The Rant of the Desperate
The Rant of the Desperate
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THE Sinking Ship is Studio Scotland, and its adjuncts 'Bethel', and GV 24/7 TV. It is difficult to call this enterprise a “declining ministry” because it operates not as a ministry, but as a 'ministry business', which represents itself to the Christian public as if it were a ministry.
This week, it was disclosed to the international news media what becomes of 'Christian ' films in Communist China. This policy is not new, but the law on the books is.
Moriel terminated its relationship with Studio Scotland & GV 24/7 due to both doctrinal and ethical concerns some time ago. Their efforts to re-launch GV 24/7 have floundered as the stats indicate that practically no one watches it; viewership is chronically low. The mysticism charged conspiracy theory charade of the women's ministry' saw pastors informing us that Deborah Menelaws is 'lunatic fringe' and will never be permitted back to their churches. The big decline however is in their film and video production and the shameful scandal surrounding their premier film 'The Daniel Project' (and the rather low-grade flop with acting, supposedly based on it, 'The Daniel Connection').
The Menelaws produced the Daniel Project around the narration of myself in dialogue with a major secular voice artist who was paid secular professional rates (footage of myself was also included in the idiotic Daniel Connection after I refused to 'act' in it). I agreed to be paid nothing as did the Christian extras etc. on the Daniel Connection because we were told that 'it was for evangelism and we were 'doing it for The Lord'. The film was then sold to Hollywood (California Pictures/ Paramount), and The Daniel Connection was sold to Communist Chinese interests, assuring it would not be translated into Mandarin to evangelize Chinese people, even while China was stepping up its cruel persecution of believers. This is Deborah Menelaws.
I did this as an evangelistic endeavor, not a commercial one. I did it Jesus and for the lost, not to sell it to Hollywood or Communist Chinese. I am still waiting for my money which I want donated to a charity helping persecuted Christians. Our lawyers and the BBC confirmed that someone need not be a member of an actors union to be paid for a role in a film, and contributors are regularly paid for documentaries. I want to give my pay to the persecuted Christians in China whom Menelaws betrayed for money, selling the film ostensibly produced to evangelise.
The Communist Chinese Party & government (which control regulates all sectors – social & commercial), maintains strict policies against any Christian films that can be used to spread the Gospel:
please view:
But the Menelaws just did not care. Ministry is only a business, and Business is Business. As long as it sells, you can pay top, expensive secular Hollywood talent, such as Caroline Goodall handsomely, but use, exploit, and bamboozle good and well-intentioned saved Christians into working in it without any pay at all by telling them they are doing it for The Lord and for the
Gospel of Jesus. Then it is sold it to a cruel, demonized, Christian persecuting regime in Communist China, assuring the film will never be used to spread the Gospel of Jesus. This the Menelaws did.
Unlike legitimate ministries which are registered and incorporated as Christian Charities, the Menelaws' Studio Scotland is registered as 'for profit' commercial enterprise they portray to people as being a ministry. Several people were shocked to discover the truth and have described them to us as religious frauds pretending to be a ministry.
The Daniel Project is their Premier production, which ironically, and in an act of Divine retribution, features me and promotes our ministry at the same time they are endlessly attacking myself & Moriel. I must laugh.
No other Christian film they have produced has achieved the merit and notoriety of The Daniel Project, and no other film they produce ever shall. God has removed His Hand from them and as a supposedly 'Christian' venture Studio Scotland and its ancillaries have declined as has GV 24/7. All they can do is wallow in the mire of their decline and moan & rant with malice, resenting others for their reaping of what they themselves have sowed. What the Chinese paid them is by scriptural definition ‘filthy lucre’ good for nothing other than buying a potter’s field.
After webcasting the videos of the David Nathan heresy promoted by Menelaws & GV 24/7, and producing copies of the sales certificates of films to the world that Christians worked for free on believing it was for the Gospel, Moriel was showered with letters and emails thanking us for showing them the truth about Menelaws and their shameless escapades. Now, they no longer watch GV 24/7. Indeed, hardly anyone does. That ship is sunk and won't be salvaged. God will not be mocked. He won't allow it.
They seem to have abandoned their server & platform due to diminished viewership and only post on Youtube with a very low amount of interest.
After posting a heavily edited video from Bill Randles' church misrepresenting what transpired with David Nathan, even Mr. Bill Randles was publicly compelled to acknowledge that Menelaws lied intending to deceive the Body of Christ.
