The Patented RFID Ink Tattoo
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- Category: Islam
- Hits: 6241
The SOMARK identification system is a chipless radio frequency identification (RFID) platform. Typical RFID systems use a microchip and an antenna embedded in a tag affixed to an object. The SOMARK chipless system eliminates the high-cost microchip and antenna, instead using simply an electronic ink to create the identification "˜tag'. This ink is deposited directly onto or within the object which creates seamless integration of the object and the identification of that object.
The ID "˜tag' or tattoo in the SOMARK system is special ink deposited in a unique barcode pattern. The ink is the same for every tattoo, however the pattern in which the ink is injected under the surface of the skin or on the surface of an object is different for each item to be identified. This unique pattern is what gives each item a different and unique number, just like a fingerprint. ...
Click here to read more about the SOMARK ID system.
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