Sandy Simpson
Rick Warren Connections
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Especially to the Ecumenical Third Wave New Apostolic Reformation (NAR) and "Positive Thinking" Movement
compiled by Sandy Simpson
Ecumenical Unity
The message, which was titled "The Potential of a Single Life," was a witty, motivational challenge to single people to dedicate themselves to God. Rick Warren said, "You are as happy as you choose to be. You can waste your life on vanities, spend your life on yourself, and invest your life for God." Mother Teresa was used as an example, with no warning about her false gospel.
Warren Meets With Yonggi Cho
Warren: Do you think American churches should be more open to the prayer for miracles?
Cho: I feel that the most American churches really don't believe in the miracles of God. The church is getting very institutionalized. But I tell you that by a new anointing the American church would start to believe the miracle of the nation of God's hand. I think there are a great many devout that could be used today. Secondly, I want to stress the importance of the use of women. Women are underused in the church. We use them on telephone - they talk constantly - they love to talk on the phone. Put Jesus in their mouth to talk! ‚ So women are a tremendous strength in church because of culture - but in Western culture - you are afraid of using women. But once women were given the freedom to work as fellow leaders there was an explosion of Cell Leaders.
Warren: Can you please pray a prayer of blessing to the pastors that are reading this?
Cho: Heavenly Father, we thank you for many wonderful pastors and lay Christians in America. America is a strong foundation of Christianity through which the whole world received great blessings and benefits. We are now praying many, very rich blessings be upon each and every American pastor and Christian -- so that God may once again use America to send missionaries to the end of the world and to change the world for Jesus Christ. In Jesus Name I pray .
Rick Warren And David Yonggi Cho Talk About Using The Internet
by Tim Bednar
July 25, 2003
Warren Quoting Bishop Sheen
Fulton Sheen, the great Catholic bishop once visited a leprosy colony and he walked up to a man sitting on ground who had a number of serious skin diseases. The man's body was oozing with pussy, putrefied sores and as Bishop Sheen leaned over to talk to him, the chain of the crucifix he was wearing broke and his crucifix fell into an open sore on the man's leg. Bishop Sheen said his first response was to jump back, revolted by what had happened. But, he said, "All of a sudden I was overwhelmed with compassion for this person. So I reached into the sore and took up the cross." I think that is the finest definition of Christianity I've ever heard. "Reaching into the sores of life - where people are broken, hurting, dying, poor, hopeless - and taking up the cross."
Warren & Jerry Falwell
Many independent Baptist churches are being influenced by Warren's teaching. Rick Warren and Jerry Falwell (who affiliates both with the Southern Baptist Convention and the Bible Baptist Fellowship) are partnering for a Purpose-Driven "SuperConference" in October [2003]. It will be held on the campus of Liberty University in Lynchburg, Virginia. Simultaneously, a Rick Warren "40 Days of Purpose" campaign will be shown by telecast in more than 4,000 churches, including Falwell's church.
Warren, Bill Hybels & Robert Schuller
A church ministry based on a market-study of the unregenerate, rather than a study of the Scriptures: When Rick Warren began his church, he started out using the very same methodology of Robert Schuller and Bill Hybels. Not surprisingly, Schuller praises the book inside the front cover, and Hybels highlights the book on his Willow Creek Internet web site!
During his last year in seminary, he and Kay drove west to visit Robert Schuller's Institute for Church Growth. "We had a very stony ride out to the conference," she says, because such nontraditional ministry scared her to death. Schuller, though, won them over. "He had a profound influence on Rick," Kay says. "We were captivated by his positive appeal to nonbelievers. I never looked back." Imitating Schuller, Warren walked the (then unincorporated but fast-growing) town of Lake Forest, asking what kept people from going to church. He recruited a Bible study group that met at the Warrens' condominium; its members helped stamp and address letters to 15,000 households. "At last!" the letter began. "A new church for those who've given up on traditional church services!" More than 200 people showed up for an Easter service at Laguna Hills High School. Watching them stream in, Warren marveled, "This is really going to work!"
Thus Hybels does not seem too particular about those with whom he keeps company. In 1989 'Christianity Today' photographed him with Robert Schuller and C. Peter Wagner at Schuller's Crystal Cathedral.
Warren spoke at the "Schuller Institute For Successful Church Leadership" where 80+ gay/lesbians were in attendance
Schuller Trains Homosexual Pastors?--The Spring '97 Evangelicals Concerned RECORD newsletter said, "More than 80 gay and lesbian pastors and lay leaders from the Metropolitan Community Churches participated in this year's Robert Schuller Institute for Successful Church Leadership at Schuller's Crystal Cathedral. The speakers included Bill Hybels, John Maxwell and Rick Warren."
