Dave Royle
Moriel Missions Southern Africa February 2006 Newsletter
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- Category: Dave Royle
- Hits: 5324
Dear Friends
I would like to wish each and every one of our readers a happy New Year. May the Lord cause all your paths to go straight as you continue to walk daily with Him.
The Christmas period has been a mixed blessing with the arrival of a new child and the loss of a valued team member. I will introduce Carlos to you in a little while but first of all I need to make a statement on behalf of the Southern Africa and International boards.
Ps Bernard and his wife Mabel have been with us for around three years and have served the Lord faithfully during that time. It was with sadness that on Christmas Eve morning that they informed us that they wanted to pull away from Moriel to pursue their own ministry. As you can imagine this was quite a shock for all of us but their mind is made up and all we can do is pray for the Lords guidance on their lives and ministry and wish them well for the future.
The rains have finally come to Gauteng and the parched land is soaking up every drop. The rains are welcome but unfortunately rainy weather is the enemy of the building team and so there have been a few delays in the building of the new laundry. The laundry should be finished soon and then the team can crack on with the building of a new eight bedroom house that will accommodate more children, so please continue to pray for the ongoing work.
Registration as a residential home still alludes us. We have come to the place were we have to take some firm action concerning the failure of social services in helping us in this matter. We are currently speaking to several newspapers and an investigative TV program to highlight people such as ourselves who struggle to help children in a nation that currently has 1,200,000 orphans. Please pray that our Lord who is the champion of the widow and orphan will help us in this matter.
We have no doubt that God is in control, the Psalmist says that God is in the heavens and He does as He pleases. 2006 will no doubt have its trials and victories; we pray that the Lord will give us the grace and humility to cope with both.
May the Lord bless you in the coming year
Dave Royle
Ebyown Children's Village
We are currently still looking to fill several positions on the Ebyown site. This year we will have some child helpers coming to help but with the increasing work load we also need missionaries who can help is with the following.
- A cook with catering experience. At the moment our small kitchen makes 60 meals plus snacks a day. The kitchen is soon to be updated with a larger oven and catering hob plus catering pans and trays etc.
- Child workers. We need at least three more to work with our present short term guests. The work is not glamorous and involves nappy changing, playing and teaching children with various disabilities; but the work is rewarding as you see children develop and overcome their illnesses in Jesus.
- An assistant Evangelist to assist Salvadore at Aletheia Fellowship. A love for reaching the lost and a heart for Africa are desired. The post will open in May 2006.
- House parents. This is a long term post one year minimum stay as we desire to bring stability into the children’s lives. The hours are often long with little time off. However during the day the children will be at the village school. A secondary gifting is also desired that will benefit the village during the day. For example a nurse, a social worker, cook, building skills etc. A mature child free married couple would be ideal. If being a parent to these little ones is something the Lord is burdening you with then please contact us for more details.
All positions require people who are self starting, have a servant’s nature, a sense of humour and love children. They must also be self funding as only accommodation and food can be taken care of by the village. If you are interested in a short term post of 3 months or the longer term house parent, then please contact us at our details at the beginning of this newsletter.
As I said we do have the pleasure of welcoming some short term visitors as well as family members.
Till the end of April we have Erin Fazakerley from Ainsdale Evangelical Church coming to stay as a children’s care worker.
In May we hope to have Irene Healey from New Zealand.
In September we pray that Bekker Dresner will be able to join us and at the end of the year a couple of youngsters from the First Romanian Church in Melbourne.
Finally Dave’s Mum and Dad who work tirelessly for us in the UK raising awareness and support are visiting. Their aim is not only have a good holiday but also to report back to sponsors on the developments.
Ebyown Children
We welcome a young child named Carlos. Carlos is aged four years and originates from Mozambique. He was brought to us just before Christmas as him mum is dying of HIV aids. Carlos is a pleasant little boy who has settled into the village quite well. His favourite colour is red, he loves spider man and he has a good sense of humour. Carlos has started schooling at the village school and is doing very well. If you feel a burden for supporting young Carlos with a regular monthly donation then feel free to contact us.
Baden was quite ill after the Christmas period. We had his blood tested and our worst nightmare became a reality. He has full blown Aids with hardly any CD4 count and a viral load of 6.8million per ml. Pneumonia quickly set in and he began to loose weight drastically. We took him to the government hospital who finally admitted him after a six hour weight. Then they gave the wrong diagnosis and prognosis. We thank the Lord for DR Levin, one of the world’s top HIV experts. DR Levin was able to convince a private hospital to take in Baden at reduced costs. Within an hour we had rushed Baden to the hospital and he was dripped up with help by medical professionals. We would also like to thank Sister Sandy and her staff for their love and care during this period. Today Baden is out of hospital and is taking ARV’s, there seems to be an improvement but he isn’t out of the woods yet due to his frailty and inability to thrive.
