Dave Royle
Moriel Missions Southern Africa - June 2005
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- Category: Dave Royle
- Hits: 6207
Romans 8:28 " And we know that God causes all things to work together or good to those who love God, to those who are called according to His purpose" NASB
Greetings in Jesus name.
Once again can I thank you for your faithful support to this ministry. It has been humbling to see how God faithfully provides for us all through the family of God.
The last three months have been unusually busy but before I report back I have an important announcement to make.
Many of you who take an interest in international news and the developments of the whole HIV issue will have noticed that the South African Government has miscalculated this years budget for Non Profit Organizations.(NGO's) This means that established ministries are going to receive 25% less support. We have friends who do a similar work for AMCARE and they are looking at a R400,000 shortfall on this years budget needs. For the newer NGO's like Ebyown, fighting for our slice of the pie, the decision was not to give any government grants whatsoever.
Obviously this has ramifications on our own budget, which was depending on start up grants and child grants to support our full time staff. The effect of these circumstances has meant a dramatic change in our plans and after a very difficult board meeting it was decided that we would have to lay off Kate Kent. Kate has been with us now for 20 months and has been expecting this since November last year when we saw the writing on the wall. It was one of the most difficult and heart wrenching decisions of my life, Kate was not only an employee but a dear friend; in fact Kate was my first pastoral hospital visit in South Africa over 5 years ago when she lay very sick with tick bite fever.
However the children of South Africa still desperately need an Ebyown Village and our burden for the work drives us on. What this means is that from June 30th, our small project with 6 children, moves to the village site to establish the village. Already ahead of schedule we have been using dedicated building funds to at last bring the site up to scratch. We have enclosed two acres of land with metal palisade fencing. We have built a three vehicle secured carport so we can use the existing garage and convert it into a dining and lounge area for the children.
Phase two of the work begins in July with the installation of a larger new septic tank whose money was donated by Margaret and Yvonne so long ago. What this practically means is that the initial phase for 16 children will be established and going by September. In fact we already have two more children on the way.
Please note that our number will change from the 30tj of June to 011 730 1719 but all other contacts such as our email and PO Box will remain the same.
In affect without government sponsorship Ebyown will become a faith mission totally reliant on God and do you know what, that's a great place to be. To be reliant on His sufficiency and His provision. And that is why I am so confident that the God who has called this vision into place will complete it His way. Lets face it, we have seen more movement and building since the government pulled its funds and we began to totally rely on God than in the last year. You see as our passage above suggests, that whatever befalls us, if we love and trust Him and work towards His purposes, only good will come of it.
Thank you once again for your support in Christ, may the Lord Bless you
Pastor Dave Royle
Ebyown Pilot Project
Well our move is almost upon us and the family is collecting boxes from everywhere. Our biggest box mistake was collecting them from the local vegetable store, we collected about 50 and took them home only to find the biggest infestation of cockroaches and spiders I have ever seen. You can imagine the look on Lyn's face as we fumigated the whole place, of course Dave was in the doghouse for a while!
Well the kids are excited about the move, in fact a day doesn't go by without them asking "are we moving today?". Well here is a brief summary of how the kids are doing.
Johannes has had a slowly decreasing CD4 count over the last year and we thought that he would have to be placed on ARV's. He has increasing occurrences of shingles and Herpes Simplex, these have been very painful for him. But still he remains a very strong individual and battles through with great courage.
S'phiwe has come on leaps and bounds. Since we took on Sue as a teacher's assistant we have seen huge improvement as Lyn can now spend more one on one time with him. This has led him to write his name, count to 30 and his drawing has improved. I think it's amazing how God works in their lives. The doctors and the 'experts' tell us there is no hope for improvement and yet with the Lord and a little love we see huge advances.
Prudence has had a wonderful few months. They stated painfully with a minor operation to remove 50 lesions from around her eyes but ended up this month with her asking Jesus to be her Lord and saviour. It was an absolute privilege to lead her to Christ; this young ones only experience of church before us was having chicken's blood splattered upon her in an African churches syncretistic right. But now she knows a saviour in Jesus who will never hurt her, abuse her and will never leave her. That's so important to these little ones who have only known abandonment and abuse.
N'tombi continues to thrive and her language skills are developing. She is now speaking fluid Mancunian and gets amazed stares from local Africans when she speaks. Her ARV treatment is going well with a CD4 count of 19, a big improvement on the CD4 count of 6 that she had when she arrived. Both her and S'phewi are also enjoying a non detectable viral load.
Paulina praise the Lord is now walking. In fact with her calipers and miniature Zimmer frame she can walk from the kitchen, through the lounge, into the store area, across the garden and into the school room. Thanks to Maria the physiotherapist she is making huge inroads and her confidence is building all the time.
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Devon received brain damage when he was born due to oxygen deprivation while his mum went through 72 hours of labour. He's a cute little kid but totally neglected and with terrific special needs. Devon is going to need a lot of special care and attention with physiotherapy and other exercises to stimulate him. The prognosis isn't good but we have seen what the Lord can do with children who the world gives up on.
