James Jacob PraschThe Moriel blog is a searchable database of articles, announcements, and teachings which have been variably published on our website since the inception of Moriel Ministries more than 25 years ago, and some articles come from sources even older than that. We issue no disclaimer for anything included in the articles at the time of publication. Unfortunately, there will always be a backlog of persons or things we once endorsed but due to later events we now consider unscriptural. We trust our readers will bear this in mind when reading what is posted here. From time to time we remove material we no longer consider relevant or scripturally sound.

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The Gospel in the Last Days

What we do first is put things in context, which means that we review things just to establish the context for the other subjects which begin with Part Two.

We"re looking, of course at "The Gospel in the Last Days". In a sense what we"re doing now is a sequel " a part two " to something we did a number of years ago. You may remember a number of years ago people were talking about "prepare for blessing", and "revival"s coming", and "prepare for the victory" and all this kind of stuff, and of course it didn't happen. And we had a conference at that time telling people to prepare for persecution and we"ll have to see which has happened: Has persecution come or has revival arrived? Well, revival has certainly not arrived, but as we"ll look at in a minute, persecution has. We"re preparing for persecution. And at that time we pointed out to people the same kinds of challenges that were faced by the Early Church will be faced by the church in the Last Days. The same things happen. I"m not going to go into it in any depth, just very briefly review.