Dave Royle
Moriel Missions Southern Africa August 2006
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- Category: Dave Royle
- Hits: 5160
Dear Friends
Greetings in the name of our Lord Yeshua the Messiah
I apologise for the lateness of this update, I am currently touring the USA with Jacob Prasch and this email comes all the way from sunny California where we are attending a last day"s prophecy and Israel conference. The conference has been well attended due to the interest in the last days brought about by the present conflict in Israel and Lebanon . In fact not only Christians are interested but also non-believers who may have a passing interest in these things are asking questions concerning these last days. Questions such as, "is this going to bring the end of the world?" One lady commented, "You Christians should be happy because what the Bible says will happen are happening" .
We are certainly living in interesting days and for many believers quite stressful. Being with Jacob has been an object lesson as he has preached and travelled with the knowledge that his son Eli is in Israel , in fact on several occasions when he has phoned his son the air raid warning in Haifa could be heard in the background. Please pray for Jacob, Pavia and Beth as they as they lift up Eli and Pavia ’s parents in prayer and that the Lord will keep Eli safe. Please also pray for the peace of Jerusalem , that Israel will prevail against the Evil that is Islam and that the Lord would quicken His return.
Finally I would like to thank all those who have helped me during this lengthy tour f the USA . For Dave Lister who arranged my itinerary, for the churches that opened their doors to me and for the hosts who let me share in their hospitality.
Thank you for all those who continue to support us during these developing years. Breaking news is that on August the 16th a three bedroom house will be built on site allowing for more accommodation. A date also for your diaries is the result of the meeting and inspection held on August the 10th to register the facility. As you know this has been ongoing for over three years but this time may be different as we seem to have the favour of some heavy hitters in social services. We will bring you the result as soon as we have it.
Today (10th Aug) Lyn made a presentation concerning Ebyown to several social services department’s. The result war good and we have been given the go ahead to be registered. This will take a couple of month’s but nether the less we are looking at this as a huge break through. Thank you for your continued prayers.
Kids News
It is with a sense of sadness that we have to announce the death of Themba the mother of Carlos. Themba brought Carlos to us several months ago knowing that she was about to die. Themba was a believer and wanted Carlos to settle in a Christian home and so she brought him to Ebyown. Themba was HIV+, suffered from TB and had cervical cancer. In the middle of July the Lord took her home and now she is free from the suffering of this life and is now before the Lord in His Glory. Please pray for Carlos, his culture does not encourage the outward display of emotions and so we pray that the God given gift of grieving for his mum would manifest as soon as possible.
Prudence has been for blood tests and although there was a slight deterioration in her CD4 count and an elevation in her viral load she is still well enough to be kept off ARV drugs. Johannes is in the same position and we thank the Lord for their ongoing good health.
S’phiwe continues to improve, especially in his fine motor skills. Our HIV Doctor said a while ago that hi HIV/AIDS dementia could improve and this has been evident in recent weeks. His ARV treatment continues to go well and we thank the Lord for these life saving medicines.
Baby Baden still amazes us with hi improvement. His weight has now risen 1.7kg in the last month. That was his actual weight when he came to us and he now weighs 5,7kg. Luke also is doing well; his skin condition continues to improve and he is putting on weight. Hi vocabulary continues to grow with a mixture of words, his first being Dada.
Being away from home is difficult but necessary for the work. Paulina and N’tombi in particular have missed me and of course I have missed them. Both girls are doing well health wise as is Deven. As you know Deven suffers from Foetal Alcohol Syndrome as well as having frequent epileptic seizures. Although six years old his development is that of a 5 month baby and there is no hope of improvement. Please continue to pray for him.
Finally, the kids have been amazed at the arrival of my birthday present, a young milking cow. Ermatrude named after the cow from the children’s program "the magic roundabout" joins our menagerie of animals looked after by our children
Dear Friends
Over the past few months life at Bezaleel has been relatively uneventful. We were very grateful to have been sponsored by a local company for flu vaccines and a new pneumonia vaccine for all the children. We have up until now come through the winter with only Ruth needing to see our Paediatrician. She was quite ill with a bad chest, discharging ear and high temperature. He prescribed three anti-biotics and eardrops, a course of cortisone, an inhaler and nasal spray she must use for three months. Her recovery has been excellent and we give God thanks for His goodness towards her. The other children have had minor winter ailments which we’ve been able to manage at home. Our children who are HIV+ will be going for their bi- annual blood tests at the end of August to monitor viral loads and CD4 counts. We are thankful to the Lord for medical advancements in the field of HIV/AIDS. Ruth, who had a life expectancy of two years, will be seven years old this year. In spite of the fact that she has a highly resistant virus and limited treatment options, her quality of life has been very good. Ruth is a very tenacious child and does not easily give up. We thank God that He has given us access to treatment for the children and a very committed Paediatrician and his staff.