Devon was rejected by his father who later dies and also his other brothers and sisters. The odd thing is that the community rejected him as well due to their superstitions which say that this kind of thing is a curse from God or the ancestors etc. Please pray that we are able to give this little one all the care he needs.
Please also pray for an Afrikaans youngster called Michael who we are considering taking into Ebyown. Michael was battered around the head by his parents and received acute bran damage resulting in severe retardation and blindness. At just 2 yeas old his future is bleak having already spending one year at a geriatric home for handicapped people. He is currently fed by a tube directly into his stomach, but is now being slowly taken of this and placed onto solid food. So Michael may come in the next couple of months once he is off the tube and we can ascertain his conditions prognosis.
As for the Royle family were coping with the daily undertakings this ministry brings. Aaron will be leaving the nest in January 2006 to study at Llandrillo College in North Wales. He will be living with his older brother Anthony and for a while with Salvadore (who hopefully will be back in South Africa early new year).
Christopher is feeling the frustrations of trying to work with western technology in a semi third world country as our DVD and CD writers are always needing repairs.
Lyn is feeling glum at the moment having to cope with all this and then having wisdom teeth taken out.
As for me (Dave) Pray that the Lord will strengthen me during these busy days and also keep me looking to Christ during a time of some real attacks and disappointments.
UK Visit
Can I thank everyone concerned for a very successful trip to the UK in April. First of all Dena for organizing my itinerary, Mum and dad for hosting me again (and spoiling me with a fried breakfast each morning). Also for the churches in Wales, Ireland and England who allowed me to waffle on about this ministry and teach a bit as well.
I will be visiting the UK again in October and also Singapore and Australia in early September so I will keep you posted on my visits beforehand.
I will be in Kenya from June 16th - 20th and taking with me a sister in Christ who is an authority on HIV. We will be teaching for three days and also visiting Neema Children's home. On this visit we will also be bringing the taped lectures and paperwork necessary to start Moriel Missions College Kenya. Please pray for this trip, I have the honour of addressing 500 church leaders and students, so if it goes well the ramifications will be obvious. Kenya is a leap of faith for Moriel Missions. The potential is great and this trip alone that could potentially save the lives of thousands with our HIV seminars has drained our resources, the airfares alone have cost R9400 and so if any of the brethren feel burdened to share in the cost of this then please contact me.
Moriel Missions College
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For those who do not know the college acts as our base, not only for Bible courses but also church planting and evangelism. Praise the Lord our new 320 seat gospel tent is already in use. Not only that but Bernard who heads the evangelism has been busy on the local squatter camps. This year alone Bernard has held three major campaigns. I wet to one where we were joined by visitors from Singapore. Bernard held the meetings outside a Shabeen, an illegal drinking place. Just before the service started the Police arrived and raided the shabeen clearing out the illegal brew and people. It was quite humorous to see during Bernard preaching four local lads dragging some hidden stock back to the shabeen on a blanket. What was even more amazing was that the next night the owner of the shabeen came to the service and the next night the shabeen was closed.
This year Bernard and Mabel have worked their heart out for the Lord. In a week Bernard takes Sunday services, a youth service, speaks in schools, runs two cottage meetings, prayers meetings and to top it all organizes three campaigns with myself, Jacob Prasch and Dave Lister involved. He regularly does shack to shack evangelism and this month organizes a youth campaign. Not only that but Bernard has done this with great grace and dignity during the birth and illness of their only daughter Misingita.
Bernard does all this without complaining and without a fixed income. As you know Bernard was employed by Ebyown, but as I said without the grants full time staff had to go. But Bernard and Mabel feel so strongly that they are in the right place that they have moved over to work for the missions college by donations alone. Can I please ask that is the Lord is burdening your heart to support Bernard and Mabel, please contact me ASAP and help us to put a roof over their head and food on the plate.
Prayer Requests
- For the return of Salvadore to the South African Mission Field
- For Bernard and Mabel
- For Ebyown and its needs
- For our tent campaign June 16th
- For our trip to Kenya
- For the continued good health of our kids
- Praise God for the salvation of prudence
- For the Bible college
- For all working for and with Moriel Missions
- For Jacob Prasch, Dave Lister, Dave Royle and our administrators worldwide as we lead the work.
- That God would continue to meet all our physical and spiritual needs
How Can You Support
For Royle family support
Brenda & Baden Royle
2 Cressington Close
Off Derby Road
Salford 6
Manchester UK
0161 737 2996
Email: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
For ministry support
Pastor Phil Baldwin
25 Engels House
Trafford Road
Manchester UK
Tel: 0161 789 3203
Email: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
Our South Africa details
Pastor David Royle
Po Box 10807
Strubenvale 1570
South Africa
Tel/Fax: 011 362 1026 from June 30th 011 730 1719
Email: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
New Convenient Way of Giving
You can now make a donation via your credit card by clicking here.
You can also give by contacting your local Moriel Office by clicking here
Important New Law
FISCA, a law passed in South Africa to stop money laundering has asked if address details of financial supporters could be written on the back of any cheques made payable to the ministry. Your help in this matter would help us speed up the banking process. Thank you for your help in this matter.