OBITUARY - Pastor John Phillips
OBITUARY - Pastor John Phillips
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The Christmas news from Perth, Australia was not happy this year. Yet it is indeed with a mixture of joy and sadness that we note the departure to glory of our brother and friend, Pastor John Philipps, who has battled cancer in recent years. The joy is of course for him; the sadness is for us.
John was an Anglo-Indian brother from the traditional, scripturally based Pentecostalism of yesteryear that John saw hijacked and corrupted into counterfeit revivals and scandal ridden fiascos such as the current Hillsong debacle (that John warned was morally, spiritually, and theologically wrong more than 20 years ago). John began his ministry in Great Britain, but transported it to Western Australia, where he pastored a congregation and in itsĀ earlier years in Australia, served on Moriel's pastoral advisory and oversight council of reference. John Phillips was a faithful brother in Christ.
As a Biblical Pentecostal, John was Premillennial and we know that before the even much greater blessings of eternity with God, John will join us on earth with Jesus for 1,000 years 'cancer free'. That cancer ridden body will rise with the trumpet completely cured. In the meantime John rests in the presence of Christ.
During this time of bereavement and temporary separation, Moriel & Jacob Prasch request prayer for John's family, beginning with his wife Joan, that they will know the assurance and consolation of Jesus. Yet the separation is again but temporary because Jesus conquered death, and upon His return will obliterate it.
Jesus is coming, and John Phililips is coming with Him -