An Open Letter to Western Leaders
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- Category: Israel
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For publication in the Adelaide Advertiser. Thanks heaps.
Anthony Doanghey
Dear Editor,
I've noticed there have been a lot of articles of late concerning the West's condemnation of Israeli policy, especially policies that supposedly interfere with the current Peace Talks. And as President Obama and his administration has recently been most verbal of this kind of criticism, I believe there is a real danger of Prime Minister Rudd following suit, as there seems to be a sad and sorry history of Australian politicians playing "follow the leader" when it comes to American policies, especially Foreign Policy, the Vietnam, Iraq and Afghanistan Wars would be fair examples to drive home this particular point.
Mr. Obama has been making an open show of bowing down to Moslem leaders of late, (like the king of Saudi Arabia, who, it is alleged, openly supplies financial resources to Islamic terrorist groups), despite the anti-human rights policies of those countries, yet went to great lengths recently to publicly humiliate the leader of Israel by keeping him needlessly waiting for an appointment in Washington.
How can this action possibly be justified?
How is it even possible to label the Israeli people an "occupying force"?
I mean to say, how is it possible that an archaeologically verified indigenous people are labeled an "occupying force"; by either the leaders of the West or the News Publications of the West? ‚ Is it possible for Aboriginals to be an "occupying force" in South Australia or Apaches to be an "occupying force" in Arizona? If not, then neither can Jewish people be an "occupying force" in Israel.
I would also contend that it is a ridiculous notion, as is claimed by many of the West’s media outlets, that the presence of the indigenous people of Israel is somehow responsible for Islamic terror throughout the world. Not only is it a ridiculous notion, it is a hideous lie, and should be considered a criminal act of slander by all who’ve dared to utter or print it as somehow being factual.
Prior to Israel's 1967 war of self-defence, (the Islamic nations surrounding this small nation planned to attack, not the other way around, Israel rightly saw a pre-emptive attack on these Moslem nations intent of driving her citizens into the sea as the best means of defence), Islamic belligerents were already applying the instruments of terror, one need only check the historical records to prove this fact.
The simple truth is, if there was no Israeli Nation we would still have 80,000 Christians murdered by Islam in The Southern Philippines, 300,000 murdered Christians in East Timor, 3.3 million Christians murdered in Sudan by Islam, 1 million murdered Christians in Nigeria, the martyrdom of 98% of Iranian pastors, the capital execution of converts to Christianity in Saudi Arabia, (supposedly one of the friendly Islamic nations to the West), the terror attacks in New York and Washington, Spain, London, Mumbai, Moscow and elsewhere. We would still have the Islamic riots in Paris, Sydney, and Bradford, England if Israel did not exist as well as the Hamas persecution of Christians in Gaza. ‚ If there were no Israel, we would still have over 1,000 instances of Islamic honour killings of women in Jordan alone, and this list could, regrettably, go on and on and on.
To witness the leaders of the West cowing down to the Islamic leaders of the Middle East who are obviously suffering from, not so much a religion, as a psychotic illness, is like watching the darkest, most terrible parts of history repeating themselves, Neville Chamberlin, for instance, thinking it actually possible to reason with a psychotic madman called Adolf Hitler just prior to the outbreak of WWII, springs immediately to mind. Insane men who believe mass murder is a justifiable means to a desired end cannot be reasoned with or bargained with or appeased in any shape, manner or form; one might as well try to reason with a rabid dog as to attempt to reason with men whose minds, hearts and souls have become so obviously misshapen by violent philosophies like that zealously taught from the Koran. This is a book that glorifies a man who has always taught his followers to bring Islam to the infidel with the sword, a man whose followers, in the Hadiths, openly and shamelessly claim him to be a paedophile, a man who at the age of 53 married his 6 year-old cousin, a man who at the age of 56 took this 9 year-old’s virginity, the terrible initiation of this poor girl having no other choice but to regularly gratify this old man sexually until the day of his death.