Luke in now doing very well. He has started ARV’s and is putting on weight. The one thing about Luke that grabs you is his wonderful smile. Please pray though as he does show signs of Foetal Alcohol Syndrome. Another thing to pray for is his skin condition. We hope that his eczema will gradually get better as the ARV’s begin to do their work but at the moment he is very itchy.
Devon’s prognosis still appears to be poor. He has had several serious fits over the last couple of months and his development seems to have improved slightly with the involvement of the other children in his exercise regime. Through this involvement his autism has subsided and he is more aware of his immediate environment.
Prudence continues to shine and is probably one of the most helpful children we know. You will always find her helping Lyn with nursing, feeding and helping around the kitchen. Her school work is also coming on leaps and bounds. Her favourite thing at the moment is her doll that she has name Misingeta, a gift from a friend at Springs Baptist Church. Prudence did have to go into hospital for a day treatment just before Christmas to have some growths removed from her eyes. Unfortunately one got infected and she looked as though she had gone 10 rounds with Mike Tyson! She is now better and hopefully she won’t have to go for another treatment in a while.
Paulina seems to be growing by the day and is unbelievably chatty. All this is a miracle when you consider the depth of her spina bifida and secondary illnesses. Her walking is also improving. She recently received help from a private orthopaedic doctor in the fitting of new shoes at cost for which we are grateful.
N’tombi has tooth ache and awaits a dentist appointment. When N’tombi has tooth ache we all get a headache! N’tombi loved Christmas and was quite spoilt with lots of gifts, especially sweets (hence the tooth ache) her last blood tests showed an improvement in her health with a non detectable viral load. This means the ARV’s are doing the job they were designed to do. The results are obvious, she has bags more energy, her skin condition is improved and she is happier in herself.
S’phiwe has just celebrated his 9th birthday with a big cake and a trip to the Road House were he had his favourite burger and an Ice cream Sundae. As you can imagine this made him very happy so it’s been a good time for him. On his behalf can I thank those who sent cards for him. He really enjoys opening them and putting them on his wall.
Johannes also had a birthday, this time Dave was away in Kenya so no trip to the Road house, but nether the less a huge cake was there for him and presents. Jo also enjoys opening his cards. Jo’s health seems to have stabilized so it will be a little while longer before goes onto ARV’s. We pray that his health will continue to improve.
Chris and Aaron continue to work tirelessly with the ministry. Aaron is also looking forward to the start of the new football season. His side Springs FC, which had a successful season last year, look as though they may have been promoted to the semi pro Smirnoff league. So with new boots and new determination, Aaron can be found at training Tuesdays and Thursdays as well as friendly matches on Saturdays.
Chris really enjoyed his stay in the UK late last year and has come back with new ideas on how to promote the college. He has even designed a new logo for the packaging.
We thank God every day for having such faithful sons. Here they are miles from anywhere with little secular social life, working on behalf of the children. We pray that the Lord will bless them for all they do for these children.
Anthony and his soon to be wife Liz are working all the fine details of the wedding now almost here on the 25th of March. The reception will be at the plush Bodelwyddan Castle in North Wales and the ceremony at Liz’s father’s church in Colwyn Bay.
Bezaleel Children's Home Affiliates To Moriel Missions
When we arrived in South Africain 2000, we were introduced to Alan and Sue Wells who run a home for HIV children called Bezaleel. Since then Alan and Sue have been an inspiration to us and have been our prime encouragers along the road to Ebyown. For six years we have shared information, sometimes food but more importantly friendship and encouragement. Particularly in the last couple of years Ebyown and Bezaleel have grown closer and it was with great pleasure and as sense of Gods purpose that Bezaleel decided to join Moriel. As an introduction to Bezaleel I have asked Alan and Sue to write a small article. I hope this blesses you as much as they have blessed us.
At the beginning of 1998, my husband Allen and I had our first encounter with HIV/AIDS when a little boy Sibu was placed in our care. Until then we had been fostering children for approximately twelve years and had adopted two girls, Roxanne twenty years old and Lizzie twelve years old during the course of those years, of which one of our daughters was a cross cultural placement .We also have two sons by birth, Adrian twenty six years old and Clayton twenty three years old.