Warren spoke at a Schuller event with Wimber, Hybels and others
WIMBER, HYBELS SPEAK AT SCHULLER EVENT Listed faculty for The Robert Schuller Institute for Successful Church Leadership,Jan.27-30,at Crystal Cathedral campus included: Schuller, John Wimber (Vineyard "signs and wonders" guru), Bill Hybels, Charles Blake (Church of God),Walt Kallestad, John Maxwell, and Rick Warren. Ken Medema was at piano (9/16 CT). Hybels, Wimber, and David Cho were 1994 speakers. Tony Campolo and Jack Hayford were listed as 1995 speakers.
Endorsements For Warren's "Purpose Driven Church"
"This book is a rare treasure of godly wisdom, totally scriptural, inspired by the Spirit, and born of practical experience. These principles will revolutionize and energize any church to reach its full potential. Every pastor must read this book! It is destined to be a classic."--Bill Bright, Founder, Campus Crusade for Christ International
"God has used Rick Warren as an effective instrument, and this book reveals why. He's kept grounded on eternal values and rooted in the Vine of ultimate truth?Christ Jesus."--Jack Hayford, Pastor, The Church on the Way, Van Nuys, Calif.
"Destined to be a classic, the key to the greatness of this book is its passion and balance. Every student in the Billy Graham School of Missions and Evangelism will be required to read it."--Thom S. Rainer, Dean, Billy Graham School, Southern Baptist Theological Seminary
"Rick Warren has been used to challenge my thinking in the area of church growth in an incredible way. This book is on the must-read list for every pastor."--Adrian Rogers, Pastor, Bellevue Baptist Church, Memphis, Tennessee
"I'm praying that every pastor will read this book, believe it, be prepared to stand corrected by it, and change to match its sound, scriptural wisdom. Rick Warren is the one all of us should listen to and learn from."--Robert H. Schuller, Pastor, The Crystal Cathedral, Garden Grove, California
"This is the best book I've ever read on how to do church in today's world."--Lyle E. Schaller, Parish Consultant
"The church has been waiting for this book for a long time, and it is worth every minute we've waited. It is destined to become a classic in the literature of the new paradigm of church health."--Leonard Sweet, author, SoulTsunami
Warren's "PDC" book is on the supplemental reading list at Wagner Leadership Institute in Pastoral Ministries ( as well as three books by Ted Haggard)
Warren, Rick. Purpose Driven Church. Zondervan Publishing, 399 pp. A five-point strategy for attracting and spiritually maturing the unchurched, from the pastor of Saddleback Church
Warren's "PDC" book is on the supplemental reading list at Wagner Leadership Institute in Church Growth Movement
Warren, Rick. Purpose Driven Church. Zondervan Publishing House, 399 pp. A five-point strategy for attracting and spiritually maturing the unchurched, from the pastor of Saddleback Church
Endorsements For Warren's "Purpose Driven Life"
- Bruce Wilkinson, Author, The Prayer of Jabez
"This book will guide you to greatness-through living the Great Commandment and the Great Commission. Make sure you're not missing the point of your life-read this book!"
-Billy and Franklin Graham
"Destined to be a classic on the Christian life, I predict The Purpose-DrivenT Life will become the My Utmost for His Highest of the 21st century. Timeless, profound, compelling, and transforming, this book is a priceless gift for everyone who wants to know their purpose and fulfill their destiny. As The Purpose-DrivenT Church has had the most profound impact on the church worldwide of any book in this generation, Rick Warren's new, groundbreaking manifesto will set millions of people free to live the lives God intended for us on earth. This is the book we've all been waiting for!"
- Bruce Wilkinson, Author, The Prayer of Jabez
"If you only read one book on what life is all about-make it this one! Rick Warren is absolutely brilliant at explaining our real purpose in the world and making the complex understandable. Read this book, then give it to everyone you care about. It is life-changing. Believe me, you'll never be the same after reading this!" What a gift!"
-Lee Strobel, Author, The Case for Christ
"Disoriented about your direction in life? Are decisions tough to make and steps hard to take? If so, Rick Warren has written a masterpiece of wise counsel for you. Whether you are a seeker, a new believer, or a seasoned saint, let God use these pages to place your feet firmly on the right path!"
-Max Lucado, author, Traveling Light
Warren's "PDL" book is recommended reading at Trinity Western University in their Graduate Program in Counselling Psychology which is very much tied to Renovare.
What constitutes a mature and vital spiritual life?
Looking at Jesus' life and the history of the Church we find several practices, or spiritual disciplines which mature us in our faith and spiritual walk. ‚ There are many resources available to Christians to assist us towards spiritual growth. ‚ One organization committed to working for the renewal of the Church of Jesus Christ in all her multifacited expressions is RENOVARE. ‚ According to Renovare, there are six spiritual disciplines, incorporating the wide range of Christian traditions, which together nurture spiritual growth.
