Prayer Requests
Prayer Request for Persecuted Church in Vietnam
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- Category: Prayer Requests
- Hits: 6650
Moriel Japan received the following e-mail this week and prayer request from our friend, a Christian worker among the tribal people groups of Vietnam.
(Village, province and people names changed to D...) 'Rev T..' has been a long time friend of us in Moriel Japan. He has been arrested three times and spent over 10 years in Vietnamese labor camps for his mission work.
Please pray for his work, the many new tribal believers there, and that the government will grant permits for their numerous house churches. (God knows the people and places!)
Please also pray as they translate Moriel messages into Vietnamese that they will have a wide reading.
"Dear Brother,
Thank God and thank you so much.In December 20th 2009, we preached the Gospel outside of our house church at (D....), province.
There were many problems with Vietnamese Local, Goverment. But praise The Lord, there were 460 people attended and 14 new beleivers.Last Christmas, we went to (abroad) to preach the Holy Bible for Vietnamese churches.
(There) I and my wife could study in 2 weeks at a bible college.
We came back to Vietnam and our churches in ..... province, there are many problems with (D..... local) Geverment. We has build 16 house churches, but we had not allow from ...... Goverment, so that they said that all house churches are inlegoze. (illegal?)
We asked to build a, building church for (D... village) church. But from December 2009 to now, we could not get the permite.
May you pray for us.
Thank you about 6 materials for VN church. (Mr. D...) will help to translate 6 messages to Vietnamese.
May God bless you, your family and your ministry. Amen.
Yours in Christ,
Rev. T..."