James Jacob PraschThe Moriel blog is a searchable database of articles, announcements, and teachings which have been variably published on our website since the inception of Moriel Ministries more than 25 years ago, and some articles come from sources even older than that. We issue no disclaimer for anything included in the articles at the time of publication. Unfortunately, there will always be a backlog of persons or things we once endorsed but due to later events we now consider unscriptural. We trust our readers will bear this in mind when reading what is posted here. From time to time we remove material we no longer consider relevant or scripturally sound.

This is the homepage where a random selection of articles are shown.Refresh your page to get a different selection or choose from the menu (below left). Looking for something or someone specific? Type it in the search box above. You may also comment on an article. Blessings.




Moriel Ministries Quarterly Newsletter

"Moriel Quarterly" Newsletter

Moriel Ministries publishes a FREE quarterly newsletter. This is a hard copy edition which includes...
  • One of Jacob's sermons

  • The current and complete list of Moriel CD's, DVD's and books

  • Prayer requests

  • Featured writers you will not want to miss

To subscribe or to receive a sample, please send your name and address in an email to the appropriate person listed below. Your name will never be used to solicit a donation and will never be given to another ministry.

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South Africa: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
Australia: Margaret Godwin
New Zealand: Margaret Godwin