the work still being accomplished.
I have just discovered the shocking news detailed below. Last month Geert Wilders was banned from entering the UK
Nairobi (ENI). A Ugandan evangelical church leader says Africans are saddened by U.S. President Barack Obama's condemnation of an anti-homosexuality bill before the country's legislature.
Heresy isn't new, of course. These things have been around in every generation.
My name is Supriya Mitchell and I am an Indian woman who was born and raised in Pune, India. I now live in Virginia but still have friends and family back home that I visit as much as I can. Although I was raised in a Christian home, I was taken to Hindu temples by our maid who was and still is a follower of Hinduism when I was a little girl. I love much of my Indian culture but also am burdened for so many of my people who worship false gods. I know the religions of my homeland from seeing them first-hand, and I hope my perspective helps in this matter. I am thankful that the true God preserved and protected me from many of the evils associated with following Hindu gods or the god of Islam. Read more ...
The AG in the USA died a self-inflicted spiritual, moral, and ethical death during the Pensacola fiasco under Thomas Trask, their former czar in Springfield, Mo.
Great Britain is officially a Christian nation but is becoming more against the gospel. The same can be said about America. Please note the similarities between Tony Blair and Barack Obama.
By Mark Steyn
Let me see if I understand the BBC Rules of Engagement correctly: if you're Robert Kilroy-Silk and you make some robust statements about the Arab penchant for suicide bombing, amputations, repression of women and a generally celebratory attitude to September 11 " “ none of which is factually in dispute " “ the BBC will yank you off the air and the Commission for Racial Equality will file a complaint to the police which could result in your serving seven years in gaol. Message: this behaviour is unacceptable in multicultural Britain.Read more ...
[caption id="attachment_4764" align="alignright" width="233" caption="Aaqil Ahmed: The BBC's new head of religious affairs is a practising Muslim"][/caption]
by Michael Gleghorn
by Sandy Simpson
Sept 18, 2015
I am writing this article to address a subject that I have often observed. It is the fact that if you do not get the leaven out of your church the leaven will become the leadership.
by Sandy Simpson
Sept 18, 2015
I am writing this article to address a subject that I have often observed. It is the fact that if you do not get the leaven out of your church the leaven will become the leadership.
Moriel & Jacob Prasch concur entirely with the timely and important caveat issued by Take Heed Ministries in Northern Ireland concerning the mandate event and Elim's Colin Dye.  
In the conviction of Moriel & Jacob Prasch based on Revelation 18:4 that it is a shame, a disgrace, and a betrayal of Christ for any saved Christian to remain party to this outrage by The Church of England in which no truly born again believer can scripturally remain.Read more ...
Please click here to view the article Connecting the "Dots" on Brian McLaren


The Sin of Party Spirit Masquerading as Christian Unity that Ultimately Unites with Apostasy and Unbelief by James Jacob Prasch  
Jan 21,2014 When we, the Body of Christ, have unity of The Spirit we only need a fellowship of fellowships for practical cooperation in things like missions, Christian education, and charity,  not any hierarchical structure other than the headship of Christ and doctrinal supremacy of scripture devoid of any organised or institutional monolith. One Faith, One Baptism.Read more ...
According to Wikipedia:

No Sweat

October 30, 2009
by This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. document.getElementById('cloakdbbab027bd10ee51e5a5304c7109fe8f').innerHTML = ''; var prefix = 'ma' + 'il' + 'to'; var path = 'hr' + 'ef' + '='; var addydbbab027bd10ee51e5a5304c7109fe8f = 'jalnor' + '@'; addydbbab027bd10ee51e5a5304c7109fe8f = addydbbab027bd10ee51e5a5304c7109fe8f + 'yahoo' + '.' + 'com'; var addy_textdbbab027bd10ee51e5a5304c7109fe8f = 'Jackie Alnor';document.getElementById('cloakdbbab027bd10ee51e5a5304c7109fe8f').innerHTML += ''+addy_textdbbab027bd10ee51e5a5304c7109fe8f+''; from Apostasy Alert
(Original article posted here.) Do the recent deaths at a Sedona, Arizona New Age spiritual retreat have a lesson for anyone on a Christian journey today? It may seem far-fetched to think that anyone calling themselves "Christian" could learn anything from a group of "˜stupid people' following a charismatic cult leader into an unventilated sweat lodge with 65 other "˜stupid people,' yet this could be a wake-up call for some emergents, ecumenists and "prophetic" charismaniac "˜stupid people.' (tongue-in-cheek, of course)Read more ...
By Berit Kjos - March 9, 2011
Part 1: Rick Warren's New Age Health Gurus "Pastor Rick Warren [is hosting] three health experts "“ including the star of the 'Dr. Oz Show' "“ at Saddleback Church... 'The Bible says that God wants us to be as healthy physically as you are spiritually,' Warren said... 'This is God's prescription for your health." :"("Pastor Rick Warren [is hosting] three health experts "“ including the star of the 'Dr. Oz Show' "“ at Saddleback Church... 'The Bible says that God wants us to be as healthy physically as you are spiritually,' Warren said... 'This is God's prescription for your health. )": Read more ...
Please click here for a review by Christopher Fisher of Chino Valley Bible Church of the "Be Still" DVD.
Editors at Lighthouse Trails
Lighthouse Trails Publishing
January 11, 2011 Just ten days after Lighthouse Trails posted its last and most important article of 2010, Rick Warren's "Apologetics" Weekend Should Apologize for Representing "Another Gospel," we must issue this Special Report regarding a year-long event that will be kicking off at Rick Warren's Saddleback Church on January 15th. Read more ...
Jacob Prasch
Please click here to view or download Shibboleth Part 3 - Rick Warren Continued.

