James Jacob Prasch
The July 29th Letter To President Bush By Pseudo Evangelical Theocrats Calling For Placation Of Islamic Demands For Biblical Israeli Land
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This letter to President Bush by alleged Evangelical leaders predictably ignores the plight of Christians persecuted throughout the Arab and Islamic world. It unsurprisingly avoids the pro Israel views of Arab Evangelicals such as Walid Shoebat and Joseph Farah.
It also avoids the issue that territorial concessions already made by Israel, under pressure from the oil interest controlled Bush administration, only resulted in Moslems using the forfeited territory to continue the persecution of Arab Christians, the jihad against Israel and The West and created an Iranian-controlled Islamic base in Gaza and by George Bush Sr. in Lebanon. Predictably, the letter overlooks the fact that the Al Aqsa Brigade of Abbas & the Fatah-dominated Palestinian Authority is no less an Iranian linked terrorist organization than Hamas. It also overlooks that Fatah continues to inculcate their children to be suicide bombers and broadcasts a continuous stream of anti-American, anti-British, anti-Semitic, and anti-Christian rhetoric and propaganda. It ignores the fact that Fatah has no electoral democratic mandate from the Palestinian Arabs and that the real so-called suffering of the so-called 'Palestinian people' is a double myth.
In 1970, King Hussein of Jordan proclaimed Jordan to be Palestine and Yasser Arafat proclaimed Palestine to be Jordan in 1968. When did self-proclaimed Jordanians become an ethnic Arab nation that never existed before in history? Moreover, a people proved by definition to be indigenous to the region by the archaeological record cannot be called an occupying presence. Jews cannot occupy Judea and Samaria anymore than Apaches can occupy Arizona.
The second myth is that Israel has a responsibility for Palestinian-Arab hardship. The truth of the matter is that standards of living in everything from infant mortality to longevity to unemployment improved under Israeli rule prior to the Islamic intifadas by 320% in the West Bank and 370% in Gaza above what it had been under Islamic governments.
What is even more apparent, however, is the heretical doctrine of so many of the apostate signatories ranging from Richard Mouw's reapproachment with the Mormon cult to Leighton Ford's departure from the biblical gospel which states that 'Christians should preach the gospel, but not believe they alone have all of the truth'. The twisted doctrinal position of Gary Burge of Wheaton College is too ludicrous to warrant serious comment. 'Christianity Today' has published openly heretical and apostate positions by heretics such as Bart Campolo, along with material supportive of the post modern/ neo gnostic 'Emergent Church'. World Vision, having abandoned its biblically evangelistic origins is best renamed 'World Hallucination' and is nothing more than a cheap political crusade with a social gospel. Ron Sider of the UK is best known for his combination of abject theology and bogus economics in his attempts to repackage Christianity as a sanctified socialism of some design of his own, void of authentic biblical substance and economic common sense.
Hypocrisy of hypocrisy
The final signatory to this hideous diatribe is the director of the Christian - Moslem Center for Peace & Justice. Why are Sider, Ford, Mouw, the Christian Missionary Alliance, and the Presbyterian Church concerned about alleged injustices by Israel, the one nation in The Middle East fully protecting the human rights and religious freedom of Arab Christians, while remaining silent about the Islamic genocidal extermination of Christians in Islamic countries from the Far East to North Africa? A New Testament cannot even be brought into Saudi Arabia.
Long before this unfortunate and misplaced letter emerged, for purely theological reasons we have sounded the alarm against "Christianity Today" and "World Vision" that have, in our assessment and in the estimation of others, long departed from their biblical origins. We have also exposed those we have regarded as teachers of false doctrine such Mouw, Ford, Sider, and Burge, in our efforts to shield the body of Christ from wolves in sheep's clothing.
This pathetic letter, whose logical deficiency and lack of exegetically sound biblical foundation is eclipsed only by its hypocrisy, further affirms our convictions surrounding these individuals and organizations. The list of signatories resembles more a "who's who" of backslidden and/or biblically, historically, politically ignorant theocratic hooligans than a bona fide list of "Evangelical Leaders" by any scriptural understanding of the term.
James Jacob Prasch
Letter to President Bush from Evangelical Leaders
Published: July 29, 2007
President George W. Bush
The White House
1600 Pennsylvania Ave NW
Washington DC 20500Dear Mr. President:
We write as evangelical Christian leaders in the United States to thank you for your efforts (including the major address on July 16) to reinvigorate the Israeli-Palestinian negotiations to achieve a lasting peace in the region. We affirm your clear call for a two-state solution. We urge that your administration not grow weary in the time it has left in office to utilize the vast influence of America to demonstrate creative, consistent and determined U.S. leadership to create a new future for Israelis and Palestinians. We pray to that end, Mr. President.
