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CNN & Veri-Chips

Neither CNN cable news or Veri-chip are strangers to controversy. Saudi led Islamic investment in CNN's parent company TIME WARNER AOL has led to speculation that such influence accounts for the often anti-American, anti-Israel and pro Moslem bias at CNN.Read more ...
by Paul McGuire
Fifty thousand Muslims to have a national prayer gathering at the U.S Capitol Building
Your scholarly Ninety-five theses challenged a lost papal church.
You wielded the sword and divided the marrow from the bone exposing that no godly treasures could be sold.
Disputation on selling indulgences, inner spiritual repentance, true sorrow over sin not mere external sacramental confession. Repent and believe.
You revealed anew salvation to be received as a free gift of God's grace through faith alone in Christ Jesus alone not by works.
Heavenly treasures sprang forth, a fountain of forgiveness. Paid in full. Sacrificial love. Victory over sin and death. New nature birthing into a new life yielding spiritual fruits. A changed heart.
Bible final authority. Translated for the common man. Read. The truth shall set you free indeed.
Prophecy from David Noakes who is endorsed by Jacob Prasch as a valid prophetic voice. Given at a Ministry Leaders meeting November 2015
A fringe group of extremist rabbis wants to resume the biblical practice of animal sacrifice at Jerusalem's Temple Mount, members said Wednesday, defying centuries of religious bans and triggering a stiff protest from a Muslim leader.
( In the upcoming days, billboards all over Jerusalem will be plastered with a new poster on the eve of U.S. President Bush"s visit to Israel. Pictured in the poster is a gigantic Bible, towering over the walls of the Old City.