To practice these disciplines, Renevore suggests involvement in "Spiritual Formation" groups. ‚ These groups are formed when individuals covenant together to support one another and provide accountability to each other. ‚ Detailed information on forming groups of this nature can be found on the Renovare website.
More Insight from RENOVARE:
What is spiritual formation?
ANSWER: It is the forming of our spirits. Everything we experience shapes our spirits-family, job, movies, music, health, environment, and more. Everything. By doing spiritual disciplines such as worship, prayer, study, celebration, solitude, etc. our spirits are shaped for the good. Things that are bad-dissension, violence, greed, lust, and jealousy to name a few-lose their attraction as our spirits are formed, conformed, and transformed into the image of Christ.
Which spiritual disciplines should I practice? All of them all at once? The ones I'm good at? The ones I'm not good at?
ANSWER: You should practice the ones you need. Remember, you are an athlete of God and like any good athlete you are going to train in the areas of your true need. Now, this takes some prayerful inventory of where you stand before God. But Christ is with you as your ever-present Teacher and he will guide you into what you need for your own growth. In addition, you may want to seek out the counsel of someone whom you trust for his or her wisdom and spiritual maturity. And don't be afraid to make a mistake or two; most athletes do, you know. You will learn as you go, and if you have a teachable heart, you will learn even from your mistakes . . . especially from your mistakes.
Suggested Readings on Spiritual Growth and Maturity
The Purpose Driven Life by Rick Warren
Warren is on committees for Mission America (part of the C. Peter Wagner NAR)
Saddleback Community Church senior pastor Rick Warren is on Mission America's Facilitation Committee, 1997]. In a closing prayer at one of his seeker-sensitive church growth seminars, he declared, "Thank you that there is a movement, a stealth movement, that's flying beneath the radar, that's changing literally hundreds, even thousands of churches around the world."
Mission America "Honorary Committee" list
Dr. Joe Aldrich - Int'l Renewal Ministries
Dr. Don Argue - Northwest College
Rev. Reinhard Bonnke - Christ For All Nations
Mrs. Vonette Bright - Women Today International
Dr. Luis Bush - International Inquiry!
Dr. Clive Calver - World Relief Corporation
Mr. Peter J. Cannon - HIS International, Inc.
Dr. Charles Colson - Prison Fellowship
Dr. John Corts - Global Pastor's Network
Dr. Loren Cunningham - Youth with a Mission Intl
Dr. Martin DeHaan - Radio Bible Class Ministries
Mrs. Shirley Dobson - National Day of Prayer
Dr. Jim Dobson - Focus on the Family
Dr. Maxie D Dunnam - Asbury Theological Seminary
Dr. Ted W Engstrom - World Vision Int'l.
Dr. & Mrs. Louis Evans
Dr. Edward L Foggs - Church of God
Dr. Leighton Ford - Leighton Ford Ministries
Dr. Millard Fuller - Habitat for Humanity
Dr. Billy Graham - Billy Graham Evangelistic Assn
Rev. John Guest - John Guest Evangelistic Team
Ms. Jane Hansen - Aglow International
Dr. Jack Hayford - Church on the Way
Dr. James B Henry - First Baptist Church Orlando
Mr. Alec Hill - InterVarsity Christian Fellowship
Dr. C B Hogue - Southern Baptist Convention
Dr. John A Huffman Jr - St Andrews Presbyterian Church
Mr. Reese R. Kauffman - Child Evangelism Fellowship, Inc.
Dr. Dennis Kinlaw - Francis Asbury Society
Dr. Beverly LaHaye - Concerned Women for America
Dr. Tim LaHaye - Tim LaHaye Ministries
Dr. Paul Larsen - Evangelism RoundTable
Bishop Nathaniel Linsey - Christian Meth Episcopal Church
Rev. Max Lucado - Oak Hills Church of Christ
Dr. James Earl Massey - Church of God
Dr. John Mathison - Frazer Mem Untd Methodist Ch
Dr. John C Maxwell - INJOY
Mr. Bill McCartney - Promise Keepers
Dr. Josh McDowell - Josh McDowell Ministry
Rev. Paul McKaughan - Evan Fellowship/Mission Agen.