Lizzie is presently participating in a music festival and for the U14 Bach section she received an A+ certificate and a floating trophy for winner of the section. For the section when she played piano with her teacher she received an A+ certificate. Walter who is ten years of age has a rather marked learning disability and as yet is unable to read, write or do basic arithmetic. I am not convinced that Ritalin is the answer and I am researching other ways of helping him, as in remedial programs etc" ¦.. I am considering an IQ assessment for him to help me teach him more effectively. If anyone reading this newsletter could advise me regarding the best ways to help Walter, I will be grateful for the input. Thabo is progressing well with his reading and writing, and it gives him a lot of enjoyment. Ernest and Ruth both play for the local soccer club for the U7 side and have a lot of fun. Ernest supported Brazil and England during the World Cup and since then his favourite colour is orange. Ernest plays forward and Ruth in the defence. Ernest received a trophy and medal for player of the match for one of his games. Rosie is our little lady. This past weekend I took the young people on missions at Ebyown to movies. Rosie called me aside and asked that when she is big will I take her to movies too. I assured her that I most definitely would. We refer to Ben, Themba, and Precious as the babies even though respectively they are three, four and three years of age. This little trio elevate the noise level in our home considerably, Ben, the leader, Themba, our gentle child and Precious, our dumpy darling. They are delightful. Mixed in the fray is Allen, a very hands-on Dad, building computers for the children and teaching them how to use them. The bath time knight, armed with facecloth and soap, regularly coming to my rescue while I prepare supper.
On a more serious note, I spent an afternoon at Ebyown giving HIV/AIDS training to the staff and young people out on missions there. Prior to that day, during the week, God impressed on me the responsibility that lies with a call given by Him to us to reach His lost world, by whichever way He chooses for each one of us. For those of us at Ebyown and Bezaleel, a large part of that is reaching children and families affected by a pandemic largely downplayed and ignored by our society. I have included the text below and hope that in some way it will encourage you as it has encouraged me, not to become weary in doing that which God has called us to. He is the One we serve, the One our hearts belong to and the One who faithfully rewards us. It is Proverbs 24:11&12. NASB
Deliver those who are being taken away by death,
And those who are staggering to slaughter, O hold them back.
If you say," See, we did not know this,"
Does He not consider it who weighs the hearts?
And does He not know it who keeps your soul?
And will He not render to man according to his work?
An exciting development for us at Bezaleel is the cottage that has been erected on the property to provide a home for an HIV+ mother and her children, who have been marginalised by their community and have no means of support. We hope to be an extended family to them and assist in all that is necessary to live productive, godly lives, and if well enough to be integrated back into their communities and contributing to it. If not, and the mother dies, to commit to care for the children if no natural family exists, either at Bezaleel or Ebyown. Allen is busy at the moment finishing off the interior of the cottage. We are trusting God to direct us each step of the way as a different dynamic exists when adults are involved and we will be learning as we go along. Please pray with us regarding the orphans and widows that will come, and all that the project will intail. We will make contact with services like clinics where such families are identified.
Allen and I want to express our gratitude to all of you, who pray, provide and care for Bezaleel. In Proverbs10:22: It is the blessing of the Lord that makes rich, And He adds no sorrow to it. Our lives are blessed and enriched by your love for our Lord and my He richly bless you all.
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Salvador and Evangelism
Sal has been building a useful team here in South Africa . They are seen in the avenues shopping centre every week as well as witnessing locally. Salve has also been taking up quite a bit of preaching due to me being away. Morne Rabi another one of our preachers has been in hospital with kidney stones, please pray for him and also his wife Vickie. Sal has taken up some of Morne’s preaching dates and I imagine he will be looking forward to me getting from the States. For more information about Sal’s work with us, check out his Msindisi Newsletter at www.moriel.org
Aletheia Community Church
Recommended to all those who are in the process of planting a new fellowship are Jacob’s teaching on "The Fundamentals of Ecclesiology." Certainly as a fellowship we have appreciated getting back to the roots of the early New Testament church where the emphasis is on the Lords table, Evangelism, expository preaching and fellowship. Every week we get together for a shared meal after the morning service. Its great to see people building together and with the involvement of the children it makes a very lively (And Noisy) atmosphere.
We are still looking for people for short term mission next year although places are filling up fast. We will have two houses for housing missionaries and we are looking for people who are good with special needs kids, helps around the village site and also evangelists to assist Salvador .
At the moment we have three ladies from the UK and a man from Australia assisting with the work. If you feel a burden for the work here please contact us and we will be happy to send you a pack containing all the information you will need to apply.
UK Itinerary
I will be in the UK from September the 14th for a month. Dates have almost filled but I do have a few midweek dates left. Ig anyone would like me to visit their church and share about the ministry and/or teach, please email me before the beginning of September to arrange details. At the beginning of September I will send out a newsletter giving venues for September/October meetings
Want to help?
That’s easy, just sign up for three months or help financially by contacting the following people
For Royle Family Support
Brenda & Baden Royle
2 Cressington Close
Off Derby Road
Salford 6
Manchester UK
0161 737 2996
Email: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
For Ministry Support Please Contact
Phil Baldwin
25 Engels House
Trafford Road
Manchester UK
Tel: 0161 789 3203
Email: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
Our South Africa Details
Pastor David Royle
Po Box 10807
Strubenvale 1570
South Africa
Tel/Fax: 011 730 1719
Email: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
New Convenient Way Of Giving
You can now make a donation online via your credit card by clicking here. You can also give by contacting your local Moriel Office.
Fisca is the law that affects those donating by cheque to charitable organizations; South African law states that the donors address details are written on the back of the cheque. This is to help fight against money laundering in Africa.