Prayer Requests
Ernest Lloyd with Yeshua
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Despite our personal sense of loss, Moriel & Jacob Prasch rejoice that our brother and father in The Lord Ernest Lloyd is now with His Messiah whom he loved and served faithfully for many decades.
Reaching very nearly a century in age, Ernest went to be with Yeshua from a Christian medical retirement facility in Northern Ireland. Ernest was the last living link with the age when Jewish evangelism was reborn first in the UK , then in the USA , Russia and Israel.
The rediscovery of the churches' mission to preach the gospel to the lost sheep of the House of Israel had lay dormant virtually for centuries until the era of William Wilberforce, The Earl of Shaftsbury, Brothers Rabbinowich and Fulton, David Barren, Franz Delitzche, and Leopold Cohen. The cause was recognised by such luminaries as Hudson Taylor and George Mueller and gave rise to Mild May Missions today 'Messianic Testimony'), The Churches' Ministry To The Jews, Christian Witness To Israel, and The American Board of Missions To The Jews (today 'Chosen People')
The generation that followed gave rise to a corps of pioneers that included Harcourt Samuels, the illustrious Ernest Lloyd , Dr. Fuchs, Ron Adney, Walter Barker, Eric Lipson, Murdo Mc Leod, Rose Wurmer, Louis Goldberg, Albert Nessim, and John Whitefield Foster and spawned a third generation of evangelists to the Jews that included Jews For Jesus founder Moishe Rosen. Ernest however was the last of these pioneers whose lives' work and calling was the salvation of Israel and indeed he even outlived many of his junior pioneers who came in The Lord under his ministry.
In the closing months of his life when Jacob Prasch visited him his health had deteriorated substantially but not his spirit, his acumen and alertness , or his astute discernment and above all not his love for The God of Israel and for The Jewish people for whose salvation he yearned his entire life.
Before his departure Ernest celebrated the growth in the numbers f Jews who had come to a saving faith during his lifetime. He also however lamented the damage being done to that cause by the extremist elements of the modern Messianic movement with their legalistic pandering to talmudic Judaism, the damage being done by the extreme axis of Christian Zionism that refuses to evangelise Jews, and the damage being done by ostensibly Christian anti Zionism and anti Semitism. His doctrine and his discernment remained without flaw.
None of us who live on to carry the burden for the salvation of Israel & The Jews and no evangelistic ministry to The Jews are not in some way indebted in The Lord to the legacy of our brother Ernest Lloyd and what he engendered . We shall one be reunited with Ernest in the millenial kingdom and in the The New Jerusalem.
After nearly a century, his mortal remains are temporarily closed for much needed renovation awaiting resurrection glory. Ernest however is not dead but alive eternally in Yeshua's mercy.
JOB 19: 25 - 27