Dave Royle
Moriel Missions Southern Africa October 2006
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- Category: Dave Royle
- Hits: 5319
When Psalm 68:5-6 says that "God sets the lonely in families" the Hebrew word used for families is Beyith, it not only speaks of the obvious family group but also extended family, clan and in some cases even the temple of God. Ebyown has continued to grow with this foundational principle in mind and our extended family now spans the globe.
First of all we have the lonely, literally the forsaken in the Hebrew. Those people who society in general has given up on. This does not just encompass our children, many of whom were abandoned but also those who work alongside of us. This includes widows and people coming to terms with HIV.
Our family includes our partners in ministry such as Bezaleel who we cooperate with. It includes our church family at Aletheia, it is truly heart warming to see so many children in Sunday school working side by side, those who are really poorly along side the healthy.
But our family goes beyond the borders of Africa, it includes our own family who work so hard to support us at home, our Moriel family on every continent from Marg and her team in Australia, Allison, Julie, Darren and their team in the UK, Dave Lister and his team in the States, Nigel in New Zealand and of course Jacob and his family. Every one a part of the Beyith that enables us to move forward and grow year by year. We also count among our family those churches and the many individuals within who invite me along to preach and share about the work and it was wonderful to meet so many new friends on the recent UK tour organized by our dear friend family member Dena.
So to all our family at home and overseas, thank you for being a crucial part of Moriel Missions and helping us place the forsaken in homes.
In Jesus
Dave Royle
Ebyown's own web site
Allen Wells is busy constructing a web site that will be linked to Moriel's. Its not finished yet but if you want a peek go to www.ebyown.org.za
Here you will be able to get all the latest news, pictures, newsletters, teaching articles and find an avenue to give financially to support the work.
Building Work
The Good News is that the second house for missions has just been completed and we will soon be covering the floor and moving in furniture.
On November the 13 th our 4 bedroom house will be delivered and work will start immediately. We placed a deposit on the house with the hope that I could raise the rest in the UK. Thanks to the generosity of supporters Allison Dodd gave me the good news that we had the amount needed plus a little extra that would go towards building the bathroom unit. This leaves just around 1000 pounds sterling to raise for the house completion ($2000 or R14,000) Then its just collecting beds and furniture and the house will be ready for registration and this means we can then open places for another six children. This is the 5 th building we have erected in the last year, we thank God for his provision and grace.
Bible school in a shoe box
In the last year Moriel has grown significantly in central Africa. Our friends in Kenya, Tanzania and Uganda seem to constantly plant churches and attract people looking for a solid doctrinal foundation. One of the things we have done is to give pastors the opportunity to run a foundational bible course at their church. This takes the form of tapes and CD's that fit nicely into a shoe box and then posted to pastor concerned who then runs with the project.
What I would like to do is extend the project. At the moment it is run word of mouth using our local representative Ps Norbert. What I would like to do is use another brother called Moses to do exactly the same in West Kenya and Uganda. This will take extra resources and so I am looking for people to sponsor a shoe box or help with audio tapes and CD's. If enabling pastors to set up local bible schools from their churches is something you would like to help with, then please contact me and lets get the word out there among the nations.
Coming home after a month away always gives me surprizes. For example Luke and Baden. Luke is running around now and so we are having to place things out of his reach. Baden is also rolling around in his Baby chair, things are certainly moving quickly with these two young ones.
Pru has not been to well, her glands have been up all over her body and she has had infection after infection
We have also found out that Carlos is asthmatic. He had a real bad patch this month and had to use the nebulizer to help him breath.
Polly has been given a protecting glove for her foot from Becky and Jo who visited us from the UK. Polly kept hurting it (she actually has no feeling so this compounds the damage) So thank you ladies for your thoughtfulness.
Some good news regarding Deven, he has now not had a seizure in two months. Not only that but we have noticed him responding to various stimulus, for example music, bright light and he can even follow Lyn across the room with his eyes. So we praise God that although the prognosis may not be good he has begun to show some improvement.
This year has also been a good one for Peewee. His HIV/AIDS dementia syndrome has seen a turn round. At the beginning of the year he could not draw and his writing was a page high. Now he is reading and his writing is catching up. What a wonderful God we serve.
Jo and Tombi are doing pretty well too, only a few coughs and sniffles in the last month but that's normal for all children. Thank you for your continued support for the children's medications and Doctors visits we really appreciate it.
Dear friends
At last! Life has returned to normal. The painting is completed and everything is returned to its place. No serious paint disasters and we are all delighted with the results. The vegetable patch is flourishing and the lettuce tastes really good. The cottage should be complete this week. I have begun to put the word out in the community and we wait on the Lord to direct our steps with regards to the care of the widows and orphans who will come to Bezaleel.