Dr. James Montgomery - Dawn Ministries
Mr. Harold L. Myra - Christianity Today
Dr. Lloyd Ogilvie
Dr. Luis Palau - Luis Palau Evangelistic Assn
Dr. John Perkins - Christian Community Dev Assn
Dr. D. John Richard
Dr. Pat Robertson - Christian Broadcasting Netwrk
Dr. Adrian Rogers - Bellevue Baptist Church
Mr. Rolland Smith - Mission Omega
Mr. Richard E. Stearns - World Vision
Dr. C Peter Wagner - Global Harvest Ministries
Dr. Thomas Wang - Great Commission Intl
Rev. Rick Warren - Saddleback Community Church
Dr. Luder Whitlock Jr - Foundation for Reformation
Dr. Bruce Wilkinson - Global Vision Resources
Dr. Ralph Winter - Frontier Mission Fellowship
Dr. Ravi Zacharias - Ravi Zacharias Intl Ministries
Warren & Fuller Seminary
Rick was born in San Jose, California. He earned a Bachelor of Arts degree from California Baptist College, a Master of Divinity from Southwestern Theological Seminary, and a Doctor of Ministry degree from Fuller Theological Seminary. Other honors include the Biblical Preaching Award, several honorary doctorates, and Metro Magazine named him one of the 25 most influential people in Orange County, California.. Rick and his wife, Kay, live in Trabuco Canyon, California. They have three children and a dog.
Fuller Seminary publishes Warren's "Ministry Toolbox"
Rick Warren, Fuller alumnus and pastor of Saddleback Church, is now publishing "Rick Warren's Ministry Toolbox," a free, weekly e-mail newsletter of tips, links, and articles for those in ministry. More than 50,000 pastors around the world have already subscribed. Sign up for free at
Warren is featured in the Ministry Advantage newsletter by Fuller Seminary
Ministry Advantage features articles from a host of nationally-recognized Christian leaders:
Joe Aldrich
Leith Anderson
Neal Anderson
Charles Arn
Win Arn
Greg Asimakoupoulos
George Barna
Warren Bird
LaMar Boschman
Stewart Briscoe
Bob Bufford
Kennon Callahan
Bobby Clinton
Carol Childress
Max De Pree
Bill Donahue
Kevin Ford
Leighton Ford
Paul Ford
Dale Galloway
Carl George
Ted Haggard
Arch Hart
Jack Hayford
George Hunter III
Kent Hunter
Todd Hunter
Bill Hybels
Ron Kenoly
Gary Kinnaman
Barry Liesch
Bob Logan
H.B. London
Aubrey Malphurs
John Maxwell
Reggie McNeal
Sally Morgenthaler
Doug Murren
John Ortberg
Richard Peace
Dan Reeves
Lyle Schaller
Tim Schroader
Dan Simspon
Michael Slaughter
Byron Spradlin
Leonard Sweet
Elmer Towns
Peter Wagner
Rick Warren
John Wimber
Warren is a member of the American Society For Church Growth at Fuller, C. Peter Wagner founder
Links to ASCG Members' Websites
Links are listed in alphabetical order by the last name of the ASCG member who is associated with that link.
Mobilizing Young Leaders
Daniel Allen, Founder (ASCG member at large)Church Growth, Inc.
Charles Arn, President (ASCG President)The International Centre for Leadership Development and Evangelism
John Baergen, Executive Director (ASCG member at large)Fuller Theoligcal Seminary Office of Continuing Education
Peter Batchelder, Director (ASCG administrator)Leadership Network
Carol Childress, Director of Information and Research Services (ASCG member at
large)21st Century Strategies
William Easum, Executive Director (ASCG member at large)Touch Outreach Ministries
Jim Egli, Director of Training and New Product Development (ASCG member at
large)Willow Vale Community Church
Ray Ellis, Senior Pastor (ASCG Former President)Coaching 4 Growth, Inc.
