Popular Teachers
John Wesley's View of the Error of Calvinism
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From The Works Of John Wesley
"Minutes Of Several Conversations"
Q. 74. What is the direct antidote to Methodism, the doctrine of heart holiness?
A. Calvinism: all the devices of Satan, for these fifty years have done far less toward stopping the work of God, that that single doctrine. It strikes at the heart of salvation from sin, previous to glory, putting the matter on quite another issue.
Q.75. But wherein lies the charm of this doctrine: What makes men swallow it so greedily?
A. (1.) It seems to magnify Christ: although in reality it supposes him to have died in vain. For the absolutely elect must have been saved without him; and the none-elect cannot be saved by him.
(2.) It is highly pleasing to flesh and blood, final perserverance in particular.
Q. 76. What can be done to guard against it?
A. (1.) Let all our preachers carefully read over ours and Mr. Fletcher's tracts.
(2.) Let them frequently and explicitly preach the truth, though not in a controversial way. But let them take care to do it in love and gentleness; not in bitterness, not returning railing for railing: let whose who preach it have all this to themselves.
(3.) Do not imitate them in screaming, allegorising, boasting: rather mildly expose these things when time serves.
(4.) Imitate them in this: they readily seize upon any one that is newly convinced or converted. Be diligent to prevent them, and to guard those tender minds against the predestinarian poison.
(5.) Answer their objections, as occasion offers, both in public and private. But take care to do this with all possible sweetness both of look and of accent.
(6.) Very frequently, both in public and private, advise our people not to hear therein.
(7.) Make it a matter of constant and earnest prayer, that God would stop the plague.