Popular Teachers
Statement Regarding Ted Haggard
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- Category: Popular Teachers
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While we regret the damage done to the cause of Christ and reputation of the church by Ted Haggard"s perverted sexual immorality, we feel a particular sense of compassion for his family and urge prayer for them.
Before his public admission that he is a "deceiver and a liar" , (after that was public knowledge), many already knew that a liar is precisely what he has been for some time. His denial of involvement with the unbiblical ecumenical Apostles & Prophets Movement of C. Peter Wagner ( also here)and his refusal to address his dishonesty on this issue on the advice of James Dobson (another ecumenical figure preaching an unscriptural hybrid of Christianity and psychology) made it clear enough what kind of person Ted Haggard (was) ‚ before his sexual perversion came to light. As we have already seen ‚ so often in the past such doctrinal apostasy is a symptom of immorality and general backsliding. Our fear is the church will not learn from this lesson as it has not learned from other fallen leaders involved in the ecumenical movement ( also here), Toronto Experiences ( alsohere , andhere), Pensacola hype artistry, faith prosperityreligious con artistry, and the apostles and prophets movement ( also here ,here ,here , andhere). God makes it vividly clear in His Word that those who get in bed spiritually with false prophets and false teachers will more often than not in the end become involved in gross moral scandal.
His struggles with drugs and immorality are issues we would have preferred to see God deliver him from, as God has helped and delivered many. ‚ His compromise of biblical doctrine as a consummate theocrat however makes his removal from ministry a blessing in disguise, how be it a costly one in terms of the harm inflicted on the reputation of the church.
We have absolutely no confidence whatsoever in his proposed rehabilitation under the supervision of those we can only regard as ‚ fellow deceived men who ‚ likewise deceive others such as James Dobson and Jack Hayford. It is the blind leading the blind. Indeed, we publicly saluted the decision of K-WAVE Christian radio in California to drop Dobson’s broadcasts when he engaged in what was rightly judged to be an un-necessary and un-edifying discussion of female masturbation and the use of " ˜sex toys’ by Christian women that many listeners regarded as crude, and unbecoming.
If this is Mr. Haggard’s counselor on sexual problems, he will have more problems. Jack Hayford's condemnation of the critics of Oral Roberts after he claims a 900 foot tall Jesus Christ demanded millions from him or he would kill him, and of proven false prophet Benny Hinn demonstrates that Mr. Hayford himself is a protector of the unbiblical. Thus how can Jack Hayford be in a position to help with the cure when he himself is centrally part of the disease?
Had Sandy Simpson, Mike Oppenheimer and others who tried to raise the alarm about Ted Haggard been listened to instead of hampered by men like Dobson, the Body of Christ might have been spared yet another discrediting spectacle in the public media. Also, if Ted had accepted the counsel of the above people two and one half years ago when he was in dialogue with them he would have spared himself and his family much grief, and The Body of Christ much open humiliation.
Moriel Ministries