We also write to correct a serious misperception among some people including some U.S. policymakers that all American evangelicals are opposed to a two-state solution and creation of a new Palestinian state that includes the vast majority of the West Bank. Nothing could be further from the truth. We, who sign this letter, represent large numbers of evangelicals throughout the U.S. who support justice for both Israelis and Palestinians. We hope this support will embolden you and your administration to proceed confidently and forthrightly in negotiations with both sides in the region.
As evangelical Christians, we embrace the biblical promise to Abraham: "I will bless those who bless you." (Genesis 12:3). And precisely as evangelical Christians committed to the full teaching of the Scriptures, we know that blessing and loving people (including Jews and the present State of Israel) does not mean withholding criticism when it is warranted. Genuine love and genuine blessing means acting in ways that promote the genuine and long-term well being of our neighbors. Perhaps the best way we can bless Israel is to encourage her to remember, as she deals with her neighbor Palestinians, the profound teaching on justice that the Hebrew prophets proclaimed so forcefully as an inestimably precious gift to the whole world.
Historical honesty compels us to recognize that both Israelis and Palestinians have legitimate rights stretching back for millennia to the lands of Israel/Palestine. Both Israelis and Palestinians have committed violence and injustice against each other. The only way to bring the tragic cycle of violence to an end is for Israelis and Palestinians to negotiate a just, lasting agreement that guarantees both sides viable, independent, secure states. To achieve that goal, both sides must give up some of their competing, incompatible claims. Israelis and Palestinians must both accept each other's right to exist. And to achieve that goal, the U.S. must provide robust leadership within the Quartet to reconstitute the Middle East roadmap, whose full implementation would guarantee the security of the State of Israel and the viability of a Palestinian State. We affirm the new role of former Prime Minister Tony Blair and pray that the conference you plan for this fall will be a success.
Mr. President, we renew our prayers and support for your leadership to help bring peace to Jerusalem, and justice and peace for all the people in the Holy Land.
Finally, we would request to meet with you to personally convey our support and discuss other ways in which we may help your administration on this crucial issue.
Ronald J. Sider, President
Evangelicals for Social ActionDon Argue, President
Northwest UniversityRaymond J. Bakke, Chancellor
Bakke Graduate UniversityGary M. Benedict, President
The Christian & Missionary AllianceGeorge K. Brushaber, President
Bethel UniversityGary M. Burge, Professor
Wheaton College & Graduate SchoolTony Campolo, President/Founder
Evangelical Association for the Promotion of EducationChristopher J. Doyle, CEO
American Leprosy MissionLeighton Ford, President
Leighton Ford MinistriesDaniel Grothe, Pastoral Staff
New Life Church (Colorado Springs)Vernon Grounds, Chancellor
Denver SeminaryStephen Hayner,former President
InterVarsity Christian FellowshipJoel Hunter, Senior Pastor
Northland Church
Member, Executive Committee of the NAEJo Anne Lyon, Founder/CEO
World Hope InternationalGordon MacDonald, Chair of the Board
World ReliefAlbert G. Miller, Professor
Oberlin CollegeRichard Mouw, President
Fuller Theological SeminaryDavid Neff, Editor
Christianity TodayGlenn R. Palmberg, President
Evangelical Covenant ChurchEarl Palmer, Senior Pastor
University Presbyterian Church SeattleVictor D. Pentz, Pastor
Peachtree Presbyterian Church, AtlantaJohn Perkins, President
John M. Perkins Foundation for Reconciliation & DevelopmentBob Roberts, Jr., Senior Pastor
Northwood Church, DallasLeonard Rogers, Executive Director
Evangelicals for Middle East UnderstandingAndrew Ryskamp, Executive Director
Christian Reformed World Relief CommitteeChris Seiple, President
Institute for Global EngagementRobert A. Seiple, Former Ambassador-at-Large,
International Religious Freedom
U.S. State DepartmentLuci N. Shaw, Author, Lecturer
Regent College, VancouverJim Skillen, Executive Director
Center for Public JusticeGlen Harold Stassen, Professor
Fuller Theological SeminaryRichard Stearns, President
World VisionClyde D. Taylor, Former Chair of the Board
World ReliefHarold Vogelaar, Director
Center of Christian-Muslim Engagement for Peace and JusticeBerten Waggoner, National Director
Vineyard USA