Ralph H Funk, president (ASCG member at large)MetaChurch Project
Carl George, President (ASCG Former President)Fuller Theological Seminary School of World Mission
Eddie Gibbs, Donald A. McGavran Professor of Church Growth (ASCG Former
President)Church Growth Institute
Larry Gilbert, President (ASCG member at large)Asbury Theological Seminary
George Hunter III, Dean of the E. Stanley Jones School of World Mission and
Evangelism and Professor of Evangelism and Church Growth (ASCG Former
President)Church Doctor
Kent Hunter, Founder and President (ASCG Former President)CoachNet
Bob Logan, Director of Research and Development (ASCG member at large)The McIntosh Church Growth Network
Gary McIntosh, President (ASCG Former President)Talbot School of Theology
Gary McIntosh, Associate Professor of Christian Ministry and Leadership and
Director of the Doctor of Ministry Program (ASCG Former President)Alliance Theological Seminary
Alan McMahan, Vice President Advancement and Admissions / Instructor of
Missiology/ Leadership (ASCG Vice President)Ministry Enhancement Group
Will McRaney, Co-Founder (ASCG member at large)New Orleans Baptist Theological Seminary
Will McRaney, Assistant Professor of Evangelism and Church Growth (ASCG
member at large)Injoy
Dick Peterson, President (ASCG member at large)Encouragement Dynamics, Inc
Gary L. Pinion, Founder/President (ASCG member at large)Kingdom Builders Royal Preisthood Church Consultants
Jamie Pleasant, Founder/Owner (ASCG member at large)Reeves Strategic Consultation Services
R. Daniel Reeves, President (ASCG Former President)Southeastern Baptist Theological Seminary
Alvin L. Reid, Professor of Evangelism (ASCG member at large)Ministry Advanage Online
Dan Simpson, Editor (ASCG member at large, Webmaster)Sonlife Ministries
Dann Spader, Founder/Director (ASCG member at large)Church of the Nazarene
Bill Sullivan, Director, USA/Canada Mission/Evangelism Department (ASCG Former
President)Missionary Church
Thomas Swank, Director of Discipling Ministries (ASCG member at large)
(NOTE: Tom Swank is no longer director.)Elmer Towns Online Library
Elmer Towns (ASCG Former President)First Baptist Church, Gulfport, Mississippi
Brian Upshaw, Associate Pastor: Discipleship (ASCG member at large)Fuller Theological Seminary School of World Mission
Charles VanEngen, Arthur F. Glasser Professor of Biblical Theology of Mission
(ASCG Former President)Global Harvest Ministries
C. Peter Wagner, Founder, President (ASCG Founding President)The World Prayer Center
C. Peter Wagner, Co-founder (ASCG Founding President)Saddleback Valley Community Church
Rick Warren, Founding Pastor (ASCG member at large)Ashland Theological Seminary
Ron Waters, Assistant Professor of Evangelism (ASCG member at large)New Life Ministries
Ron Waters, Congregational Advisor/Consultant (ASCG member at large)ChurchSmart Resourses
David Wetzler, Owner/General Manager (ASCG member at large)C3 International (Creative Church Consulting)
Bob Whitesel, Founder (ASCG member at large)
The American Society for Church Growth
Office of Continuing Education
Fuller Theological Seminary
135 N. Oakland Avenue, Pasadena, CA 91182 USA
Phone: 626-584-5290 Fax: 626-584-5313 E-mail: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
Saddleback & Mega Churches all using Meta Model from Fuller & C. Peter Wagner
Perhaps the first rung of the ladder is the meta-church model. This model for transformation is led by Carl George and his books, in particular "Prepare Your Church for the Future" [Fleming H. Revell Company 1992]. The meta-church concept is an idea or philosophy, rather than a system and Carl George describes it in his book as both a change of mind and a change of form in the infrastructure of the Church. (p. 57) The term "meta" in this system supposedly means "change" although one supporter likened the word "meta" to "'metta' - the "Buddhist focus on developing loving-kindness". The Greek word "meta" can indeed mean a turn-around or transformation. Thus the meta-church model seems, once again, to be all about TRANSFORMING THE CHURCH Carl George is the former director of the Charles E. Fuller Institute of Evangelism & Church Growth which is affiliated with Fuller Theological Seminary and was founded in 1975 through the vision of C. Peter Wagner, then director of the Fuller Evangelistic Association. (John Wimber became the first director of the Institute, turning it over to Carl George in 1978.) C. Peter Wagner In his foreword to "Prepare Your Church for the Future" praises the book as "the most significant step forward in church-growth theory and practice since 1970." Many churches are experimenting with the Meta Model throughout the United States and it is an integral part of the Church Growth movement of C. Peter Wagner. In Carl George's most recent book, "The Coming Church Revolution", forty churches using the Meta Model are reviewed and analysed. These include churches like Willow Creek (Bill Hybels) and other seeker-sensitive or 'purpose-driven' church networks like Saddleback Church (Rick Warren), Cincinnati Vineyard and Fairhaven Alliance Church.
Warren on how to preach the Gospel
I realize that CGM advocate Rick Warren teaches that "seekers" don't want to be "scolded" in church, but this concern is irrelevant and simply untenable. We need to pattern the church after the apostle's teaching to the young evangelist in 2 Timothy.
Warren's letter on his web site regarding the P.E.A.C.E. plan
Dear Friends:
This weekend, I will begin teaching the most important series of messages we've ever taught in 23 years here at Saddleback church. We believe it is part of the beginning of a Spiritual Awakening, a Global Movement, a New Reformation.
(DITC: Same terminology of the ICA and New Agers)
During the five weekends of November, we'lll teach five messages on the P.E.A.C.E. plan: a strategy to have every small group in our church, ‚ and then tens of thousands of small groups in other churches, become engaged in solving the five biggest problems in the world: Spiritual Lostness, Lack of Godly Leaders, Poverty, ‚ Disease, and Lack of Education.
(DITC: The Bible never prophesies that poverty and disease will be solved, except in the millenium.)
These giant problems are so big that neither the governmnent, nor all the NGOs (non-government organzations) can tackle them. There is only one group large enough to tackle these global issues-the Christian church in all its local expressions around the world. Nothing else can compare to the distribution channel of the millions of churches around the world.