Shibboleth Part 1

Jacob Prasch
Please click here to view or download Shibboleth Part 1.
Jacob Prasch
Please click here to view or download Shibboleth Part 2 - Rick Warren.
By Berit Kjos - February 7, 2010
"We...need to reawaken something very old...our understanding of Earth wisdom. We need to accept the invitation to the dance -- the dance of unity of humans, plants, the Earth.",   :"(Bill Devall and George Session, Deep Ecology, Salt Lake City- Gibbs Smith Publisher, 1985, p. ix.)":,   Deep Ecology
A sermon quoting Madonna and fifth rate rock music: that"s the "Rock" church of St. Louis. No wonder America is fast going downhill spiritually. Alan Franklin comments. 7/7/2013
Free Press If you want to see what is wrong with America"s churches, it is encapsulated in what passes for ministry in the Rock Church of St. Louis. We attended the first day that "Rock" took over what was formerly the First Baptist Church of Lemay, a suburb of St. Louis. We"d attended on previous visits and Pat grew up in the neighborhood. It is now Lemay Campus of the Rock Church " and is exactly what the title should forewarn you of: loud, inconsequential, with much focus on the preacher and a daisy light message. Similar takeovers have occurred across America with disastrous results " unless you enjoy near zero Bible teaching, emotionalism and appalling, loud, discordant "music." Honoring to the Lord? Please, grow up!Read more ...
I am doing a Bible study right now on what I would call "renewing our minds".    It is based on this verse:
by James Jacob Prasch
Jan 27, 2014 Collapse of the mega churches and beyond. In 2008, several months before the sub prime crisis, I publicly shared a teaching called "Everything That Can Be Shaken" which was promptly filmed and recorded in the USA ,and UK and placed in the public domain. I, of course, make no claim to being a prophet and I regard those who do make such claims concerning themselves to be are either false ones or just plain religious crackpots. I was not the only person to issue such a predictive warning and was probably not the first. I was just one voice among various others that I am now aware of (but was not at the time) who believed the Lord was warning us that a financial crash was coming that would impact the church, including major supposedly Evangelical churches.Read more ...
Paul Cain has been used mightily by the Lord to touch many lives in our times. He is esteemed by many around the world as a major prophetic voice and as a spiritual father. It would be hard to estimate the number who have been healed, delivered, or saved through his ministry. We have especially benefited from his friendship and ministry in too many ways to count. It is therefore with great sorrow that we publish the following.,   Read more ...
So much heresy is entering the churches these days. As you would suspect, sometimes it is due to a pastor attending a conference or reading a book and becoming diapraxed with unbiblical ideas. He then starts to weave those ideas into his messages and begins to invite speakers to the church who expound on those ideas. Then when confronted by someone in the church who has reservations about the new stuff being taught, they are told to not talk about it and just go along with the program. If that person does not they are ostracized, slandered behind their back, and often told to leave (which is what they should do in any case).
So much heresy is entering the churches these days. As you would suspect, sometimes it is due to a pastor attending a conference or reading a book and becoming diapraxed with unbiblical ideas. He then starts to weave those ideas into his messages and begins to invite speakers to the church who expound on those ideas. Then when confronted by someone in the church who has reservations about the new stuff being taught, they are told to not talk about it and just go along with the program. If that person does not they are ostracized, slandered behind their back, and often told to leave (which is what they should do in any case).
So much heresy is entering the churches these days. As you would suspect, sometimes it is due to a pastor attending a conference or reading a book and becoming diapraxed with unbiblical ideas. He then starts to weave those ideas into his messages and begins to invite speakers to the church who expound on those ideas. Then when confronted by someone in the church who has reservations about the new stuff being taught, they are told to not talk about it and just go along with the program. If that person does not they are ostracized, slandered behind their back, and often told to leave (which is what they should do in any case).
