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Paul Cain has been used mightily by the Lord to touch many lives in our times. He is esteemed by many around the world as a major prophetic voice and as a spiritual father. It would be hard to estimate the number who have been healed, delivered, or saved through his ministry. We have especially benefited from his friendship and ministry in too many ways to count. It is therefore with great sorrow that we publish the following.,   Read more ...
So much heresy is entering the churches these days. As you would suspect, sometimes it is due to a pastor attending a conference or reading a book and becoming diapraxed with unbiblical ideas. He then starts to weave those ideas into his messages and begins to invite speakers to the church who expound on those ideas. Then when confronted by someone in the church who has reservations about the new stuff being taught, they are told to not talk about it and just go along with the program. If that person does not they are ostracized, slandered behind their back, and often told to leave (which is what they should do in any case).
So much heresy is entering the churches these days. As you would suspect, sometimes it is due to a pastor attending a conference or reading a book and becoming diapraxed with unbiblical ideas. He then starts to weave those ideas into his messages and begins to invite speakers to the church who expound on those ideas. Then when confronted by someone in the church who has reservations about the new stuff being taught, they are told to not talk about it and just go along with the program. If that person does not they are ostracized, slandered behind their back, and often told to leave (which is what they should do in any case).
So much heresy is entering the churches these days. As you would suspect, sometimes it is due to a pastor attending a conference or reading a book and becoming diapraxed with unbiblical ideas. He then starts to weave those ideas into his messages and begins to invite speakers to the church who expound on those ideas. Then when confronted by someone in the church who has reservations about the new stuff being taught, they are told to not talk about it and just go along with the program. If that person does not they are ostracized, slandered behind their back, and often told to leave (which is what they should do in any case).
One of the central new teachings of the Latter Rain Movement, of the 40's and 50's, was the so-called restoration of Apostles and Prophets to the overcoming Endtime Church. This restoration teaching percolated on the back burners of the Charismatic Renewal for years. But, it was never promoted heavily and no one attempted to systematically implement it on a worldwide scale. Into this vacuum, G. Peter Wagner has evolved as a central personality. He has given organizational and promoting impetus to this so-called restoration and taken bold steps to implement apostolic restoration to a wider Global Church. Read more ...