Dave Royle
Moriel Missions Southern Africa January 2007
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- Category: Dave Royle
- Hits: 5296
Dear Friends
Moriel would like to wish you a great New Year. May the Lord Bless and Guide you. 2007 promises to be a crucial year at Ebyown Children"s Village. Our first purpose built unit for children containing 4 bedroom, lounge/diner and bathroom is almost complete thanks to the hard work of all concerned. This will lead to our health inspection and then registration inspection three weeks later. It is hoped that March will see a new influx of ‚ children.
Each home will be named after a tribe of Israel; this particular home will be named "House of Rueben" and will have six children plus parents.
One of our primary tasks now is to identify long term missionary parents willing to come and serve with Moriel Missions for three years or more. The reason why we have chosen such a period is that children need stability in a home and to use short term parents would be detrimental to the child’s wellbeing. Any couple ‚ wishing to be considered for the post must be self ‚ funding, married with either no children of their own or grown up children living away from home. They must be mature Christians who also have a secondary gifting to contribute to village life. For example cooking, laundry, agriculture, a tradesman or medical nurse Provided will be a stimulating Christian environment. Accommodation, food and utilities.
For further information please contact Dave and Lyn Royle at This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
Some of you will be recievving this news by post in a hard copy format. This format contains pictures to go along with the atricles. It is our hope that in future we can send an email summary and a link to our web page so that you can link to all the stories and pictures on our website. Please pray for Alan Wells as he works on this new feature.
Want to visit India?
Moriel Missions has excellent relations with Good News Ministries in Vijayawada. Anyone desiring to help PS Chanti Raju, is able bodied and has a burden for India missions, willing to pay for own air fair and contribute toward accommodation, then please contact us for details.
Children News
The Christmas period brought chickenpox for several of the children. Deven was particularly infected and without the capacity to scratch or even understand his predicament found the whole experience overwhelming. Luke and Baden became grumpy and itchy but thanks to a new medicine administered by DR Levin their condition was not as bad as it could have been.
Jo’s shingles are on the mend at last but not before a huge amount of pain and discomfort. The shingles produced blisters across his stomach around his side and onto his back. This is a reoccurring problem and is probably an indicator that he will need to go onto anti-retroviral treatment early in the New year. S’phiwe and N'tombi are still thriving on their treatment and remain in fairly good health as with all the children they have had an exciting time this Christmas. Prudence along with Jo has had a fair amount of opportunistic illnesses. These have mainly manifested themselves in swollen glands another indication that ARV treatment should proceed sooner than later. However Pru continues to grow into a young lady and is always helpful around the home helping Lyn with the smaller children. Paulina has had a growing spurt and is in need of new calipers. Thanks to Marius at the N17 hospital who specializes in orthopedic appliances, Paulina will have calipers by the beginning of the New Year at just the material cost. Also Paullina's aim is to become completely independent around the home and is becoming quite skillful at opening doors, dressing and undressing and can now use the lavatory. This coming year we are going to teach her how to prepare simple food and drink items. Carlos has missed his mum this Christmas, in fact he asked could he make her a Christmas present. When Lyn explained she was with Jesus he said "never mind I can give it to her when I go to heaven. O the simple faith of a child!
UK and Australia Itinerary
Dave will be in the UK from the 15th of March till the 2nd of April 2007. (itinerary attached) The itinerary still has a few spare week days, so if you want Dave to visit your church or fellowship group in the UK Spring please contact ‚ us.
This May Lyn will be joining Dave in Melbourne on the weekend of the 26th. For venues of Dave's trip which begins from the 11th and Lyn’s venues please contact our Australia administrator Marge Godwin at This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
The last two weeks of September and the first week in October see Lyn join Dave on his autumn UK itinerary. Lyn will be visiting her father who has a long term illness. Lyn is willing to speak about the work at meetings and share her perspective as a mum looking after children infected and effected by the HIV pandemic. Again anyone wishing to invite Dave and Lyn to your group contact the previous details listed.
Please uphold these plans in prayer. As you can imagine they can only come to pass if we have enough workers to help with the mission. Also as usual when people are away the devil usually makes sure there is plenty happening to rock the boat. So please continue to pray for our ongoing protection.
Anthony & Liz
In 2007 Ant and Liz will continue their preparation for mission by continuing their biblical studies, researching Roman Catholicism through evangelical apologetics and have two missions planned to Rome. Ant is also taking this next year to hone his preaching skills. The best news yet though is that Liz is going to have their baby and we at Moriel wish to congratulate them.