One of the central new teachings of the Latter Rain Movement, of the 40's and 50's, was the so-called restoration of Apostles and Prophets to the overcoming Endtime Church. This restoration teaching percolated on the back burners of the Charismatic Renewal for years. But, it was never promoted heavily and no one attempted to systematically implement it on a worldwide scale. Into this vacuum, G. Peter Wagner has evolved as a central personality. He has given organizational and promoting impetus to this so-called restoration and taken bold steps to implement apostolic restoration to a wider Global Church. Read more ...
House urges committee to include 'sexual orientation' in federal law The House of Representatives has voted to urge a conference committee to add "sexual orientation, gender and disability" to federal hate-crimes law, a development some observers say would muzzle Christians who speak out against homosexuality. Read more ...
Indonesian housewives in hot water after kids invite Muslim friends ‚ © ‚  2005 ‚ Three Christian housewives in Indonesia have been charged with endangering children and face a possible five years in prison after teaching a kids Sunday School class, a human-rights group reports. According to International Christian Concern, which helps persecuted believers worldwide, the criminal charges stem from three Sunday School lessons the women " “ Rebecca Laonita Z, Rama Mala Bangun and Etty Pangesti " “ taught in 2003 and 2005. The activities the women led included: telling stories and teaching from the Bible, teaching Christian prayers, providing prizes like pencils for memorizing Bible verses, giving children towels with a picture of Jesus, and giving kids blue sport shirts that bore a cross and the logo of their church. The women also allegedly invited a child to attend a church service and lent a girl a Bible to read, International Christian Concern reported. While most of the children involved went to the women's church, the kids had invited some of their Muslim friends to the classes " “ and that's when the trouble began. Indonesia has a child-protection criminal statute that states:Read more ...
by Nina Shea
To the Netzarim Diaspora in Australia
by American Family Association
Posted: March 01, 2008
4:47 pm Eastern
2008 WorldNetDaily Lawyers for a team of Christians convicted of disorderly conduct for praying at a "gay" fest in a public park in Elmira, N.Y., are promising an appeal of the verdict that left them with $100 fines.Read more ...
Thursday, July 28, 2011
Eritrean officials have arrested 90 Christians since May "“ and more than a quarter of them are college students, according to Release partners.
by Bill Muehlenberg
I just returned from the Victorian Civil and Administrative Tribunal in Melbourne, where the two Christian pastors have been found of guilty of vilifying Muslims. The decision handed down this morning marks the beginning of the end of freedom of speech in Australia, and the official restriction of proclaiming the Christian gospel.
Nigeria 26th February 2004
Plateau State: Some 49 Christians were massacred by Islamic militants in a raid on the Christian town of Yelwa on Tuesday 24 February.
By Binyamin L. Jolkovsky Yesterday Michael Graham wrote in his column: "I take no pleasure in saying it. It pains me to think it. I could very well lose my job in talk radio over admitting it. But it is the plain truth: Islam is a terror organization." And then his fears came true. Hours after his column appeared here, Graham, a mid-morning talker at WMAL in Washington, D.C., was suspended without pay pending an investigation. Graham's column and previous on-air comments were not the first time he's had a run-in with CAIR. In an April, 2004 column, he details other attempts by the Muslim group to silence him. But as late as this week, a WMAL executive, Randall Bloomquist, told the Washington Post that despite CAIR's protests about some of Graham's on-air utterances, the station had no intention of reprimanding him. Describing Graham's rhetoric as "amped up", he said, according to the paper, it is justified within the context of the program. "Remember that this is talk radio," Bloomquist added. "We don't do the dainty minuet of the newspaper editorial page. It's not 'Washington Week in Review.' It depends on pungent statements to drive it. Michael is rattling the cage. It's designed to start and further a conversation, and it has certainly done that." Graham, on-air, explained his position on Islam: Read more ...

