Fred Wanadoo's Testimony
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I was a practising Roman Catholic for forty six years until by accident or more like God's design I happened to be on a yacht listening to the skipper witnessing to some individual ! The captain of this yacht was trying to persuade some individual to attend a service . The man declined , and out of the blue I decided to accept his invitation and attend myself . This happened approximately around March 1989 .
Very briefly my background . Formerly the manager and director of a well known Maltese company for fourteen long but enjoyable years . I was fired for political reasons and financial greed by my former chairman and friend . I have spent almost four years out of work . My personal history includes a disasterous marriage to a prime hereditary candidate of Huntington’s disease , of which she eventually died in October 1998 . I had been meantime divorced or separated for fourteen years .
Seven years after I instituted annulment proceedings through the Roman Catholic Curia , I was informed that the annulment would be granted provided I changed my plea and started another case . My former wife was at that time showing all the choreiform movements of the disease and was dying . During all this time I was granted legal custody of all three children then aged one , three , and five years old . I will never quite know how I managed a thriving business , a home , and still found time to fall in love a further four times .
My financial losses so far are unbelievable . The loss of considerable investments in a Swiss company I worked for in the middle east , a few years later the loss of a family fortune in a local bank scandal . Soon after the loss of a family shipping business due to a foreign merger , and only last year a fifteen thousand pound legal suit because the courts lost the documents pertaining to my case. As I wrote it was hard to imagine so much could happen in so short a time .
I can only say that as Satan is the God of the earth , he sure went out of his way to try and destroy me . As I am now far from destroyed all I can say that it was all well worth it when you bear in mind Luke 10 : 24 "For I tell you that many prophets and Kings have desired to see those things which you see , and have not seen them : to hear those things which ye hear , and have not heard them ". The camel , the rich , the needle etc .
I began attending the Bible Baptist Church in early March 1989 , and somehow felt so lifted in the spirit . In fact I felt so good I began attending two services on Sundays and a further service during the week . I soon discovered and obeyed the following from Isaiah 58 : 13 & 14 " ¦." If thou turn thy pleasure on my holy day ; and call the Sabbath a delight , the holy of the Lord , honourable ; and shall honour him ,not doing thine own ways , nor finding thine own pleasure , nor speaking thine own words ; then shalt thou delight thyself in the Lord ; and I will cause thee to ride on the high places of the earth , and feed thee with the heritage of Jacob thy father , for the mouth of the Lord hath spoken it" .
I wanted to do things properly or not at all . So I started praying hard to be born again of the spirit , and because I had time on my hands I read the Bible a good three times a day . I cannot explain why but I wanted the answer to so many questions . Because I was a bit of a sceptic , I wanted something to happen in my life that would leave me in no doubt . So , I asked God to give me something very convincing Everything eluded me for a good three months until I realized that He will not deal with me with fractional half measures , it was all or nothing . Jeremiah sums it up beautifully in
29 : 13 and I quote " ¦" And you shall seek me and find me , when you search for me with all your heart ".
I pledged all , and on the 30th May 1999 I received a dramatic life changing experience that is difficult to describe but sure convinced me anyhow . It all started that day when I was reading a booklet called " Right with God " , when I felt a sudden and tremendous guilt of sins past . I was feeling that I had personally nailed Christ to the cross . It was a very sad and emotional and powerful experience with real live tears . My goodness did I feel bad and a heel to boot . Out of the blue a sudden elation followed , again really emotional , joy following sorrow when I suddenly realized what had happened and what it meant . What a wonderful feeling to know at that moment I had really become a child of God .
It is still brings tears to my eyes when I think to that fateful day , never have I felt so elated before . Now that was an answer to sincere prayer , and my gratitude rests with God , because I had this experience while in good health . It appears that most born again believers have these experiences while on flat on their backs as a result of some serious accident or illness , and many near to death . So to God be the glory " ¦.great things he hath done . In one year even my children have changed . Everything seems to have changed too , I feel so very protected , like an unseen hand guiding me . Isaiah says the following in 54 : 17 " ¦No weapon that is formed against thee shall prosper ; and every tongue that shall rise against thee in judgement thou shalt condemn , this is the heritage of the servants of the Lord , and their righteousness is of me , saith the Lord .
I wish I had time to convince you that this protection has already happened for me on two separate occasions . On one occasion alone I would have been held responsible for fraud for half a million pounds . Had that been allowed to happen I assure you I would have jumped .
I have since all this longed for the milk of the word , and often used Jeremiah 33 : 3 which runs " ¦Call out to me and I will answer thee , and shew thee great and mighty things , which thou knowest not . Again I received a quick response to my prayers , because slowly I was shown how God and his prophets Jeremiah , Ezekiel , Daniel , and Isaiah looked at the world . The result you may judge for yourselves , look at the maps on the cover of this book , and the one contained therein . All I did was to trace the political borders of Russia after the world war two and the first in my life I saw a Russian bear . Now is not that fascinating ! When you turn the back map upside down from the way we normally view the world you will see the animals or parts thereof to which the old testament prophets refer very often . These maps could be useful when witnessing because they could make people sit up and listen , or shut up and listen to what you have to say .
I have little to add except to thank the Lord for that great gift in choosing me , a sinner who seems to have broken sixteen of the ten commandments , and especially for helping me and the children in the many ways you have . Thy will be done , but let us have that rapture soon , I feel so worn out . In Jesus name I ask this, AMEN.