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Sermons by Other Authors
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Title | Author | Language | Scripture | Description |
A Cross-less Christianity = A Christ-less Christianity | Mike Oppenheimer | English | Various | What is being taught today is that we should not suffer or have pain or be corrected. This leads to illegitimate children, not true sons of God. |
A Cross-less Christianity = A Christ-less Christianity | Mike Oppenheimer | Polish | Various | What is being taught today is that we should not suffer or have pain or be corrected. This leads to illegitimate children, not true sons of God. |
A Study of Election & Predestination | Salvador ung hayworth | English | Various | Firstly, as I know from experience, Calvinism isn t simply a doctrine but it is a number of beliefs that underpin the way many Calvinists interpret the bible and the way they see their prayer and evangelism. Secondly, the logical extension of Calvinism makes God the author of sin, having created sin and ordaining or willing it to happen and so contradicts the very nature of God as He has revealed Himself in scripture. Thirdly, God in scripture is shown to be a relational God. |
Berean Behavior: Naughty or Noble | Sherry Neese | English | Acts 17:11 | Bereans of our time who carry on the torch of truth minister in various capacities to warn the Church about wolves in their midst. |
Born of Water & the Spirit: What Did Jesus Mean? | Calvin Smith | English | John 3:5 | Establishing the meaning of the phrase "born of water" has proved somewhat more problematic. Let us examine briefly some of the main interpretations of this phrase. |
Charismatic False Teaching | Joseph Chambers | Afrikaans | ||
The Church Fathers' Interpretation of Matthew 16:18 | William Webster | English | Matthew 16:18 | Addresses in-depth the claims of the Catholic church's assertion that their power is descendant from Peter through this verse, a relatively new concept when examined in the light of the many centuries of church fathers who taught to the contrary. |
The Death of the Simple, Part 1 | Pastor Bill Randles | English | Proverbs | A warning against sexual sin. |
The Death of the Simple, Part 2 | Pastor Bill Randles | English | Proverbs | A warning against sexual sin. |
Discernment & the Watchman | Mike Oppenheimer | English | Jude 3 | When a teaching or practice does not line up with God s Word, we are commanded by sound doctrine, both to exhort and convict those who contradict “ |
Five Basic Doctrines | Sandy Simpson | English | Various | There are five basic doctrines of the Christian Church. These doctrines put into simple language the basic theology of our faith, taking into account the full teaching of the Word of God in context. |
The Good, the Bad & the Ugly | Andrew Gould | English | Reasons for studying the Hebraic background to the Bible and developing a deeper knowledge of 1st Century Jewish culture and hermeneutics. | |
Hope, Hate & Human Hearts | Berit Kjos | English | Jeremiah 17:9 | The real answers to questions dealing with hate, hope and human hearts are only found in the Bible. |
How to do an Exegesis | Moriel Zulu Mission | English | Overview of the use of the Inductive Study Approach for developing proper exegesis of Scripture. | |
How Was a Jew Saved in the Old Testament?" | Arnold Fruchtenbaum | English | Genesis 15:6 | If you were a rabbi in Judea in the first century and I asked you how I might obtain eternal life, how would you explain it? |
Implications of the New Anointing | Pastor Bill Randles | English | Through the prophecies and teachings of Charismatic leaders, an expectation has developed of a Last-Days cutting-edge church which would move in such power and anointing that world leaders would search out the wisdom of its leaders, and whole nations would fall trembling at its feet. | |
Islam, Rome nd the Antichrist and False prophet? | Bob Mitchell | English | Like Islam and Israel, Rome wants Protestantism to die. Since the Reformation she has tried to win back the rebels and the ground she has lost. | |
Joel's Army: The "New Breed" | Jewel Grewe | English | Colossians 2:3-4 | It is disturbing to witness leaders opening up young children to the –supernatural. ” and teaching them to become –prophets ”. |
Living in the State of Denial | Mike Oppenheimer | English | 2 Timothy 4:3-4 | Christ is to be the head of the church and shepherds are to equipping the saints in His word but are they listening to Him? |
Meet the Millstones | Dusty Peterson | English | Various | How child molestation is becoming rampant in apostate Evangelicalism. |
The name of the Lord | Moriel Japan | English | Various | God's name is not just a word, it is his character. This explores just what that means. |
The Name of the Lord - Afrikaans | Moriel Japan | Afrikaans | Various | God's name is not just a word, it is his character. This explores just what that means. |
