Items of Various Interest
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by Pawcreek Ministries
A leader with an international following (who wears the label of "apostle") recently informed his leaders that men of God who reach his level of anointing are allowed to have more than one sexual partner. Then his own son offered his wife to his father out of a sense of spiritual obligation
Apostasy reached new heights this past week, as certain Pentecostal churches received "new revelations" from God which allowed ministers to take sexual partners not their wives, leading one Charismatic magazine to lament that "morality is irrelevant".
NEWS BRIEF: "It's Getting Really Weird Out There: In many charismatic ministries today, basic Christian morality has been hijacked", by Jay Lee Grady, Charisma Online, November 11, 2005
"How would you feel if your pastor announced from the pulpit that he had uncovered a 'new revelation' in the Bible? His discovery: That a church leader can have more than one wife. Hopefully, you and everyone in the building would run, not walk, out of that church and never come back until the pastor had been replaced. But I am afraid too many of us gullible charismatics might stay in the pews-and eventually give the guy a standing ovation plus a $10,000 love offering.'
"Gullible charismatics" are clearly visible all the way through this video, "Kenneth Hagin and The Spirit of the Serpent", put out by a Pentecostal ministry, Paw Creek Ministries. You will see Kenneth Hagin hissing like a serpent, you will see and hear many Pentecostal pastors and their wives suddenly lose control over their bodies and start to slither on the floor like snakes, all the while hissing just like snakes. You will see Kenneth Copeland crawling on the floor like a serpent.
Radical Pentecostalism has sunk to new lows, as the rest of this article makes quite clear.
"Something has gone terribly wrong in our movement. Everywhere I turn I find that leaders of so-called Spirit-filled churches are making bizarre choices that compromise basic Christian integrity. Some examples:
- At one charismatic megachurch, staff pastors successfully convinced all their wives and female staff members to get breast implants. (I wonder: Was this discussed at a staff meeting?)
- A church in California (known for its revival meetings and prophetic ministry) recently imploded after members learned that several men in the church had been having homosexual affairs with the pastor, who was married.
- A leader with an international following (who wears the label of "apostle") recently informed his leaders that men of God who reach his level of anointing are allowed to have more than one sexual partner. Then his own son offered his wife to his father out of a sense of spiritual obligation."
"What has triggered this madness? The devil is working overtime, yet our discernment is at an all-time low. Satan's tactics are more brazen than ever. We might as well let him walk into church on Sunday morning and give him the microphone. We've been bewitched. What matters to us today are the carnal things. We want flash, bang and the wow factor. If a person can shout loud enough and get everyone to swoon at the altar, we don't care how he or she lives at home. Morality is irrelevant." (Ibid.)
Whenever you see someone suddenly become rigid, or suddenly become so heavy no one can move them, or suddenly be filled with uncontrollable laughter, or someone fall back in front of a minister like Benny Hinn, you are not looking at a manifestation of the Holy Spirit, but of Satan.
Former Satanist, Doc Marquis, told me that, after going to a charismatic Sunday service, he stormed out, with his Pentecostal friend right behind him, demanding to know why he was leaving. Doc turned around and said, "Look, I agreed to come to a Christian service; I did not agree to come to a Satanic service dressed up like Christianity".
Radical Pentecostalism has reached this point now. They are guilty of what God lamented so many centuries ago:
"And they shall teach my people the difference between the holy and profane, and cause them to discern between the unclean and the clean." (Ezek 44:23)
Radical Pentecostalism no longer knows the difference between the "holy and profane"; therefore, they do the profane, under the power of an unclean spirit, and think they are performing a holy deed under the power of the Holy Spirit. How very deceived they are.
These radical leaders also have totally lost the Biblical understanding that Satan can, and does, imitate and counterfeit the real Christian experience. Listen carefully:
"For such men are false apostles, spurious, counterfeits, deceitful workmen, masquerading as apostles (special messengers) of Christ, the Messiah. And it is no wonder, for Satan himself masquerades as an angel of light.' (2 Cor 11:14; Parallel Bible, KJV/Amplified Bible Commentary]