Popular Teachers
The False Prophets
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The False Prophets
Because of Internet these is a massive amount of information about false Christian prophets and many can read about it all
False Prophets - Strange Fire - Jewel Grewe
When A Prophet Speaks and His Words DO NOT Come to Pass - Mike Oppenheimer, Let Us Reason
Baal-ogna! Wrong Source For the Prophet - Carolyn Chapman, Faith Issues
Savage Wolves! - The Christian Expositor
Strange Fire: The Rise of Gnosticism In The Church - Travers and Jewel van der Merwe ( Grewe )
Apostles and Prophets and the Foundation of the Church - Bob DeWaay, CIC
Touch Not My Anointed - Mike Oppenheimer, Let Us Reason
How To Discern, Test and Judge Rightly - Sandy Simpson, Deception In The Church
William Branham - Al Dager, Media Spotlight
Revered Among the Prophets - Mike Oppenheimer, Let Us Reason
Was Branham Elijah? - Mike Oppenheimer, Let Us Reason
The Kansas City Prophets - Pastor Bill Randles
A Look at the Kansas City Prophets - Stephen F. Cannon
The Kansas City Prophets - K.B. Napier, Bible Theology Ministries
Prophet Paul Cain - Mike Oppenheimer, Let Us Reason
Kansas City Prophet's Homosexuality Exposed - Rick Joyner, Jack Deere, Mike Bickle
Examining Bob Jones' Shepherd Rod - Cephas Ministry
The Mystical World of Bob Jones - Timothy Smith
The Higher Life of Rick Joyner - G. Richard Fisher, Personal Freedom Outreach
The False Teachings of Rick Joyner - Joseph Chambers, Paw Creek Ministries
Climbing Joyner's Gnostic Mountain - Orrel Steinkamp, The Plumbline
Rick Joyner's book, "The Final Quest" should be called "The Big Lie"! - Joseph Chambers, Paw Creek Ministries
THE FINAL QUEST by Rick Joyner - A book review by Steve Mitchell, Jeff Smith and Mike Oppenheimer
The Call by Rick Joyner - A Review by Kevin Reeves
Walking in the Shadow of the Walk - G. Richard Fisher
Analysis of Bill Hamon's Word From the Lord - Cephas Ministries
Cindy Jacobs: A Charismatic Jezebel - Joseph Chambers, Paw Creek Ministries
Is Cindy Jacobs Really a Prophet to the Nations? - Philip Powell
The Most Popular Man In The World? - Mike Oppenheimer, Let Us Reason
Benny Hinn: False Prophet - Sandy Simpson, Deception in the Church
A Prophet Has Spoken (Benny Hinn) - Mike Oppenheimer, Let Us Reason
False Prophecies of Benny Hinn - Compiled by Bud Press
Benny Hinn: A False Prophet - Bible Light
Benny Hinn: False Prophet Extraordinaire - Jackie Alnor, The Christian Sentinel
Chalk Up Another False Prophecy by Benny Hinn - Sandy Simpson, DITC
When A Prophet Is Not Right - Mike Oppenheimer, Let Us Reason
Benny Hinn's Response To Dateline NBC - Sandy Simpson, DITC
Benny Hinn: The Same Old Thing as the New Thing - Mike Oppenheimer, Let Us Reason
Is Kim Clement a New Age Prophet? - Mike Oppenheimer, Let Us Reason
Kim Clement - True or False - Bob Hunter, The Contenders
Kim Clement - Steve Lumbley, Apostasy Watch!
Kim Clement Misses the Mark Yet Again - Steve Lumbley, Apostasy Watch!
Coming in Sheep's Clothing - Mike Oppenheimer, Let Us Reason
Copeland's Prophecy "Jesus is no Longer the Only Begotten Son" and His Latter Rain Teaching - Mike Oppenheimer, Let Us Reason
Jack Deere's View of Prophecy - Sandy Simpson, Deception in the Church
False Prophecies of The New Apostolic Reformation (NAR) - Sandy Simpson, Deception in the Church
Discernment the Size of a Flea: An Open Letter to 'Charisma' Magazine - Bud Press, Christian Research Service
Let These Prophets NOT Prophesy - Mike Oppenheimer, Let Us Reason
Pat Robertson, False Prophet, Again - David E. Lister, Moriel Ministries
Paul Cain, Latter Rain Prophet of Renown Is Now Discredited - Orrel Steinkamp, The Plumbline
Why God Holds Pastors Responsible - Pastor Bill Randles
Kim Clement's Latest Prophecy - Steve Lumbley, Apostasy Watch!
Christian Leaders Go On "Expedition" With False Prophets: Circa 2000 - Discernment Research Group, Herescope
More Lies From Kim Clement - Steve Lumbley, Apostasy Watch!
A "Fresh Word" about Kim Clement - Steve Lumbley, Apostasy Watch!
Will the Real Elijah Please Stand Up? - Jackie Alnor, Apostasy Alert
Peter Popoff: Back to His Old Tricks - (Mr.) Sandy Simpson, Deception in the Church
The Traveling Prophets Tour - Steve Lumbley, Apostasy Watch!