(DITC: Missions and local churches are already doing what Warren now proposes, and have been for a century.)
Even in villages where you cannot find a clinic, a store, a school, or a post office, you can often find a church. The PEACE Plan will address these five "giant" ‚ problems by Planting new churches... Equipping leaders... Assisting the poor...Caring for the sick... and Educating the next generation.
These problems, and the answers, are not new. ‚ But the way we intend to tackle them using the small groups of local churches in large numbers is revolutionary.
Each week in November we'll explain one of the 5 parts of the plan in detail. We've be listening, praying, and preparing for this launch for about a year, and we've sought the advice of respected national Christian leaders around the world.
(DITC: Monsly Third Wave leadership)
We have "tweaked" the plans often, and will continue to do so as we "learn by doing." Now we're ready to share the plan with our congregation, friends, and other interested congregations across America. The bottom line is that we intend to reinvent mission strategy in the 21st century. As I stated, this will be a new Reformation. The First Reformation returned us to the message of the original church. It was a reformation of doctrine - what the church BELIEVES. This Second Reformation will return us to the mission of the original church. It will be a reformation of purpose- what the church DOES in the world.
(DITC: Looking at Warren's "Purpose Driven Church" book, I would say he has not experienced the first reformation yet, so how can he lead us into a second?)
In the first century, mission strategy was always congregationally based. The first missionaries were sent, supported, and accountable to local churches. ‚ The church at Antioch was the first to do this. There were no mission societies, mission boards, or parachurch organizations. ‚ Local churches accepted the responsibility for Jesus' Great Commission and his Great Commandment, ‚ and the growth of the church worldwide was explosive.
Today, most local churches are sidelined and uninvolved when it comes to missions. The message from most mission and parachurch organizations to the local church is essentially ‚ "Pray, pay, and get out of the way."
(DITC: Strawman argument which is not true.)
But in the 21st century, Kay and I intends to help thousands of other local churches to move back to the frontline in missions, in compassion, and in providing the social services that historically the church provided. I believe the proper role for all the great parachurch and relief organizations is to serve local churches in a supportive role, offering their expertise and knowledge, but allowing the local churches around the world to be central focus and the distribution centers. I deeply believe that any organization that marginalized or minimizes the local congregation's responsibility to "Go", or bypasses the local church's moral authority to fulfill the Great Commission, ‚ is out of sync with the strategy God intended, and modeled in the book of Acts.
The continuing sales of The Purpose Driven Life are quite amazing. We are almost at the tipping point where Purpose Driven Life becomes a national phenomena. It will hit 10 milion copies sold by the end of December and has been on the New York Times hardback bestsellers longer than any other book this year (40 weeks) A couple weeks ago I did 6 TV interviews including Fox News Live, ABC, NBC, and CBN, so this spiritual awakening is starting to get the attention of the media. I now believe that know why God is blessing this book in such an unusual way. It is more than just a message thatGod wants to get out to everyone(which is huge). ‚ I now also see that God is using this phenomena to expand the platform for us to mobilize thousands of local churches for global world missions through the PEACE plan. Right now about 5,000 more churches are doing the 40 Day of Purpose campaign, and now the program has been adopted by corporations (like Coke and Walmart) sports teams (like the Oakland Raiders and Green Bay Packers, NASCAR drivers, and the LPGA) schools, civic clubs, and even prisons. Last week, Paul Harvey told everyone to go buy a copy of PDL on his ABC radio broadcast. ‚ ‚ He said "This is one of the most insightful books I've ever read and I will read it again...and again...and again." ‚ In 2004 we expect over 15,000 more churches to participate. The influence of the book keeps amazing me everyday as I get requests for autographed copies. In today's stack: I signed books for 1) All the Supreme Court Justices ‚ 2) One for Fidel Castro (!) ‚ 3) One for the President of Peru (these last 2 were spanish editions), and I recently got a note saying that everyone on Air Force One was reading the book recently.
(DITC: Bragging, name dropping)
But all this is not about us. God's intention is much bigger than the book. It's all about the global glory of God! We intend to leverage the attention that the Purpose Driven Life has garnered to bring about a whole new way of thinking and acting in the church about our responsibility in the world. This is a stewardship we must be faithful to fulfill-with humility, generosity, and integrity.
(DITC: Bragging and name dropping are not humility and there is no integrity in using false arguments and misinterpreting Scripture.)
If you'd like to watch the PEACE series on the internet, we've created a special webpage for you to do so without being needing a Saddleback membership code.All ‚ you need to do is click on this url ‚ . It will launch a page that will give you three options. ‚ 1. You can print an outline of the message. ‚ ‚ 2. You can watch one of our 6 weekend services online (times are given, and 3. You can watch the Archived services of any of the five services you miss in the PEACE plan series.
