Moriel japan
Moriel Japan April 2013
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Dear believers in grace,
We just got back to Thailand two days ago. I'll try to give a summary of our trip to Japan here. In 27 days we stayed in over 10 different cities...
In Kumamoto one night I went to a Jiujitsu training hall just out of curiosity. They invited me to join in the training and afterwards I got to give out tracts to all of them. Then, I was sore for about a week after that! But, it was worth it to share the gospel there. Jiujitsu can also mean "fruitful" in Japanese (using a different Chinese character).
In Kumamoto one night I went to a Jiujitsu training hall just out of curiosity. They invited me to join in the training and afterwards I got to give out tracts to all of them. Then, I was sore for about a week after that! But, it was worth it to share the gospel there. Jiujitsu can also mean "fruitful" in Japanese (using a different Chinese character).
After Kumamoto we went to Osaka to spend time working with Geoff some more. Had a great time getting to know him and his family. Gave power point presentations eight times in various surrounding cities there, on Dinosaurs, Assyria, Jericho, Sodom and Gomorrah, and Daniel. Met one lady who was 90 years old who said her family moved away from Hiroshima just a month before the atomic bomb struck. Her Dad was a Buddhist priest, but she became a Christian later and was still going strong for Jesus at 90.
They Sacrifice to Devils
One day we went to Kyoto to see a former student of mine. She took us to see a temple that had 1000 idols of Kannon. Surrounding these were 28 "protectors" of hers, many of which looked like demons, some having snakes hanging out of their head or arms. Many of these 28 were taken straight from Hinduism. Doesn't that say something when a "deity" is being protected by demons?
Demons certainly don't want to promote the truth. Oddly, the Dalai Lama is said to be the manifestation of this same "deity," even though he is male, and usually Kannon is portrayed as female. By the way, the brand name "Canon" (cameras, printers, etc.) is also named after this devil... (1Corinthians 10:20 "But I say, that the things which the Gentiles sacrifice, they sacrifice to devils, and not to God...")
Japan has 10 idols of Kannon that are taller than the US statue of liberty. We saw the tallest Japanese one in Sendai, standing on a dragon (and my friend Erik was able to witness to a man there). A lot of money has gone into these idols. In our time in Kyoto I was also able to give out a few copies of my article on Buddhism in Japanese, "A Dead Man Can't Help You." And, we gave tracts to my student and her friend.
Street Witnessing
After leaving Kyoto we came to Osaka late at night. Geoff and I were going to preach like we did in Kitakyushu, but we couldn't find a good spot where people were standing still for a long enough time. So, we decided just to hand out tracts and talk with people. Geoff met a Christian man who had not been going to church because of false teachings which had been in his church, and that church had forced him to tithe. So, Geoff was able to talk with him quite a while and invited him to his church in Koshien. I was able to talk with a Muslim man from Sri Lanka about the importance of knowing Jesus.
Missed the Bullet Train
We missed the Shinkansen leaving from Osaka! We were taking pictures of it in front, thinking it would stay a while, like they do in Thailand for a long journey train like that. Fortunately there was another one 10 minutes later and we didn't have to pay extra. It made for a good sermon illustration though (which I had a chance to use two times in Japan). We had a second chance that day, but some people are so caught up in their activities they totally miss the train without a second chance.
That was a terrible feeling just to miss an earthly train. How terrible it would be to really miss the train by ignoring God. People get ready, for the train is you know that song?
Met another former student in Machida. She's married to a Christian, but is an unbeliever. We had a good time talking about the Bible together and also gave them some testimony DVDs of our friend Bill Cook in Japanese.
We pray they will both will serve the Lord wholeheartedly in the future.
Trip to the Tsunami Affected Area
We have friends who are missionaries in Sendai who bring physical and spiritual help to those affected by the tsunami. I've known Erik since 1993 when we both were in Kenya at Daystar University for one term. We saw the devastated area and also went to their relief center one day. Then, we went with them for a church camp about 2 hours north of there. They let me share 4 times in 2 days and asked Khae to share her testimony on the last day.
It was great to meet this group of Christians and to encourage them in evangelism.
"Take Heed That No Man Deceive You"
Erik told me that other missionaries had told him that doing door to door evangelism is a big waste of time, but then in looking at a book of statistics he noticed that the cult group, Jehovah's Witnesses was seeing more growth than any other denomination. I believe God can use many methods of evangelism and we should be ready to share the truth in season and out of season, even out of our comfort zone.
Jesus told us there would be false teachings such as the JWs, so this is not surprising, but we should all have our feet shod with the preparation of the gospel of peace, being peacemakers, bringing God's enemies to make peace with God, through Jesus Christ.
We took another Shinkansen to Tokyo and were sure to board right away, knowing it would stay on schedule like an atomic clock. Then, we flew from Tokyo back to Kumamoto. On Sunday I gave a message titled "The Almost Christian," at the church I used to attend there. The message is the same title as a message John Wesley once preached, but that's where the similarity ends. Being at the train station, but not in the train, is not enough.
Being in church, but not in Jesus is not enough. Being an "almost" Christian is not enough. "Almost" going to heaven, means not going to heaven. In Matthew 22, many people rejected the invitation to go to the wedding, but there was one man who came to the wedding, but was not wearing the right clothes (not clothed in Jesus' righteousness). He was "almost" blessed. Almost is not enough...
We saw many other friends, handed out many tracts to strangers along the way, and overall had a very "juujitsuu" time. We pray that God will bring His life to this spiritually barren wilderness area, also known as "The Land of the Rising Sun" (This life is in the SON, not the SUN- I John 5:11). Coming back to Thailand (which means "The Land of the Free") we were encouraged to see that our students who took care of our animals are growing in the Lord, and becoming truly free (It is the truth which sets people free- John 8:32). Champ plans to share the gospel with his parents this coming week. Please pray for him and them. Khae is teaching the two girls the Bible right now. A final encouragement for every laborer in the harvest fields: Galatians 6:9 "And let us not be weary in well doing: for in due season we shall reap, if we faint not."
In Christ,
Scott and Khae.