Now, honestly, I ask you, when comparing this man to the carpenter from Nazareth who said, "Suffer the little children to come unto me, for their’s is the Kingdom of heaven", or who, at another time, warned that any person who would put even so much as a stumbling block before a child, (and that child’s ability to believe in an all loving creator), would be better off having a millstone chained around his neck and then dropped to the bottom of the deepest ocean than to have to face Him on Judgement Day. Now between these two men, which one do you believe is going to be sent by God to offer salvation to the world? The 56 year-old having sex with children, ordering his followers to attain paradise by committing the most horrendous form of murderous suicide ever devised in the degenerate mind of man, or the one who warns that children should be respected and protected from such wicked depravity whilst commanding His disciples to love those who hated them, to pray for those who would persecute them and to feed their enemies were they to find them hungry?
Please do not be fooled, not even for a moment, into believing all that finely crafted rhetoric floating around out there in mainstream Media-Land about Islam being a peaceful religion, read the book in question, and the commentaries that accompany it, for yourself and you will, I’m sure, no longer be mystified as to how such a beautiful and intelligent a people as the Arab people could possibly end up doing such atrocities as strapping bombs onto themselves and brutally murdering people they have never even had a cup of coffee with. This mental illness masquerading as a spiritual belief relies on making intelligent people stupid in order to commit moronic acts of violence in as an intelligent a manner as possible. This is why it has been so successful so far. However, like the WWII kamikaze pilots of Japan before them, this kind of mindless barbarity can actually be stopped by those with the resolve to do so. And I’m not talking about starting World War Three with these people. It is going to take a lot more than that. This is going to have to be brains not brawn, love not hate, it, ultimately, is going to take a War of Truth over Lies. And right now we have people all over the world making decisions about this violent religious belief based on nothing more than a media fuelled ignorance as the tottering foundation for their ill conceived beliefs. We would all do well to remember that these are the people who actually invented chess we are dealing with here, they well know how to play a game of strategy with the utmost of patience; they also know how to advantageously place their pawns in all the appropriate places long before even thinking of going for checkmate. If the truth be important enough to actually be known in this Post Modern world of ours, they have already placed many of these pawns in the countries they wish to invade and conquer with their mass immigration for oil deals, and the one thing that the Koran makes very clear is that it is a philosophy that has world domination at the end of a sword as its foundation, and telling lies to achieve this end is very much taught to the follower of this religion through this book and its commentaries, the Hadiths.
I suppose, what I’m saying here is, at some point, like Churchill and Roosevelt before us, we are going to have to steal our mettle and finally begin dealing with this dark and terrible menace steadily slouching toward us from Jerusalem, and deal with it before that infamous day of Black Flags finally arrives and all hope is lost for the Western nations of this world. These Islamic leaders have been talking openly for quite some time about finishing what Adolf Hitler started, regarding the mass murder of the Jewish race. In fact, the Grand Mufti, Yassir Arafat’s great uncle, was invited to stay in Germany during the war years, actually spending time with Hitler in his bunker, and is now believed to the be one of the real instigators of the Final Solution to the Jewish Question. Recently the blue-prints of one of the major death camps were found stuffed behind the plaster of a house in Germany and it caused a panic and a failed cover-up by the German authorities. Why? Because this document was allegedly found in the very house the Grand Mufti had stayed at during his time visiting his Nazi friends. It is also believed that he played a large role in coming up with the horrendous strategies to make the mass murder of these innocent people more cost effective.