At the time Sibu came into our care we had very little information and knowledge about HIV/AIDS and I began to intensively research all I could about the disease, primarily through the internet, accessing pediatrics sites in the USA and UK. Sibu was a very ill little boy when he arrived and the eighteen months he was with us before at the age of three he died, changed the course of our lives irrevocably. By putting us face to face with a coming pandemic in such a personal way, Sibu, whom we grew to love, cherish and delight in, God began to define for us how He would have us serve Him in a very specific way in a time such as this.
We began to prayerfully seek the Lord for a framework and how He would have us reflect his love for orphans through our lives. We strongly believed that the expression of our commitment was to be a family to the children God sent us. We were to express as a living letter the redemptive lift of God to people without hope, misguided by ‚ false messages with regards to their sexuality and safe practice and to be a voice for the most defenseless in our society, that is children. We named our home Bezaleel, a Hebrew word which means under the shadow (protection) of God. If you would like to read our document with our mission statement, objectives etc" ¦or have any questions please e" “mail me at This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it..
A month before Sibu died, Walter at the age of three and Thabo eighteen months old both HIV+ came into our care. Walter also had congestive heart failure and a collapsed lung as a result of untreated TB. They are respectively ten and eight years old this year, both on anti retroviral treatment (ARV’S) and doing well. Walter experiences some developmental delay. Ernest, Ruth and Rosie joined our family soon after at the ages of thirteen, five and four months old and HIV+. Ernest and Rosie sero- reverted. Rosie has mild cerebral palsy causing a slight limp and diminished use of her right hand. Rosie also suffered from severe eczema which has largely cleared up. They are seven and six years old this year. Ruth on the other hand has rapid progressive HIV. She had a life expectancy of two years and has suffered many opportunistic infections in her short lifetime. When Ruth began ARV treatment they discovered that she has a highly resistant virus leaving very few drugs available for her to take. The gratifying news is that Ruth will be seven this year, far exceeding all our expectations. God is good! ‚ Ruth is very attached to Allen and I believe that his relationship with her and hours upon hours of practical care during her times of illness have contributed to her well being. About two and a half years ago Benjamin, at the age of five months joined our family. Born HIV+ Ben sero- reverted. Ben is very attached to me. Soon after, Themba two years old and Precious his one year old sister arrived. They are both HIV+ and on ARV’S. The three children are now three, four and three years old now. All our children presently on treatment have undetectable viral loads and normal CD4 counts.
Over the years, as we have faced the changes, challenges, frustrations, heartache, bone numbing weariness and the constant demands of daily home school life with a home filled with children, we have also experienced the constant unchanging faithfulness of our God as He who called us, equips and strengthens us and provides for our every need. Watching the children grow, each so unique and precious also brings us joy and much laughter. We remain indebted in love to all those who love and support us through their friendship, prayer and support. We are all co-laborers in Christ’s Kingdom
The Lord bless you
Sue Wells
Allen and Sue have been married for twenty nine years this year and both came to know Jesus Christ as their Savior in 1980. They were saved out of a drug culture.
Kenya & Tanzania
On the 12th of January a small team went to visit Naivasha for the purpose of holding HIV workshops and also to preach the gospel. Sister Jenny Enslin was to teach the HIV seminars and Dave Royle and Dave Lister were to teach and preach the gospel. On the first two days we saw over 1000 students, leaders and teachers. Then we visited Hope orphanage were Jenny and Dave Royle held a small clinic to help with primary care needs.
The main problem we had was with the expectations the Kenyans had from the team and our own way of doing things. For example we have a policy of placing the orphans first before infrastructure. For example if our children need the right food and medical care we will see to this before we expand buildings etc. However it is common to see children in the most miserable of conditions with chronic untreated illnesses, with poor diets and yet ministries spending finances on buildings. This was rather upsetting as Moriel would rather place finances given by its supporters to give a quality of life rather than cold bricks and mortar.
During this time we also had several meetings. Firstly with the dean of our Bible College Pastor Jack and also we had Moriel Tanzania make the trip just to meet us. This was a real pleasure and we had a wonderful time of fellowship. Tanzania is doing well and has been joined by a group of churches that desire bible college training. There are 250 churches with 48,000 members so the potential is great. Then we met Pastor Moses who has 22 churches in Western Kenya and Uganda. Moses also desires to have teaching material to battle the prosperity gospel that has infiltrated the country with such heretics as Benny Hinn, TD Jakes etc. Please pray that doors continue to open for cooperation with the gospel.