The New Jesus & a Love Called Tolerance | Paul Proctor | English | Galatians 1:9 | Discussing the evil in our world, that is the sinful nature of man, is a risky venture nowadays, especially for any Christian or church seeking to be loved and accepted BY that world. |
The Parable of the Little Boy | Anthony Royle | English | Six-year-old Thabo was born with HIV/AIDS and is black. His father abandoned his mother and then his mother died when he was two-years-old. | |
Spirit-Led or Purpose Driven (Part 1 of 5) | Berit Kjos | English | Various | A detailed biblical analysis of Rick Warren's "Purpose Driven" ilk and what every discerning Christian needs to know. Part 1 covers "Widening the Gate to the Kingdom", "Softening God's Word", "The Spirit of Worship", "Music-Driven Evangelism", and "Forgetting 'the Fear of God'". |
Spirit-Led or Purpose Driven (Part 2 of 5) | Berit Kjos | English | Various | A detailed biblical analysis of Rick Warren's "Purpose Driven" ilk and what every discerning Christian needs to know. Part 1 covers "Widening the Gate to the Kingdom", "Softening God's Word", "The Spirit of Worship", "Music-Driven Evangelism", and "Forgetting 'the Fear of God'". |
Spirit-Led or Purpose Driven (Part 3 of 5) | Berit Kjos | English | Various | A detailed biblical analysis of Rick Warren's "Purpose Driven" ilk and what every discerning Christian needs to know. Part 1 covers "Widening the Gate to the Kingdom", "Softening God's Word", "The Spirit of Worship", "Music-Driven Evangelism", and "Forgetting 'the Fear of God'". |
Spirit-Led or Purpose Driven (Part 4 of 5) | Berit Kjos | English | Various | A detailed biblical analysis of Rick Warren's "Purpose Driven" ilk and what every discerning Christian needs to know. Part 1 covers "Widening the Gate to the Kingdom", "Softening God's Word", "The Spirit of Worship", "Music-Driven Evangelism", and "Forgetting 'the Fear of God'". |
Spirit-Led or Purpose Driven (Part 5 of 5) | Berit Kjos | English | Various | A detailed biblical analysis of Rick Warren's "Purpose Driven" ilk and what every discerning Christian needs to know. Part 1 covers "Widening the Gate to the Kingdom", "Softening God's Word", "The Spirit of Worship", "Music-Driven Evangelism", and "Forgetting 'the Fear of God'". |
Tithing - Part 1 of 2 | Chris De Wet | English | Titus 1:11 | There is a lot of confusion taking place with regard to Bible doctrines today. One of the topics, is the question on tithing. Where did it originate and what does it mean today? |
Tithing - Part 2 of 2 | Chris De Wet | English | Titus 1:12 | There is a lot of confusion taking place with regard to Bible doctrines today. One of the topics, is the question on tithing. Where did it originate and what does it mean today? |
Transformation Thinking for Dummies | Orrel Steinkamp | English | Romans 12:2 | If a pastor gets "transformed" or a church goes through the transformation process what happens to them? What makes them now different and apparently ready to really make a change in their world and in the church? |
Treating the Alien Fairly | Dr Calvin J Smith | English | Deut 10:18-19 | A look at "Christophonies", the manifestations of Christ in the Old Testament. |
True & False unity | Bob DeWaa | English | Philippians 1:27 | What is the true nature of Christian unity? Biblically defined unity is a gospel-centered unity that always works toward the unity of the faith. |
What is Meant by "Quench Not the Holy Spirit | Arnold Fruchtenbaum | English | 2 Thes 5:19-20 | To quench the Holy Spirit is to prevent believers from exercising their spiritual gifts in the meeting of the church. |
What on Earth was Peter Thinking | Calvin Smith | English | Luke 9 | Given Peter's spiritual "savvy" just a few days earlier, his apparent blunder on the Transfiguration mount appears all the more surprising. |
What's Love Got to Do With It? | Paul Proctor | English | 1 Corinthians 1:18 | I can think of no maneuver Satan has had more success in deceiving mankind with than turning what was once considered a Divine attribute into nothing more than a four-letter word; and because the church has now set out to "evangelize" society by emulating it, sadly, their definition of "love" has since become no better. |
Why Does God Allow Evil to Continue | Moriel Zulu Mission | English | Mark 1:12-13 | Why doesn't he just bring it all to an end and stop the suffering Mankind lives with? Doesn't He care? Doesn't He have the power? |
Why Does God Allow Evil to Continue | Moriel Zulu Mission | English | Mark 1:12-14 | Why doesn't he just bring it all to an end and stop the suffering Mankind lives with? Doesn't He care? Doesn't He have the power? |
Women in Discernment | Susan Conway & Sarah Leslie | English | 1 Timothy 4:1-3 | It sometimes feels awkward to be a woman involved in discernment ministry. It seems like exercising discernment should be the duty of pastors. But in this day and age everyone must exercise discernment, if we are truly following Jesus and His Word. |
You Are What You Eat? | Light for the Last Days | English | 1 Timothy 4:1-5 | What does the Bible say about food? |