Now one may well wonder why it is that the Jewish people have been so hated throughout history, and through a purely historic eye, it doesn’t make a scrap of sense. However, when viewed through a spiritual eye, the pieces fall together rather simply. The reason various institutions and races, such as the Catholic Church, many of the Reformers, (Luther, Calvin et al), the Nazis and the Islamic nations all passionately hate the Jews, is because the One True and Living God of the Bible made a covenant with this tiny nation through Abraham. A covenant, unlike a contract, can only be broken by the death of one of the parties concerned, and since Hitler, the Popes and the Imams don’t really have a snowball’s chance in Hell of killing God, there is only one other party of the covenant that they think they can kill, the Jewish Nation. This is all about a group of people who have Satan as their father, trying to do his will. Satan owns the world in which we live at this point in the proceedings, this can be clearly seen when he tempted Jesus in the wilderness by offering him all the kingdoms of the world and their glory if the Son of God would bow down before him. Notice that Jesus doesn’t dispute Satan’s ownership and it wouldn’t have been much of a temptation if Satan didn’t in fact own the world which he offered to Christ for the price of His worship. Satan owns this world at present, the only place he hasn’t conquered is Jerusalem, this is the City of God, the place where the Devil took his worst defeat, and the place where he will take his final defeat. Through a purely historical eye none of this makes sense, but through a biblical eye the mystery is revealed for all who have the eyes to see and the ears to hear. Why else do you think the leaders of the world lose sleep at night about this particular slither of land in the middle of nowhere? It doesn’t have oil or minerals or anything else that would cause such interest from London or Washington or Paris or Canberra. Do you think the leaders of the world are sitting up at night worrying about who lives or doesn’t live in Whyalla? The only reason the world’s eyes are on Israel is because the God of the Bible has prophesied that it would so. The Book of Revelation clearly points out all the details of how the nations of the world are all going to be manipulated by the Devil into attacking this tiny nation and that Jesus Christ Himself is going to come back to save the people that God made a covenant with. But it also states that the nations who bless Israel will be spared a lot of the wrath that will fall upon the Earth Dwellers during the Great Tribulation, and I would like to take this moment to try to encourage anyone reading this to persuade the leaders of this nation to not make the mistake of making us an enemy of Israel, because to do so will also make us an enemy of God Almighty.
I’m not sure if the Lord is knocking on the door as yet, but I could swear I just heard Him wiping His feet on the doormat.
The time is growing late.
Personally, as a Christian, I thank God that Israel absorbed the Christian refugees from Lebanon driven out of their land and homes by Hezbollah. I also thank God that at least one Middle Eastern country protects the human rights of women, secularists, homosexuals and lesbians, and that country is not Saudi Arabia or Iran, or Egypt or Jordan, that country is Israel - the one nation that the Western media and the Western Leaders hypocritically singles out as being somehow criminal in its desire to build some more housing for its people on its own land.
It is also important to point out that prior to the Intifadas; the UN World Health Organization admitted that the standard of living in everything from longevity, employment, and reduced infant mortality improved 370% in Gaza and 320% in The West Bank after 1967 under the Israelis compared to what it had been under Moslem rule.
It is also important to point out that from May 1948 until June 1967 The West Bank, East Jerusalem, The Golan, and Gaza were all in Arab Moslem hands. If they wanted a second Palestinian Arab state in addition to the demographic and geographic one already existing in Jordan (according to Yassir Arafat in 1970 and King Hussein of Jordan in 1967) why didn't the Moslems create one when they had nearly 20 years to do so.
It is also imperative to point out that, archaeologically and anthropologically speaking, there has never been a Palestinian people, as the modern world currently understands the term. This misleading idiom actually hails from the 2nd Century Roman invasion where the land was cleared of Jews as an act of revenge for this small country’s constant uprisings against Imperial Rome, the Romans called this place from thenceforth "Palestinia", (Latin), from the Hebraic "Philistine", of which Goliath the giant slain by the shepherd-king David, was a hero. The Philistines were just one of many of the ancient civilisations wiped out by the Israelites during its many wars for the land given it by God and have not actually existed as a people for many thousands of years. Therefore, the people who call themselves "Palestinians" today, and thus violently demand political rights as a people, do not actually, neither historically nor anthropologically, exist at all.
These are the facts.
Why don’t you print this in your newspaper?