William Randles Yet you call him out, accusing him of being self-seeking. Facebook is not the only front this battle is being waged on. We are sincere when we say that David Nathan’s doctrines are a problem, just as I have been sincere when I called Jacob on his language. What you seem to want is to call me out and shame me for not being as adamant as you think I ought to be about Jacob. There are other issues as well, for example, the Menelaws are using an excerpted video (from our church) which can be construed as having Jacob agree with David Nathan’s teaching on the Millenial sacrifice. Nothing could be further from the truth, but they continue to run it anyway(last time I checked). This is a mess brother indeed, but don’t exacerbate it by wildly implicating people who either have no real connection to it, or like me, who are and have been trying to deal with the problem, and don’t deserve to be treated a though they haven’t. I thought you already said you wanted to “Move On”?
In reaction to our response, Menelaws reacted by cyber vendetta with a non-Christian organization called 'Catalyst' known for controversy in the UK. This organization states on its website that it has
‘no religious beliefs of any kind’ and represents people of any faith (Moslem, Mormon, Hindu) and of ‘any sexual orientation’ (homosexual, lesbian, bi-sexual, trans-sexual). Having no scriptural basis for their defense of the heresies of David Nathan etc., they went to the world just as they sold the Christan films to the world. Because David Nathan is fully Jewish, though his family is not (I am the opposite; I am not but my family are), his orthodox Judaism was why he taught on one video that he, and not non-Jews could not understand his heretical denials of fundamental Judeo-Christian truths. This fueled a stupid campaign attacking my own genealogy as not being sufficiently Jewish, (or Jewish at all), as a standard to establish David Nathan's theological credibility over mine by David Nathan's heretical followers.
It was asserted that I & Moriel were 'under investigation' when in fact we have never been investigated by any juridical body or agency in any jurisdiction. It was asserted that we are a cult that abuses its members, when in fact we have never had any members. It was also alleged that I reaped large financial earnings from the sale of recorded material, when in fact all of our material had long been available on-line for free download.
When these ridiculous efforts (which our lawyer, a well known Christian Rights Crusader, himself a believing Jew, made fun of) were shown as disingenuous and contrived, Menelaws maliciously fabricated other concocted strategies they invented.
The first was false allegations of financial impropriety. Our audited accounts in both the UK & USA are in complete accord with the laws & regulations of both countries as in other countries. The UK records filed annually with the UK Charities Commission indicate that I receive no salary, solicit no personal support, nor accept any book sales royalties. Thus they resorted to distorting publicly available financial reports in the USA where the tax laws and charity regulations differ from Britain.
In the American system, the legal & financial manner in which book royalties are not accepted is to accept the royalties and return them to the incorporated charity as a tax deduction, where the author becomes a donor. Book sales are a fiscal mainstay of Moriel. The royalties must be paid, reported in the audited annual financial report, and declared on my income taxes as a deduction. Also, the designated fund's regulations apply. If a donor sends a gift designated for a specific country, mission project, missionary, evangelist, or otherwise, by US law it must go to where designated and this must be shown in the audited accounts for the IRS. I am not allowed by the policies of Moriel to solicit personal gifts or honourariums, but as long as reported and declared, I can accept them.
What Menelaws did was to only report the income ($147,000) without reference to royalties being redonated as a tax deduction under US law and duly reported. This caliber of slander and defamation has become Menelaw's hallmarks.
Lest our right-hand knows what the left-hand does, I can give no figures. For the record, however, David Lister & myself are two of Moriel's largest supporters, and the ministry gets 60% of earnings from my secular intellectual property business. Some of these assets are South African domain names, but were acquired - not registered, and are not even held in South Africa itself, nor is their sale being negotiated with South Africa. This does not meet the legal definition or criteria for further false allegations of a form of extortion known as 'cybersquatting'. It is a lie.
Following their David Nathan fiasco, the Menelaws and a few accomplices supportive of David Nathan, then attacked my genealogy. My testimony has been in the public domain for decades. Ancestorily, my family name was Brasch altered to Prasch (as the burial records show, and as Rosebrough & Menelaws themselves affirmed), and were buried in Jewish cemeteries with burial certificates in both names - Brasch & Prasch. The altered name means ‘Pharisee’ but is not original.
I have copied dozens of people the original 'Prasch' Jewish burial documents.
Today, apart from Orthodox Jews, many Jews are buried with non-Jewish spouses in Christian or secular cemeteries (In Forest Lawn, George Burns is buried in the same crypt as Walt Disney and New York Mayor Ed Koch is buried in Trinity churchyard, etc.). In pre holocaust Europe however, this was not the case.