David Lister
From the 1st of January till the 23rd we had the pleasure of having International board member David Lister with us. Dave came to give us the once over and seemed to leave pretty satisfied. Dave had several teaching engagements, the main one at Springs Baptist church were he taught on evangelising Mormons. If you would like a copy of the teaching it is available with the booklet on CD at R35. Also Dave brought some great material which is also for sale. One DVD is called "The Bible vs The book of Mormon" R80 and "The Book of Mormon vs DNA" both are great tools for witnessing to Mormons and informing the believer about this cult.
Please pray for Dave as he has a busy year, in fact he flew from South Africa had a day at home and then went to a conference with Jacob Prasch in California.
UK Itinerary
Venues and Dates are as follows. Dave will be in the UK from the second of March and can be contacted on 0161 737 2996
Sunday 5th 10.30am
Ainsdale Evangelical, Merefield School,
Westminster Drive, Ainsdale
CONTACT Steve or Linda Fazakerley 01704 876427
Wednesday 8th 7.30pm
116, Barnsley Road
Wath on Dearn
CONTACT Paul Etherington 01977 643865
Thursday 9th 7.45pm
Pendlebury Evangelical Church
Bolton Road
Saturday 11th 7.30pm
Church of the Redeemer, Llangyfealach Road
CONTACT Pastor J Reese 01792 774945
Sunday 12th 10.30am
Merthyr Tydfil and Cynon Valley
Berean Christian Fellowship
Cwmaman Institute, Cwmaman.
Cynon Valley
CONTACT Derek Ferrel 01685 723117
Sunday 12th 6.00pm
Church of the Redeemer, Llangyfealach Road
CONTACT Pastor J Reese 01792 774945
Sunday 19th 10.30am
Starbeck Mission, Forest Avenue,
Starbeck, Harrogate.
CONTACT Philip Glenwright 01423 508682
Sunday 19th 6.00pm
Jerusalem Christian Fellowship, Little Lane
South Elmsall, Pontefract
CONTACT David Hudson 01977 643543
Alethia Community Church
Due to work overload, in March 2005 Dave took the decision to stand down as pastor of Aletheia. This proved the correct decision as the sudden move to Ebyown and the increasing building work made the task of pasturing a local congregation impossible. We are pleased to announce that Aletheia has started once again. From January it meets every Monday evening for Bible study. Over 40 people crowded into our small room. In May 2006 Aletheia will once again meet Sundays. Salvadore will assist Dave as evangelist and we pray that God will build the house so we do not build in vain. For those interested in joining us for prayer and Bible study we meet at 6 Van Der Stel Street, Strubenvale, springs at 7-15pm for 7-30pm Monday evenings.
Items For Prayer
- For Ross and Marg as Ross undertakes Chemotherapy
- For Salvadore who is looking forward to coming over for another three years
- For our day to day needs, that they may be met by the Lord
- That we continue to keep in His will and be able to rest in Him
- Pray for Carlos’s mum who has now found out she has cervical cancer
- For our son Anthony and his future wife Liz as they prepare for their wedding on March 25th
- For Dave as he begins his UK itinerary
- For Lyn and continuing strength
- Pray for Pam from Australia office who is coming across to help while Dave and Lyn are in the UK
- For Erin as she settles into Ebyown life
How You Can Support
There are many ongoing needs at Moriel Missions; here are some that you may help in some way.
- Prayer support for all our children and workers.
- Child sponsorship to help with medical costs and running costs.
- We are about to embark on an 8 bedroom house building project
- Updating the kitchen to deal with catering needs
- A new school room needs building
- A new visitors quarters as we receive more volunteers
- Support the Royle family’s daily needs as missionaries
- Support Salvadore
For Royle Family Support
Brenda & Baden Royle
2 Cressington Close
Off Derby Road
Salford 6
Manchester UK
0161 737 2996
Email: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
For Ministry Support Please Contact
Phil Baldwin
25 Engels House
Trafford Road
Manchester UK
Tel: 0161 789 3203
Email: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
Our South Africa Details
Pastor David Royle
Po Box 10807
Strubenvale 1570
South Africa
Tel/Fax: 011 730 1719
Email: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
New Convenient Way Of Giving
You can now make a donation via your credit card by logging onto www.moriel.org and going to the USA site. Go into the shopping section on the left hand menu and you will see the various ministries.
You can also give by contacting your local Moriel Office. Visit our web site at www.moriel.org
Fisca is the law that affects those donating by cheque to charitable organizations; South African law states that the donors address details are written on the back of the cheque. This is to help fight against money laundering in Africa.