The children's blood results are generally very good and we give our heavenly Father our thanks for His goodness and mercy to us. They have all got undetectable viral loads except for Walter. His reading is low though and not a cause for concern. Their CD4 counts all show a normal immunity and the children have all gained in weight and height. Ruth has given us a little cause for concern as her cholesterol levels are raised somewhat. This is a side effect of one of the drugs she's on. We will attempt to bring it down by making some changes to her diet. Please pray regarding this. It is Ruth's birthday today and she got a puppy for a present. She's having lots of fun with him and has named him Max. Ruth and Walter's progress with their schoolwork is encouraging and this in turn motivates them to press on. All the children are well, enjoying carefree days and keeping us busy. Lizzie has had a busy time with her music and in her last music festival scored 7A++'s. Her story is also one that brings glory to God and I will share it with you sometime. I am in the process of preparing for the children's lessons next year, planning their work, purchasing books and so on. It's always an exciting time. The school year passes all too quickly as there's always so much we want to do and learn.
Speaking of lessons. A very vital lesson God has taught me, is that He not only rescued us from sin and death through His Son Jesus, but He also grafted us into His family. 'And I will be a Father to you, and you shall be my son's and daughters, says the Lord Almighty.' 11 Cor.6:18.AMP. 'For you have not received a spirit of slavery leading to fear again, but you have received a spirit of adoption as sons by which we cry out, Abba! Father!' Rom 8:15. NASB.
In the same spirit, we receive the children God sends us and by His grace we love them as our own children within our families. As sons of God we are His heirs and in like manner we share our heritage in God with our children; love, belonging, protection and growth to name but a few of God's gifts He lavishes on us.
May He who is your peace, bless you, lead you and bring the increase to all you have laboured for in Him.
Allen and Sue
Aletheia Community Church
Our fellowship continues to grow, one Sunday while I was away three new families visited. Dave Lister says I should keep away more often!!!!
This month we are planning an open air service combined with a church picnic plus Salvador is constantly working with Mike on evangelising the area. One project is a Christmas shoe box outreach on Kwa-zinzele. This is a children's outreach using gospel tracts and also a shoe box containing gifts etc. If anyone wants to help with this appeal then please feel free to contact us.
One of the things that the Lord is blessing us with is people who have an affinity with the building business. As you know a church is not a building but people, but buildings can be useful is used for His glory. That is why I met with a few of the men to see if it was possible to pool all our talents and spare time to construct what will be a new school for Ebyown but which can also be used for a Church on Sundays as well as special meetings. The group that met were excited about any future project and so we are about to design and plan for a future home for Aletheia and school for Ebyown. What we will need is donations of building materials and when we are ready, people to come along and help.
Family Things
Aaron will be in the UK till February, he has found work at Burton the tailor's so please pray for him. If you want to contact him he can be found on Sundays at Ainsdale Evangelical Church.
Christopher who sees himself staying long term on the mission field has officially taken over as my PA and right hand man. It is wonderful to see him grow into the part and Chris will be the first point of contact for anyone getting in touch for any aspect of the ministry. This is the first step in his discipleship that will enable him in the future to run all aspects of the ministry.
Anthony and Liz are doing well and will be married a whole 6 months. It is encouraging to see them grow in the Lord and to be actively seeking God's will for their lives in Christian service during their Deuteronomy year. At the moment they are planning a short term mission to Rome and are learning Italian.
Lyn, what can I say? Totally dedicated and passionate about the work we do. If there was a qualification in nappy changing, Lyn would have a Masters Degree. Seriously not many understand Lyn's devotion to the cause at the detriment to her own health and needs, she is my perfect helpmate.
Prayer Support
- Sometimes we get so tired we lose the plot, we pray that the joy of the Lord would strengthen us
- Pray that the children keep well
- Pray that the Lord would supply our material needs and give thanks for all that He continue to gives
- For our shoe box appeals that they reach the hearts of those they are given too
- For the next phase in our building work in November
- We need long term parents for the new house
- For wisdom daily
- Dave and Salvador visit India in November to establish formal relationships
For Royle family and ministry support
Brenda & Baden Royle
2 Cressington Close
Off Derby Road
Salford 6
Manchester UK
0161 737 2996
Email: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
Our South Africa Details
Pastor David Royle
Po Box 10807
Strubenvale 1570
South Africa
Tel/Fax: 011 730 1719
Email: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
New Convenient Way Of Giving
You can now make a donation online via your credit card by clicking here. You can also give by contacting your local Moriel Office.
Fisca is the law that affects those donating by cheque to charitable organizations; South African law states that the donors address details are written on the back of the cheque. This is to help fight against money laundering in Africa