The original Family name moreover is Jewish, not German as claimed by Meelaws etc. From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia:
Moritz Brasch (1843–1895), Polish-German Jewish philosopher
Charles Orwell Brasch (1909–1973), New Zealand Jewish poet, literary editor, arts patron Arno Brasch (1910–1963), German Jewish physician; (de)
Rudolph Brasch (1912–2004), German-Australian rabbi, author
Thomas Brasch (1945–2001), German Jewish writer, dramatist, editor, lyricist Walter M. Brasch (1945–2017), an American Jewish journalist
Claims by Menelaws/ Bethel echoing claims by Chris Roseborough and supporters of David Nathan to have received genealogical data from my family are a lie. He contacted two of them and both thought he was someone crazy and told him to cease contacting them. Additionally, apart from cemetery records (the Nazis only desecrated, vandalized and defaced Jewish graves with swastikas), in the 'Juden Spulen', all German Jewish birth, death, and marriage records were incinerated by Hitler to purge any record of German Jewry. Rosebrough & Co. (Menelaws, Rogers, etc.) could not possibly have pieced together an accurate genealogy without such essential documentation.
In his fabricated DNA chart, Rosebrough redefined Nationality as Ethnicity to mislead. The inaccurate genealogies I have seen have do not contain relatives familiar to me but do have ones I never even heard of. Every member of the Moriel team now has the burial record from Jewish cemeteries verifying Prasch/ Brasch is buried as Jews. It is Jewish burial records and DNA that are used by the Jewish Agency and Diasporic Institute (Beit Ha'Tfutsot) to determine Jewish heritage and ancestry where there are no civil birth, death, and marriage certificates or synagogue records.
Unfortunately, we cannot post much of this data on-line as Rosebrough has lied about other documents we have posted and harassed my family (including non-believers). However, any Moriel supporter already on our mail list who wishes to physically see certified documentation can be allowed to do so by prior arrangement. I also agreed not only to bring my documents to debate, but even go directly to the Jewish Agency with Rosebrough, but Rosebrough declined to debate the issues that he initially raised concerning John Mac Arthur's teaching on the 'mark of the beast', and Roseborough's endorsement of Doreen Virtue following his initial denunciation of her as a “polished scam” on the video of her sold by Sid Roth.
Some graves have 'Prasch', others 'Brasch', but others have both - substantiating it is the same family. My ancestors lived in Hamburg, Bad Orb, Dresden, and Leipzig. Most however emigrated (and assimilated) to the USA & UK. As with all German Jewry, certain burial records and grave locations survive. The other data being burned when synagogues were demolished. Some of these
interment records are available on-line on Jewish burial sites .
Databases » JOWBR » JewishGe n Online Worldwide Burial Registry - Germany Burial Record |
/PRASCH/BRASCH, Seraphine |
Plot |
Spouse |
Father Mother |
Comments |
Cemetery Name City / Country |
ATL 21/17 |
It is also scientifically impossible to construct a DNA chart without a blood or saliva sample. The ridiculous forgery that Rosebrough concocted is ludicrous. My actual DNA report indicates that I do not have even 1% German DNA. (My maternal DNA however is mainly Irish/ Celtic).
I attended the Jewish community with my siblings in my youth, and although I was in the Jewish community - I was never at all brought up in the Jewish faith (despite circumcision in infancy). Based on ancestry, however, the Israeli Jewish Agency issued me an immigration certificate (called: t'udah oleh) specifically stating my ethnic identity as 'Jewish' after I marrying and returning to Israel from abroad. While this is a legal document for various civil purposes, I am not recognized as Jewish by the rabbinic authorities for any religious purposes.
In the coalition government of Israel, the Ministry of Interior controlling, not immigration, but Citizenship & National ID cards is in the hands of the Religious Political Parties. Unlike my Teudat Oleh, it does not state I am Jewish on my National ID card (Teudat Zeut) because I could not have been eligible under the 'Law of Return' to immigrate to Israel unless I converted to rabbinic Judaism (due to none of my Grandparents being practicing Jews by Religion despite any ancestry). There are literally tens of thousands of immigrants (or more) from the former USSR, the USA & Falasha community from Ethiopia with this same status in modern Israel. It is quite common. Contrary to what has been falsely reported in a lie, my wife & I did not even legally marry in Israel; the rabbinic authorities create too many bureaucratic & legal problems for believers.