God bless you friends.
For the Global Glory of God!
Rick Warren
(DITC: Who gets the glory in this letter? ‚ Where is Jesus Christ, the Gospel or the cross mentioned?)
Warren is features at the "Made For A Purpose" Conference
Tony Evans, Cheryl & Jennifer McGuinness, Rick Warren, Larry Crabb, Erwin Raphael McManus, Nancy Leig, Louie Giglio, Jim Cymbala, Tim Keller, Ken Blanchard, Gloria Gaither.
"Purpose Driven" web site Statement Of Faith
1. We believe the Bible to be inspired, the only infallible, authoritative Word of God. ‚ (DITC: Where is inerrancy?)
Saddleback's "Doctrinal Statement" #1
God is bigger and better and closer than we can imagine.
The Bible is God's perfect guidebook for living.
Jesus is God showing himself to us.
Through His Holy Spirit, God lives in and through us now.
Nothing in creation "just happened." God made it all.
Grace is the only way to have a relationship with God.
Faith is the only way to grow in our relationship with God.
God has allowed evil to provide us with a choice, God can bring good even out of evil events and God promises victory over evil to those who choose him.
Heaven and hell are real places. Death is a beginning, not the end.
The church is to serve people like Jesus served people..
Jesus is coming again.
(DITC: Doesn't this sound like they are treating their people like little children?)
Saddleback's "Doctrinal Statement" #2 - Sin
Every person, although endowed with the image of God, inherited a disobedient heart from Adam, the very first man. This attitude of disobedience (called sin in the Bible) - unless rectified through Christ - forever keeps man from forming a relationship with his Creator.
(DITC: Does man simply have an attitude of disobedience, or is he entirely sinful?)
Saddleback's "Doctrinal Statement" #2 - Rapture
What is the second coming of Jesus? God, in His own time and in His own way, will bring the world to its appropriate end. According to His promise, Jesus Christ will return personally and visibly in glory to the earth; the dead will be raised; and Christ will judge all men in righteousness.
(DITC: Where is the Rapture?)
Warren is featured in Sattelite Seminars from Community Full Gospel Church
Satellite Seminars
Community Church is committed to being a blessing to the area. One way we are doing this is through cutting-edge training programs via live, interactive satellite broadcasts. Through agreements with the Church Communications Network; Injoy; and Saddleback Church, Community Church is a host site for unique seminars and top speakers from around the country on a monthly basis.
For minimum cost and maximum convenience residents from the area can hear, learn and interact with speakers such as John Maxwell, Rick Warren, C. Peter Wagner, George Barna, Carl George and Ted Haggard. Seminar topics range from Marriage Secrets to Successful Leadership to Understanding the New Senior Adult.
(DITC: Community Full Gospel Church also recommends the ministry of Tommy Tenney on their site.
Tommy Tenney lists Warren as a "top influencer"
Click on the names below to find out more information about the other Top Influencers and their ministries.
T.D. Jakes
John C. Maxwell
Stormie Omartian
Joyce Meyer
Beth Moore
Kenneth Hagin Sr.
Rick Warren
Tommy Barnett
Jack Hayford
Andy Stanley
Jamal-Harrison Bryant
Loren Cunningham
Ted Haggard
Eddie L. Long
C. Peter Wagner
Jim Cymbala
Bill McCartney
John Bevere
Joel Osteen
C. Peter Wagner Praises Warren's methods
Rick Warren, who leads Saddleback Valley Community Church in Mission Viejo, California, administers with a five-member board a congregation that surpassed 6,000 in worship in 1993. Warren chairs the board. The four other members are key staff that he hired and can fire. "I want only fulltime thinkers making decisions," he said. The congregation meets annually, and at that time can vote his removal.21 (21 Rick Warren, a field interview at Saddleback Church, "Foundations of Church Growth," Fuller Theological Seminary, March 1993.) At New Life Church and Saddleback, the organization is pared to empower leaders. It is developed on the basis of trust in the grace of God at work through individuals that God calls to leadership. C. Peter Wagner notes that the most revolutionary principle in the churches that are driving the expansion of Christianity is the trust and empowerment of the individual. He puts it this way: Of all the radical elements of change in the New Apostolic Reformation, I regard one of them to be the most radical of all. It is so important that I have chosen these words very carefully: The amount of spiritual authority delegated by the Holy Spirit to the individuals [italics his].22 (Wagner, Churchquake, 75.)
Warren's books are being sold by TBN
Warren is listed in the TBN address book
Warren, Pastor Rick
Saddleback Valley Community Church
24194 Alicia, #M
Mission Viejo, CA 92691
CBN publishes articles by Rick Warren
Rick Warren Endorsed Alpha Course
"It's great to see how Alpha has been used to reach people with the good news of Jesus Christ, who wouldn't normally come to church. This resource is very complementary to helping seekers connect with The Purpose Driven Life."