We, as a nation, would do well to heed the words found in Genesis 12:3, when God promised Abraham: "I will bless those that bless you and I will curse those that curse you."
Australians, we need to seriously consider the following tragic list: Egypt, (a superpower in its day), cursed the Jews, (Abraham’s descendants), and was crushed by the hand of God. Assyria, (another cruel superpower), took the Israelites captive, and was also crushed by the hand of God. Babylon, (another superpower, destroyed the Temple of Solomon and took the Israelites captive), was also obliterated from the face of the planet. Spain, (a Middle-Ages superpower), murdered many Jews, (and many Bible believing Christians), during the infamous Inquisition ordered by the Popes of the time and suddenly the Armada is sunk, and the underdog, England, suddenly found itself ruling the waves. But alas, the powerful British Empire, as soon as Churchill turned his back on the Jews after the war with the betrayal of the Balfour Declaration, was out of power and the Empire immediately began to crumble, and it would be a kindness to suggest that it is, today, even a shadow of its former glory. And one need only look at Nazi Germany and shudder to realise what happened to that nation after it murdered six million of the people that make up the nation that God calls the "Apple of His eye". During WWII a wall was built around the ghetto in Warsaw, any Jew caught climbing over that wall was riddled to death with machine-gun bullets, after that war, another wall was built, this time around Berlin, and any German caught climbing that wall was riddled to death with machine-gun bullets. It is not a coincidence that the process for the destruction of the Berlin wall began a couple of months or so prior to the last major Nazi war criminal dying behind bars, (Rudolf Hess). This process began in July of 1987 with President Regan’s famous order "Mr. Gorbachev, tear down this wall", a couple of months after this declaration, Hess was dead in Spandau Prison, two years later that terrible wall was no more.
"I will bless those that bless you and I will curse those that curse you".
Ominous words indeed!
It is time for this nation, and the other so-called "Christian" nations of the West, to acknowledge Israel’s right to the only land in the history of the world ever given by The Only True and Living God of the Bible to a people, as well as acknowledge that the God of the Bible is a God who says what he means and means what he says, and we should all tremble at His Word. The West is being taken for a ride it does not want to take to a place no one should ever have to be by being foolish enough to believe they should even attempt to manipulate Israel into giving up land that God Himself has commanded they must never give up precisely because it was given to them by Him. And needless to say the supposed strategy of giving up land to the Moslems in order to guarantee some sort of lasting peace is a an utter deception so great one could hardly conjure up the words necessary to accurately describe it. The Koran and the Hadiths openly teach that salvation for the Islamic world is an impossibility without the total annihilation of the entire Jewish race taking place at their hands as a prerequisite. And no amount of land will ever appease so monstrous a doctrine as that which teaches complete holocaust is necessary for a people to attain paradise. The tragedy is the Islamic leaders are counting on the laziness and apathy of the citizens of the West to keep hidden this truth that is concealed within plain sight within the very pages of this book they claim to be the divine orders of Allah. It’s all right there for anyone to examine, if only we would turn off our wide screen televisions with their 5.1 surround sound and stop listening to the lies of Rupert Murdock et al for a moment and discover the truth before the missiles really start flying. If we join in with Obama et al, and curse this tiny nation then we as a nation will in turn be cursed by the God so many of us claim to believe in. But if, by the grace of God, we decide to once again add wisdom to our faith and the faith of our forefathers, then we, as a nation, can expect the blessings that God has promised in His Word.
I hope and pray our leaders are as godly as they like to claim to be, and finally, once and for all, proclaim their support of this seemingly insignificant nation that has, paradoxically, been a blessing to all the nations of the earth by the birth, life, death and resurrection of the Lord Jesus Christ, and the salvation available to "whomsoever" will believe that He is who He claims to be: The Son of God, The Lord of lords, the King of kings, the Great "I AM", God Almighty Himself, Hallelujah! Blessed be His name forevermore.
Anthony Donaghey