I was named after a relative named 'Jacob'. In the USA this was Anglicized to 'James'. When I immigrated to Israel, James & Jacob are in Hebrew the same name translated 'Yakov' (thus I have both names "James Jacob" on my Passport & Driving License). This is all legally documented on all of my ID, bank accounts, etc. This is
also the usual common practice in Israel in assigning Hebrew names to new immigrants. My legal name is, therefore 'James Jacob'.
My wife is the 100% Jewish daughter of Holocaust survivors and our children were born in Galilee. Our son served in a combat brigade in the IDF as a Jewish soldier, before being transferred as a lawyer to the legal corps. My family is Hebrew speaking Israeli Jewish believers in Jesus. My family is gravely offended that
Rosebrough depicted me in a video clip as Adolph Hitler, as most of my wife's family were murdered at the behest of Hitler.
Being a cult, abject claims of financial impropriety and even disputed genealogy all became desperate rants of the declining. Now, there has been yet one more rant of hideous desperation. It is not insignificant that several Lutherans, by his admission, have called Rosebrough a cult leader.
A final attempted hit job by Bill Randles, adopted by Chris Roseborough, and imitated by Menelaws is the distortion of our evangelistic teaching on the Metatron, where I warn repeatedly about the occult nature of Caballa (mystical Judaism). The Cabalistic perverts what the scriptures teach concerning both The Messiah and 'The Angel of The Lord'. Cabalistic corruptions do not invalidate the concept of The Messiah or what scripture states about The Messiah, nor do such rabbinic perversions invalidate what the Word of God states regarding 'The Angel of The Lord' whom rabbinic Judaism calls the 'Metatron' but whom Christians hold to be a Christophany.
Bill Randles is not a man of formal seminary education (not that this troubles me), and he does not know what he is talking about. Menelaws, as is evidenced by their promotion of David Nathan's heresies, of course, knows even less. Rosebrough of course is formally educated in theology but is either in this case also ignorant, or deliberately disingenuous.
The Christian teaching on the Metatron has been used to refute One-ness Sabellianism (Trinity Denial) and to evangelize Orthodox Jews sine 1863 when Oxford University Hebrew lecturer Rabbi Tzvi Nassi became a believer in Jesus and authored his book on the Judaic basis for the
Divine Tri-unity. Most Jewish Mission organizations train their evangelists in messianic apologetics that includes evangelistic reference to The Metatron. Instead of defending myself, I will draw the reader's attention to the basic evangelistic instruction of 'Jews For Jesus' on the Metatron, and
a video clip with citations from the pertinent curriculum of the Israel College of The Bible and its evangelistic arm – One For Israel.
The Metatron – One For Israel
As anyone can see for themselves, the ranting of those who have gone into error doctrinally, and lost their integrity (although we are very sadly forced to question if Menelaws or Rosebrough ever
had any to begin with), is like the abject howling of a terminally wounded beast. They are drowning in their sea of decline and are too arrogant and deluded by religious pride to yell for help, so they just yell.
When I took almost fatally ill in 2015 I knew it was God's purpose to address things in my life & ministry. Moriel went from being mainly itinerate to becoming mainly on-line. Now with Coved 19 Cannabis clinics and abortion mills are open but churches are by law closed. Leftists can congregate to riot and tear down statues, but Christians can not congregate to worship. We knew The Lord allowed my illness to reorganize our ministry to prepare for the future. Without a doubt, this accounts for the growth & blessings we have experienced since my illness. Now with RTN TV, new branches in Holland and India, and an expansion in missions the growth has gained momentum. Satan of course attacks, but by God's Grace the growth only continues. God tried to get my attention but it frankly took a health crisis and a partial disability to get me to do what God knew I & Moriel should be doing.
When Deborah Menelaws nearly died in a medical emergency recently, having had that experience myself, I prayed that The Lord would show her mercy and spare her life. God did, but she has had her last warning.
Bal is the Hebrew term for 'husband' and YHWH was to be Israel's 'Bal'. But a false Bal who had the same name mimicked the true Bal. Queen Jezabel was a wicked woman whose husband did not stop her from promoting a false Bal. She died with only her hands and skull in a puddle of blood lapped up by dogs under God's judgment. She misled people into false belief and hated and rampaged against Obadiah, the Sons of The Prophets, and Elijah who opposed her demonic agenda. Promoting the false God the Father of David Nathan who, according to him, is not the creator is no different. Scorn driven rage against those who opposed this lie is the precise character of what Jezabel did as is a husband who facilitates it. The death of Jezabel is what awaits those who imitate Jezabel. When she could not get Naboth's Vineyard she began her rant.
