Dave Royle
Moriel Missions Southern Africa September 2006
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- Category: Dave Royle
- Hits: 5506
Dear Friends
Greetings in the wonderful name of our Lord Jesus.
Thank you once again for your love and support during a very busy time, we are so grateful for the encouragement and love we receive and we thank the Lord for you all.
With a busy schedule I am so aware that are things which can take our eyes of Jesus and sometimes we can be so infatuated with the work of the Lord tat we forget to focus on the Lord of the work. Psalm one is a reminder of that fact. Often we can find ourselves dry and barren like a piece of chaff when really the place Jesus would have us be is that state of blessedness that can only come from him. Psalm one says " Blessed is the man who does not walk in the counsel of the ungodly". The truth is, when problems arise it is often our predisposition to take our refuge in the good advice of the world, when in reality our first place of refuge and counsel should be our saviour. The Psalm continues "Or stand in the path of sinners". Paul tells us that bad company corrupts good morals. Have you noticed that Psalm one is talking about our associations initially? Do you also notice that this is describing a slippery road down wards in those relationships. The man goes from walking with the ungodly, standing in the path of sinners and now finally "sitting in the seat of scoffers". We begin by walking with people who do not share any faith in Jesus and whose principles are ungodly, then we stand with those whose ways are corrupt and finally sit with those who even mock our saviour. That word for sit means to make your abode with. "Blessed is the man" who does not do these things. If we desire our walk to be ‚ godly, we must watch our associations and who we participate with. Bad company does corrupt good Morals. But Paul goes on " and whose delight is in his law and upon his law he meditates day and night" Do we want to be blessed? Then consider that 'delight' can mean pursue in Hebrew and that 'law' is Torah or doctrine. If we desire to be in that state of true blessedness let us pursue the Lords doctrine. What can I say about meditation? Due to the emergent ‚ church and deviant doctrines encouraged by ecumenical gurus such as Rick Warren, Richard Foster and Brian McLaren, eastern mystical meditation has become the latest fad in the church, opening a door to the demonic. Check out our website or such excellent sites such as Lighthouse trails and you will see how TM and other Hinduistic techniques have found themselves accepted by many in the evangelical church. But biblical meditation is not mantras or emptying the mind to find cosmic silence. The words used in both Hebrew and Greek tell us that biblical meditation involves thinking, musing, consideration, focusing the mind not on a word but on THE Word of God.
And what are the results of this Blessed state? " He shall be like a tree planted by streams of water that bears fruit in season, whose leaf does not wither and whatever he does shall prosper".
Feeling dry? So busy Jesus plays no part? The work of the Lord more important than the Lord of the work? Rediscover that blessed state once again.
Ps Dave Royle
This has been a bad month for opportunist illnesses. Prudence had come out with swollen glands and a very serious herpes infection that made a real mess of her lips. Most of the kids had a bacterial infection and Paulina foot has given us concern with a large wound that refuses to heal quickly despite specialist treatment. S'phiwe had had a reaction to one of his ARV drugs and has had to go onto another and vastly more expensive at 15 times the cost of the other.
On happier notes Baden has three new teeth and Luke has begun to walk which means everything is having to be placed just out of reach as keys and wires were ending up in his mouth.
We have also ordered our first 4 bedroom house. This will be built from the 13th November onwards and will take about a month to finish. We are aiming for a mid December inspection and then registration in the early new year. Lyn and Sue from Bezaleel were invited to a workshop for social workers concerning minimum standards for children homes. This is the first time this has ever happened and indicates a positive step forward in our relationship.
UK Tour Itinerary
I will be in the UK from the 13th of September. As you can see on the itinerary weekends are all booked up but there are a few midweek dates if anyone is interested. Contact numbers are below with my main UK contact number being at my mums house.
MR & MRS B Royle 0161 737 2996
MY UK Cell phone is 07771544456
Friday 15th 7.30pm
" ˜Fishers of Men’ Dinner
The Stop Inn, A34 Newcastle-under-Lyne
CONTACT Alan Tucker 01782 535384
Saturday 16th 8.30am
Prayer Breakfast
The Brown Cow, Monton, Eccles
Sunday 17th 10.30am
Ainsdale Evangelical, Merefield School
Westminster Drive, Ainsdale
CONTACT Steve or Linda Fazakerley 01704 876427
Sunday 17th 6.30pm
New Life Pentecostal Church,
436 High Street, Winsford, Cheshire
CONTACT Joan Walker 01606 552889/
Malcomb Betts 01606 592176
Tuesday 19th 7.30pm
Woodhill Baptist Church, Woodhill Road
Colwyn Bay. Wales
CONTACT Pastor Leonard James 01492 534343
Or Anthony Royle 01492874523
Wednesday 20th 7.45pm
West Shore Baptist Church, Mowbray Rd.
CONTACT John Parks 01492 860899
Or Anthony Royle 01492874523
Saturday 23rd 7.00pm
Light and Life Mission
Men’s meeting (other leaders/pastors welcome)
Light & Life Mission, Hills Rise,
Lanes End, Darent, nr Dartford
CONTACT Bob Friends 07970320417
Sunday 24th 10.30am
Normandy Christian Fellowship, British Legion Hall,
Guildford, Surrey
CONTACT John or Tricia Baker 01483 831007
Sunday 1st 10.30am
Gleedless Christian Fellowship,
Fresheville Evangelical Church,
Hopefield Avenue, Fresheville,
CONTACT Malcolm Allan 0114 2584088
Saturday 7th 7.30pm
Harrogate and Area Young Life Meeting
Starbeck Mission, Forest Avenue,
Starbeck, Harrogate
CONTACT Richard Buckle 07831534030
Sunday 8th 10.30am
St. Matthews (CofE) Church,
St Matthews St. Cambridge
CONTACT Rev. P Foster 01223 363545
Sunday 8th 6.00pm
10 Hazelwood Drive
CONTACT Peter or Julia Fall 01476 561763
Later this year we will have the company of Becca Dresner and Suzie Metcalfe fromStarbeck Mission. God willing they will be with us for 6 months helping with thenchildren and day to day duties around the village site.