Dr. Rick Warren
Sr. Pastor, Saddleback Church
Rick Warren Endorsed "Every Man, God's Man" by Kenny Luck (Promise Keepers men's movement book)
"Every Man God's Man is about a personal resurgence of purpose".
Rick Warren, author of The Purpose-Driven Life
And senior pastor of Saddleback Church
Rick Warren writes, "Kenny Luck has been quietly helping men in our church going on fourteen years now, and Steve Arterburn has been as stand-in preacher and minister here for years. During this time both of these men have come alongside countless men and shared their lives and love for God's word in small groups, at our retreats, and in teaching our men's morning Bible study. Their passion and gift for helping men are well known in our church-most famously among the wives.
But more special to me than Kenny and Steve's ability to get into a man's space and take him to the next level of Christian manhood is their ownership of their message. The have both fought and won tough battles, overcome setbacks, and diligently pursued a practical holiness that speaks powerfully to men of all ages.
If you'll read with a humble and open heart, Every Man, God's Man will make you uncomfortable, inspire you to positive change, and get you pumped about taking new risks in your faith. Most important, God will use the insights in this book to advance His kingdom in your heart and by, doing so, advance His purposes in the world. The book in your hands is not about the resolution of a man's problems; it's about a personal resurgence of purpose. That excites me."
From the forward of Every Man, God's Man
Rick Warren was a speaker at the "Beyond All Limits" Conference in 2002
Emcees for the Beyond All Limits Pastor's Conference are Mr. Steve Douglass, the President of Campus Crusade For Christ, and Dr. James O. Davis, the President of Cutting Edge International. Mr. Terry MacAlmon, Worship Leader, is an accomplished song writer and artist. Terry and his family are members of Rev. Ted Haggard's New Life Church in Colorado Springs. Speakers include :
Cannistraci praises Warren |
Jack Hayford
Jerry Falwell
David Sobrepe ƒ ±a
Larry Burkett
Joseph Stowell
Andy Stanley
Ed Young Jr.
Rick Warren
Stephen Olford
Dennis Rainey
Bill Bright
Vonette Bright
John Corts
Anne Graham-Lotz
Billy Graham
Bill McCartney
Leonard Sweet
Robert Reccord
Paul Cedar
Tony Evans
Charles Stanley
Adrian Rogers
Jim Henry
Howard Edington
Thomas Trask
John Maxwell
James Merritt
Tommy Barnett
Rick Warren wrote a loving tribute to John Wimber, which is listed on the Vineyard site
Rick Warren
I will remember John Wimber as a man who truly loved Jesus more than anything else. I always enjoyed our conversations because that love for Christ produced an uncommon passion in his life that was contagious. I will miss that. A hundred years from today, people will still be singing "Spirit Song" because it verbalizes that deep love for Jesus.
Warren endorsed "An Unstopable Force" by Erwin Raphael Mcmanus (this book is Dominionist and Apostolic)
"I love this book because Erwin loves the church. Growing churches requires growing leaders. This book will help you along the way."
- Rick Warren
Lead Pastor, Saddleback Church, Author, The Purpose Driven Church
Warren is listed as "The Message" Bible reader on NavPress, along with a number of heretics
Amy Grant, Benny Hinn, Bill Hybels, Bill and Gloria Gaither, Billy Graham, Brock and Bodie Thoene, Carol Kent, Chuck Swindoll, Cynthia Heald, Dan Quayle, Dave Dravecky, Toby-DC Talk, Don Moen, Duffy Robbins, Frederick Buechner, Gary Chapmen, Gary Smalley, Gordon Fee, Gordon MacDonald, Harold Fickett, J.I. Packer, Jack Hayford, Jay Kesler, Jerry Jenkins, Jerry Savelle, Jim Burns, Jimmy and Rosalyn Carter, John Maxwell, Joni Eareckson Tada, Joyce Meyer, Kathy Peel, Keith Miller, Kenneth Copeland, Leighton Ford, Leith Anderson, Luci Shaw, Madeleine L'Engle, Max Lucado, Michael Card, Michael W. Smith, MikeYaconelli, Newsboys, Patsy Clairmount, Pat Williams, Phil Driscoll, Rebecca St. James, Richard Foster, Rick Warren, Rod Parsley Ron Kenoly, Stuart and Jill Briscoe, Tim Kimmel, Tony Campolo, Tremper Longman, Bono of U2, Vernon Grounds, Walter Kaiser Jr., Walter Wangerin, Warren Wiersbe, Wayne Rice, Wellington Boone, Madeleine L'Engle