When The Lord removes His Hand from something, it will always self destruct. In the decline, those responsible for the decline will blame everyone other than themselves. When the decline becomes undeniable and they can no longer lie to themselves because reality trumps delusion, they become frantic. Then - all they can do is rant, and rant she shall.
Another ranter with a ministry in visible decline in decline is the Pirate Radio & Fighting 4 Faith the hyper Lutheran figure Chris Rosebrough , and his son & producer Joshua.
Rosbrough teaches that Forgiveness for sin comes from confessing the sins to him Roman Catholic style, to receive 'absolution' from him. He is ecumenically conference partnered with the Roman Catholic activist Matthew Walsh and Rosebrough worships before statues and graven images. He denies a literal antichrist or actual 'mark of the beast' or 3-1/2 years etc. and rejects any prophetic meaning to the Book of Revelation. He also teaches that Satan has been bound and the 1.000-year reign of Christ began 2,000 yea§rs ago at the Ascension of Jesus. He likewise believes in an odd combination of post and premillennialism where the 7 vials of wrath in the Book of Revelation have
always been being poured out. He is a firm believer in communion bread & wine being the 'true Body & Blood' of Christ, and in infant baptism for salvation.
Rosebrough has been collecting slanderous and defamatory material from Menelaws and Bill Randles. He opposes us due to our objections to the false christ never crucified of Doreen Virtue.
In the public domain, are claims by Joshua Rosebrough's first wife of homosexuality that led to the destruction of their marriage (having male to male sex while on a submarine while in the navy, having homosexually contracted STDs and in his own statement in response to his firmer wife & her family, he conspicuously does not deny being a homosexual. There are similar claims of his homosexuality by other Lutheran Refugees from Rosebrough's church. We have no interest in family disputes and we neither affirm or deny the allegations of his very Christian first wife.
The videos of Chris Rosebrough’s outrageous behaviour towards the family of his daughter’s first husband (available on ‘The Devil’s Triangle’ on RTN reveal a very troubling calibre of individual that does not befit a Christian, much less a pastor.
The most conspicuous attribute of his activities however is nothing short of shocking. Both father & son are known for their filthy language and vulgarity and posting profanity on the internet, especially the son., but also the father. We apologize in advance for his disgusting content, which is somehow imagined to be 'Christian'.
Their internet material displays what the Rosebroughs in reality are:
The saga of my former friend & colleague Bill Randles is a tragic one. To have his church with all but one of his elders depart quickly on hostile terms, along with his secretary of 25 years. To have seen very nearly all of the young people who grew up in his church from the time they were babies walk out the door in disgust to another church whose pastor Bill Randles denounced as a “psychopath” was ugly. To deliberately drive off church members and long-standing colleagues like myself who had loyally been with him for decades resembled a death wish for his church & ministry. Most of his church left rather suddenly, but the reasons had built up for some time. When the wall is hit, it is hit suddenly and quickly. Angered by the fact that Moriel can no longer organize his itineraries, advertise or promote his meetings, or market his books, he just squawks at us and others from the sidelines for his self inflicted fate.
To remain visible with a low web presence and shrunken profile, Bill Randles has resorted to grasping at straws to attack me to recoup some degree of attention. This is sadly pathetic to watch, so we generally just ignore it. His recent ignorant rants about our evangelistic teaching on The Metatron are instantly discredited by the material posted by Jews For Jesus, One For Israel & Israel College of The Bible, and the book by Rabbi Tzvi Nassi who became a believer.
Bill Randles has no platform in his own country the USA, and now has only a mere vestIge of a church left. He instead ventures further afield as an author to places like Australia where he is represented by a patripassionist/ pneumapassionist heretic who teaches that the 2 witnesses of Revelation Chapter 12 are 'God the Father & The Holy Spirit' who must come in human form as Christ did to Jerusalem to be crucified'. In New Zealand, he is represented by a devotee of Robert Breaker who teaches the Zodiac gospel that the prophecy of Revelation 12 was fulfilled 23rd September 2017 because 'the Moon was in Virgo'. This is what Bill Randles has been reduced to. Interest in his ministry in these other countries has likewise declined conspicuously and there is very little interest in his books. The Lord has removed His Hand from Bill Randles' ministry leaving him a failed pastor and failed author.
Once more, all the desperate can do anymore is rant. Praise The Lord for earplugs.