Londonistan Rising

By Dan Rabkin
3/27/2008 "I am writing to advise you that following the London bombings in July 2005, the Home Secretary announced a list of particular activities that would normally lead to a person being excluded or deported from the UK " ¦ The list of unacceptable behaviours covers:Read more ...
MORIEL urges prayer that God will act against the now passed Sexual Orientation Regulations of Tony Blair and his government backed by many Conservative members of parliament including the Conservative leader David Cameron. This legislation forces religious institutions to provide services including homosexual and lesbian adoption of children, with steep financial penalties against those responsible for the care of these children and these services. Read more ...
(This statement was prepared by Moriel USA with no reference to Moriel Australia and is expressed by a non Australian citizen outside of the jurisdiction of the Victoria courts).
A crossed-out Star of David, the words "six million more"  and "88"  (neo-Nazi code for "Heil Hitler" ) were also spray-painted on the walls of the Newcastle Hebrew Congregation early last Thursday morning " ” just hours after the 116th anniversary of Hitler"s birthday.
by Kay Wilson
A true story…..
A pastor friend of mine wrote and sent me this saying, "I couldn't help but write this after I prayed through our church's prayer chain today." I think it's meaning is self-explanatory.
Two schoolboys were given detention after refusing to kneel down and 'pray to Allah' during a religious education lesson.
11th August 2010
Christian Concern For Our Nation There is widespread shock following the news that Duke Amachree has lost his case, having been sacked for mentioning God in the workplace. An employment tribunal has ruled that it was reasonable for Wandsworth Council to dismiss Duke. Duke was initially suspended for telling a client with an incurable illness not to give up hope and suggesting that she try putting her faith in God. He was later sacked for gross misconduct for his comments to her and for taking the story to the press. The decision has come as a huge surprise to Duke and to his legal team.Read more ...
August 17, 2008
Dear Jason, Thank you very much for your letter. Really, me and my friends appreciate your attention and comfort very much. We all need strong minds here to survive such a big tragedy. Even for believers, because many of us have relatives in and from South Ossetia. It"s difficult to stay indifferent when we listen to such ‚  awful stories which happened to our people - children, women, old people, and young men. But as I see it, what"s amazing is this - refugees want to return to Tskhinvali, because that"s where their homes are, and they don"t want to disturb or impose upon other people. I see that South Ossetian people are very special. As we visited victims - they are all open to accept us and appreciate any kind of attention and concern. They were always very kind, open, and simple. But what happened to them? These are the refugees" stories and a short chronicle of what happened.Read more ...
The most powerful bomb attack in Indonesia since the Bali bombing of October 2002 took place last Saturday in the small town of Tentena, Sulawesi. As well as the suspected Islamic militant bomber, at least 19 people were killed, all of them Christians. Read more ...
By Jean-Christophe Mounicq
The morning of Jan. 29, upon hearing about the attack on a bus in Jerusalem, I did not experience the expected emotion. It seemed such a "normal" thing, and I have not enough tears to shed for people I do not know.
'Homosexuals know they must silence the church and that's what's behind this' Posted: October 18, 2008
12:10 am Eastern
‚ © ‚  2008 ‚  WorldNetDaily A growing movement that experts believe could end up in the criminalization of Christianity in the United States is being exposed in a new documentary being prepared for airing on October 26, officials at Coral Ridge Ministries have announced.Read more ...
May 6, 2012
Perry Trotter As the persecution of Christians in Egypt, Syria, Sudan and Iraq intensifies, for many Western Christian aid agencies it is apparently not a high priority. Here in New Zealand it is not the ongoing expulsion or murder of Middle East Christians that is given special attention by Tear Fund and World Vision "“ rather, it is the one nation in the region in which religious freedom is guaranteed regardless of race.Read more ...
The UK House of Commons has just voted to support the Religious Hatred Bill ..... It will now go to the House of Lords... This article from the Telegraph details the current situation. Danny Nalliah is currently in London and was at the House of Commons - as mentioned in the article!
Christian Institute
June 8, 2009 Video: Police attempt to silence street preacher Watch the video (4.01 mins)Read more ...
Last updated at 09:12am
17th March 2008 The wife of a clergyman beaten up in his churchyard in a suspected "faith hate" crime has spoken of the shock felt by his congregation. Canon Michael Ainsworth, 57, was set upon by three Asian youths shouting anti-Christian abuse when he confronted them for rowdy behaviour outside St George-in-the-East church in Shadwell, leaving him with two black eyes and cuts and bruises. Read more ...