From November the 17th we have a group coming for a month from the 1st Romanian Baptist Church in Melbourne. Some will help with the children, some will do practical things like paint and also work with Salvador evangelizing.
It was sad not to be here when Becky, Jo, Craig ‚ and Kirsty were here. (although I did see Kirsty and Craig ‚ for a couple of days only) Lyn did speak well of their input and it would be good to have them back again. May the Lord bless them for their work with the children.
Please consider coming on mission either short or long term. We can accommodate 6 people at a time and next year is already getting full as their is limited space.
Aletheia Community Church
With me being away so much the fellowship has been left in the capable hands of Salvador and Morne to bring the Sunday teaching and Monday Bible study. We have been blessed recently by new visitors and a sense of true fellowship as we share a meal together after church. We are praying that the Lord will increase our numbers with new believers and also with people who have certain skills, such as childrens work. Please pray the Lord will add to our numbers.
Dear friends
Spring has arrived, and with it the painters from a local company to paint the interior of the house. What with five extra people (the painters), dust from sanding and scraping, ladders, open trays of paint, furniture moved around and nine children under the age of twelve who are continually admonished not to touch the walls, we’re in for an adventurous time to say the least. The temporary disruption to our daily routine aside, we are very grateful to the company who has sponsored this project. For their generosity and the high standard of work their staff performs.
Our trip to the JHB Hospital went well and as always the children dealt with the ordeal of blood tests and needles courageously. Ruth, who almost always cries and gets quite distressed, surprised us all, not shedding a tear, and to boot watched the doctor draw her blood. Over the years the medical staff at the day ward has always shown compassion and kindness to the children. Before our drive home we always go for a little treat at the cafeteria and that’s us done, until six months from now. We should get their results in about two week’s time. Thank you for your faithful prayers for the children.
During the month the children and I planted a vegetable garden in a brick box that Allen had arranged to be built for me. It’s about waist height and those of you who are over forty would appreciate the fact that if our bodies can’t work harder we need to work smarter. The children have named it Peter Rabbit’s Patch and they’ve commissioned me to paint a sign for it. The children had a lot of fun preparing the patch and worked really hard, as two thirds of the box needed to be filled with rubble. ‚ ‚ We look forward with anticipation for the fruit (in this case, vegetables) of our labour.
The cottage is progressing well. The final coat of paint, tiles in the bathroom and carpeting is about all that’s left to be done. Please continue to pray regarding the families we will reach through this ministry.
Some of the needs that we have for the day to day running of our home are; a dishwasher, the repair of one of our washing machines and a copier primarily for homeshool use.
For those of us in the Southern hemisphere, the herald of spring has reminded me of Ecclesiastes 3: 1 " “ 8. To everything there is a season. Reading through this passage, I am reminded that our lives are in God’s hands and when we labour for Him, we labour not in vain. Sometimes we experience frustration in the implementation of the task He has called us to, but when we look up we are reminded that everything is in His time and for His purpose. It is a great joy to labour with our God and with you to His glory. Thank you all for your love and prayers and may the Lord bless you.
Allen & Sue
Prayer items
- We need to build a 265 meter concrete fence. The cost is R80,000 or $11,500 or 6500 sterling
- Dave still has had no time to replace his vehicle and will search when he gets back from the UK
- The day to day needs of Ebyown and Bezaleel. For consistent monthly support.
- For the health of all our children
- For Dave, Lyn, Chris and staff as they work day by day at Ebyown
- For Salvador ‚ and Mike as they preach the gospel
- For Allen and Sue as they lead Bezaleel
- For the needs and growth of Aletheia Community Church
- For the new house as it gets built on the 13th November
Comings and goings
We are sad to announce that Phil Baldwin will no longer be involved with our UK support team. I have known Phil since Bible College and have come to love and respect him as a friend and fellow worker. Phil over the last 6 years has looked after cheques sent for the ministry and kept us up to date with UK news. ‚ We wish Phil all the best for the future.
From this month all cheques will be dealt with by my parents so please make any changes of address toyour address books. This will mean that both personal support and ministry support can be sent to the address below, of course those sending by direct debit will have no changes to make.
For Royle family and ministry support
Brenda & Baden Royle
2 Cressington Close
Off Derby Road
Salford 6
Manchester UK
0161 737 2996
Email: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
Our son Aaron is also on the move for a short while. From the 13th September he will be living and hopefully finding work in Formby. The plan is that he will return in February to resume his work with the mission. We will miss him to bits as he has been very much a part of the mission team. ‚ How many 18 year old young men are willing to change nappies?
Our South Africa Details
Pastor David Royle
Po Box 10807
Strubenvale 1570
South Africa
Tel/Fax: 011 730 1719
Email: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
New Convenient Way Of Giving
You can now make a donation online via your credit card by clicking here. You can also give by contacting your local Moriel Office.
Fisca is the law that affects those donating by cheque to charitable organizations; South African law states that the donors address details are written on the back of the cheque. This is to help fight against money laundering in Africa