Popular Teachers
Son Of Bishop T.D. Jakes Accused Of Indecent Exposure
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- Category: Popular Teachers
- Hits: 5023
05:41 PM CST on Thursday, February 12, 2009
The Dallas Morning News
Each Man Is Responsible Only For His Own Sin
TD Jakes is indeed a bible twisting money preacher and a vulgar disgrace to the Gospel message and to The Name of Christ. His book 'Woman, Her Lord, and Her Lover' is crude and his televised 'Stick in the hole' sermon was perverse and coarse. When he mocked two elderly Black ladies for being "too old to 'shake it & bake it' " , it was a sick spectacle. TD Jakes is an utterly disgusting figure by any decent, let alone Christian standard.
Having said that, if his son is in fact a sex pervert, despite evidence such things may run in the family, it does not necessarily have anything to do with TD Jakes and should not be misused against his ministry. Some of the most godly men in scripture such as King David, Eli The Priest, and The Prophet Samuel all had debaucherous sons.
There are adequate biblical and ethical reasons to accost the so called 'ministry' of TD Jakes on its own lack of merit. Leave his son out of it.
JJ Prasch
[caption id="attachment_4064" align="alignright" width="110" caption="Jermain Jakes"][/caption]
The son of Bishop T.D. Jakes, pastor of the Potter’s House, faces a charge of indecent exposure related to an incident in a southern Dallas park last month, Dallas police said.
Jermaine Jakes, 29, is accused of exposing himself in front of an undercover Dallas police vice detective at Kiest Park, near West Kiest Boulevard and South Hampton Road, on the night of Jan. 3, police said.
He was detained at the scene and released. ‚ Click here to read arrest warrant.
T.D. Jakes is the founder of the Potter’s House, a 30,000-member congregation in the Mountain Creek area.
Faith Johnson, Jermaine Jakes’ attorney, said in a written statement Wednesday evening: "We are aware of potential allegations involving Jermaine Jakes and are undertaking our own investigation of these allegations at this time. Given an apparent government investigation, we have no further comment at this time."
Ruben Lim ƒ ³n, park coordinator, said today the park closes at 10 p.m. each night and is usually monitored overnight by Dallas police officers.
He said he was surprised to hear that a son of T.D. Jakes was involved in the incident.
"I wonder how that's going to affect the church," he said. "I doubt it'll affect us because the park isn't known for that sort of thing."
Staff writer Dan X. McGraw contributed to this report.