Anthony and Liz will also continue to represent Moriel Missions in Wales. So if you live in or near Wales, want to know about missions please do not hesitate to call them or write to them at the following:
Flat 2
22 Lloyd Street
Conwy LL30 2UU North Wales, UK
Tel +44 (0) 1492874523
Email: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
In December we had the pleasure of a group of young people from the Romanian Baptist Church in Melbourne. They really got involved with every aspect of Moriel Missions by working with the children, doing Sunday school at Aletheia, evangelism with Salvador and even tiling the new kitchen. The kids really took a shine to them and it was sad to see them go back to Australia. Thank you guys for all your help.
In the New year we have several people coming long term. Becca and Suzie from Starbeck Mission. My son Aaron returns from the UK. Erin from Ainsdale returns for a two year stint and Diane Vincent comes for a year from New Zealand.
As you can see places are filling fast so if you feel a burden to join us for a minimum of three months then contact us at This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
"Then I heard a voice from the Lord saying " ˜whom shall I send and whom will go for us?’ Then I said " ˜Here am I. Send me’" Isaiah 6:8 nasb
Aletheia Community Church
2007 will be an exciting year for our fellowship. We continue to grow and now practically fill Sue and Allen's home in Strubenvale. Indications are that the Lord is still adding to our number and so we need to think ahead and seek the Lord on what to do. While we are doing this we decided to purchase a roof structure to build a new school room for Ebyown. It measures 22x8 meters this should be big enough to house around 100 people and would be perfect to accommodate Aletheia. It would also keep with the principle of the ecclesia being an extension of the family. This year we plan to visit another park for our fellowship picnic and the men are organizing another fishing trip. In August we also hope to have Jacob Prasch and in September DR Calvin Smith.
We meet Sundays at 10:30am Wednesday 7:30pm and anyone wanting to evangelize with us call Salvador 011 730 1719
The end of the year saw the arrival of two new children to Bezaleel and the beginning of their garden cottage project that will see a young mum and twin children arrive into the newly built and furnished home. A newly built extension is also soon to be in use to allow Sue and Allen some quiet time together. This New Year Sue’s focus to spend extra time home schooling the different age groups that now stay. Allen will be busy working as building manager at the Ebyown Village where he has spent a good deal of time already. ‚ If you feel a burden from the Lord to help at Bezaleel in some way then they can be way then they can be contacted at This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
Kwazinzele Outreach
On November the 30th Salvador assisted by members of Aletheia Community Church and visitors from The Romanian Baptist and Pentecostal Churches in Australia, held a gospel outreach for Kwazizele agra-village. Kwazinzele is a squatter community on Ebyown’s doorstep and has over a thousand children. Salvador organized 1000 shoe boxes Filled with bible tracts and gifts for children who have very little this time of year. Working with Salvador was Zack our interpretor from Swaziland. Zack preached the gospel while boxes were distributed. Our team from Aletheia and Australia mingled with the crowd numbering over 500; witnessing one on one. The opportunity was also taken to teach some primary healthcare, this was done by Andrea a visiting Australian nurse. Please pray for the success of the tracts.
Prayer Points
Prayer is important to everything we do. So please use this newsletter as a prayer guide with emphasis on the following:
- For God to be honored and Glorified in all we do.
- For our daily bread, that God continues to provide for all we need.
- For the children and their special health concerns and needs.
- For Dave, Lyn, Chris and Salvador for His strength and the guidance of His Holy Spirit day by day.
- For Anthony and Liz as they seek the Lord about mission
- For the return of Aaron and Erin and all our visitors this year.
"First of all then I urge that entreaties and prayers, petitions and thanksgivings be made on behalf of all men" 1 Timothy 2:1
How you can help
Prayer is important, but also the helping hands and the finances that enable us to do what we do. So please consider the following.
Receive a regular News update either by email or hard copy. Just send your address to us and we will pop one in the post for you or email it to you. (although email to save mail size will be without pictures)
Secondly you can apply to be a short or long term missionary. ‚ If the Lord burdens you and you want to investigate more please contact us.
For Royle family and ministry support
Brenda & Baden Royle
2 Cressington Close
Off Derby Road
Salford 6
Manchester UK
0161 737 2996
Email: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.